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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. For the deeply curious, the full documentation of Evernote's search grammar: https://dev.evernote.com/documentation/cloud/chapters/search_grammar.php. @Feitz, I'm sorry, but here for once I think you're just mistaken. I think Evernote's searching, since long before v. 10, has always treated the search string as being at the beginning of a word, i.e., "urge" will find "urgent" but not "purge". Your seemingly random results follow this rule, I believe. So for instance, from the search grammar: "A wildcard is only permitted at the end of the term, not at the beginning or middle for scalability reasons on the service." When searching for a tag, "The tag name may end with a wildcard to match the beginning of a tag. The pattern will match from the beginning of the full tag name...."
  2. I can understand this, though I haven't had problems with it myself. You mention the Web version. The best way to be sure might be to have the same note open in the desktop app and the Web version, edit it in one of them, and wait for the edits to appear in the other. I don't think anything could be better confirmation than that. (There used to be a sync indicator in the Web version, but I haven't seen it there in a long time.) This has actually been publicly announced: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/150550-collapsible-sections-coming-to-evernote/.
  3. WRT being ridiculed or bullied for reasoned critique, believe me, I know what that's like. V. 10 has bugs, as all software does. It also has feature differences from Legacy--but that includes several features that Legacy never had; I won't clog this with a recitation. "Underfeatured" and "cumbersome" are matters of personal experience, preference, and opinion. I don't find v. 10 to be any of that, which is my personal opinion based on my experiences and preferences. I think the thing I object to most is when v. 10 critics speak as if their preferences and workflows should be considered normative, so that if v. 10 doesn't work flawlessly for them, it just doesn't work. I've seen this time and again--I'm not directing this at you, just speaking about what I see here in general. I don't consider that approach to be reasonable criticism. WRT specifically to this: None of those things is a software bug. The support and trouble-ticket system are a horrible mess these last many months, as I think everyone agrees. "Great product" again is a matter of evaluation and judgement case-by-case. I don't see how improved customer support will make people complain less about bugs in v. 10, though hopefully they'll have someplace to report bugs and expect them to get fixed. As for "enough positive that they can like/love," I absolutely do find that in Evernote 10. And every time I say it, I get called a fanboy and even a paid shill. I don't think that that is the fault of v. 10.
  4. OK, I'll start off by saying I've got a point to make here. Legacy enthusiasts (see, I avoided saying "fanboys") always complain about how "buggy" v. 10 is. So I did a pretty simple forum search: in the v. 6.25.1 technical issues forum (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/225-evernote-for-windows-issues-versions-6251-and-under/), I searched for "bug" in post titles or bodies. From the beginning of 2010 to the end of September 2020 (when v. 10 was introduced and development of v. 6 ceased), it gives 278 results. Just for 2019 and 2020, I think there are 165. Here's the link to the search, starting on p. 2 where 2020 begins: https://discussion.evernote.com/search/?&q=bug&type=forums_topic&page=2&quick=1&nodes=225&search_and_or=or&sortby=newest. Proving what? This is not a count of individual bug reports, but total posts, which could range pretty widely. OTOH, it doesn't give any idea of the number of bug reports made to support during that period. My point is that this confirms my own personal recollection: before the introduction of v. 10, Evernote 6 and prior had bunches and bunches of bugs, many of which took months to fix, if they were ever fixed. Pre-v. 10 Evernote was no ideal app, no blissfully easy experience. For people who don't like specific things about v. 10, that's fine, you're welcome to your opinion. But please, no more "v. 10 is so buggy, Legacy never was."
  5. That's correct. It's certainly not as efficient as Ctrl+click to select only specific attachments. BTW, can anyone tell me if Evernote's competitors do allow that with attachments?
  6. Can you say a little more about what happens with widget notes not saving? I haven't experienced that myself. "Just a note taking app" abounds on Android, and if that's all someone needs (no cross-platform usability, no attachments that get OCRed, etc.), Evernote may indeed ey too much. But I doubt if Evernote will try to duplicate the lighter-weight apps themselves.
  7. Sorry, this just gave me a "ha ha"--considering how little attention users pay to the current options in the forum to post stuff in the right place, I can't imagine that many people would want to spend time getting "directed."
  8. But I just found out that it is possible to select multiple attachments by dragging the mouse around them, copy them, and paste them elsewhere (another note or the Windows desktop, specifically). Surprised me a little.
  9. The other thing that's consistent about Evernote is that their help and marketing materials tend to be a step behind the current reality. 😅 I wouldn't invest any hope in the appearance of the "tour" page. I dislike the new UI pretty intensely, but I'm afraid it will be awhile before either (a) it becomes easily usable/readable, or (b) we're given other choices.
  10. A couple of people who are new to v. 10 have posted like this, wanting to be able to pass definitive judgement on it after just a couple days of use. Yes, it's slower at first, because: It's downloading your complete database in the background (and of course the speed of that depends on your Internet connection, the capabilities of your computer, and the demands on Evernote's servers, which is probably pretty high right now). Notes that exist in the old, Legacy data structure have to be converted to the new one when they're first opened, which can take a couple of seconds. After that, they're faster to open (and faster to edit on multiple devices). The Electron framework v. 10 is wrapped in costs some extra time to run, but provides a comparable interface and functionality on different platforms. Native apps will always be (a) faster and (b) incompatible with each other across platforms at some point. All of which is to say, give it a chance. Let it set itself up, convert notes, etc. I'm a little puzzled by this: Can you say some more about this? If you're talking about notes created with Web clipper (or some notes that are emailed in), yes, their content is in an HTML container signaled by a gray box around it. Click on the top bar of it and there's a "magic wand" to convert it to editable text (but lose some of the original formatting). Not everyone likes this process; it's possible to both edit the content and keep the original for comparison by clipping twice and merging the notes, then converting one of the HTML boxes to editable text.
  11. Thanks for expressing your opinion, and especially for making clear that it is your opinion, not an undeniable fact. For my purposes, v. 10 is more feature rich, thinking particularly of back-links. Just to jot down thoughts, I could use a pen and paper. Evernote does much more than that, with its ability to add and OCR attachments, for instance, link/backlink among notes, and do filters and searches. The complaint that Evernote is "just a note-taking app to jot down thoughts" was used by free users who didn't want to pay (but did want to jot down more than 50 thoughts). I'd have to say that even Legacy was about much more than jotting down thoughts, and that some of those purposes are served better by v. 10. But that's only my opinion.
  12. Tested again (Windows 10.77.3, Web 10.78.2), and it's still working properly for me. But I know @janndk is glad to have company! 🙂
  13. After I updated my support ticket, they replied "We confirm that our team is still running some verifications on what you kindly reported. This process might require some technical time, but rest assured that I'll get back to you as soon as I receive feedback." So hopefully they're still working on it. This is a really weird bug, even as Evernote bugs go. Other "contains" filters/searches seem to be working fine.
  14. Teams, as I understand it, really is meant for multi-user situations, but I don't think they'd pre-emptively deactivate it for that reason. Teams is also supposed to have its own, separate support system I think, but I don't know if there's a different place to access that. You might try seeing if you can get into your Teams Admin Dashboard--info here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005497-Evernote-Teams-Admin-Console-Overview.
  15. I've seen some other reports of this. It may be related to this from their end-of-2023 recap:
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are primarily user to user, so we can't always answer all questions. But I suspect you've just been "gifted" with the new user interface. I can't say this for sure, but knowing how the extra padding/space that's been added all over the interface has caused other kinds of information to spread out or become less available, I think it's possible that could be what's going on here. Possibly stretching the center panel as wide as it can go (before it becomes a double column) might enlarge the images a little bit, but I don't know.
  17. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I don't have a Teams account myself, but my understanding is that they are structured, within a company or other organization, with someone acting as a team administrator. That's the person you'll have to contact to find out what's going on. Here on the forums we're other users, and possibly someone with experience with Teams will chime in. Evernote Support can be reached to create a ticket/request here: https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action. But they are backlogged and slow right now, and your local team admin would be a better bet I think.
  18. Well, here's an update: in Evernote 10.77 for Windows, Web, and Android filtering or searching for tables now returns ZERO (00) results. It's not related to the new UI, which the Android app does not have. This after support told me 12 days ago, "We’re sorry to hear about what occurred and have passed it on to our developers for further investigation." So whatever the developers did (if anything), it was the opposite of progress. I'd appreciate it if anyone else could confirm this.
  19. I deleted a post of mine that was inconsistent with my determination not to get wound up in this stuff any more. Apologies to anyone who saw it and wanted to reply. I revert to my previous last statement:
  20. I'll have to let someone with more technical knowledge than I have answer that. To me, almost any technical explanation would be more reasonable than:
  21. Why are you pretty sure of this? More rational explanations have been offered, e.g. that a large number of Legacy users were tapping the API at one time.
  22. Someone has created an idea in the feature request forum on this topic. Might be good to vote it up:
  23. This is an issue that has been raised by others recently as well. It is possible to Ctrl+click the link and have it open in another new window (but the main window still pops up). I'd love to have right-click and select which option to use, and maybe to have a default set in the Settings for a simple left-click. I've voted for the idea. You might also go to this thread that is collecting ideas for v. 10: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/150571-missing-features-and-bugs-in-v10-in-table-my-wishlist/.
  24. Hi, and welcome to the forums. A few people seem to have experienced this issue, but not enough apparently to generate a kind of communal wisdom on it. A long way of saying "no idea." But if you could post any screenshots, that might help give a sense of the problem.
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