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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Glad this is working for you! Be aware that this will affect only the note currently being edited. To set a default font and size you need to do as @jefito indicated earlier: Tools menu, then Options > Note > Note Font.
  2. What Ezio.arsh reports is the problem under discussion in this thread (into which someone merged his report in a separate thread, and my reply to him--this post, which I'm editing for its new context). The notes are absolutely Evernote notes, not from another app. There is something screwy in the Android Evernote app which they've been looking into since last summer. The solution that @Ralph77 suggested above worked for me: clearing both cache and data for the app. This does require a complete new download of note data, and recreating the settings. But it gets rid of the locking of notes.
  3. The issue is under discussion in the following thread, where it is stated that it occurs only with certain Note List views and is fixed in v. 6.23:
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Here is a general article on importing from other note services: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314308. But it is very general, and I don't know if it will be helpful specifically with Apple Notes.
  5. But, as @HenningS indicated, the name of the note includes .PDF at the end, which is a bit annoying. Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to avoid this.
  6. BUT that doesn't necessarily guarantee an identical appearance on all platforms! I think that's one of the issues that are on the front burner for Evernote as they try to unify (as much as possible) the editor across platforms and devices. BTW, @Ron94188, it sounds like you may be using Evernote in the Web client rather than the Windows desktop program? If so, the forum for that is: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/235-web-client/.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'd suggest posting here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/279-productivity/. There seem to be several template-related threads there.
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. A little clarification on using them. This is a 5-year-old thread (with a 2-year-old post as the most recent response) in the Windows desktop program forum. There's a forum for the Web client here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/235-web-client/. Search around there and see if the issue has already been reported, and if not you can post your report there. Hope you get it resolved!
  9. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I believe you need to make your report in the following forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/216-evernote-for-ios/. The one here is for the Windows desktop app.
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This sounds like the issue under discussion in the following thread: I t would be good to go there and add your comments.
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Thanks for this report. I would invite you also to join this thread: A number of people there have been discussing how it is even possible to get Google Assistant ("OK Google") to create a note in Evernote. I'm glad to know that you are usually able to do it! I generally cannot.
  12. As @gazumped said, Evernote is not currently set up to do internal links within notes, though you're not the first one to request them. Searching, which is certainly more keyboard-centric, is the only way. If searching for the day names (Sunday-Saturday) wouldn't work, perhaps begin each section with a unique identifier, such as ###1, ###2, etc., which could be quickly searched for. As for returning to the top, Ctrl+Home should accomplish that. Best of luck!
  13. Ding-ding-ding! I've also experienced the exact same thing, (maybe) sometimes when opening a note from a widget, definitely sometimes when opening a note due to a reminder synced through Cronofy to my Google calendar. I find that when I go back to the note (which I can do from the calendar), it then displays properly. In your situation you'd have to actually remember the name of the note and go find it. I haven't found anything to make it predictable. Generally it happens at home on my strong WiFi connection, and the notes are not particularly large. Next time it happens, though, I'll try to see whether there's anything definable about the circumstances.
  14. Actually, I've had some quite good experiences using the Web beta editor (in stark contrast to the Windows desktop program!) to modify formatting of material from the Web. See my post here: I just tested this, with the page to which you gave the link. I also found the "Medium header" styling for the section headings. But I did not see any "Mixed" font areas; it was all already Sans Serif (both headers and normal text). That's not much help for you, I realize. The only thing I can think of is that it may depend on the browser in which the Web page was clipped, or in which the Evernote Web editor is used. I'm using Opera.
  15. Items from the Web often have difficult HTML formatting that can cause problems like this. I'd recommend trying out the Web beta (https://www.evernote.com/client/web, sign in if necessary, then make sure it says Beta in a black button at bottom right), which often has better tools for reformatting HTML-based issues.
  16. @neurongrower, sorry for piling on, but attempts like these to read Evernote's motivations out of their practices, and of course conclude that they are desperate and doomed, get posted in these forums on a regular basis, and have for years. I hope OneNote works well for you. Please check back in 6 months or a year and find out if Evernote has really gone belly up. If not ... well, lesson learned on the prognostication front.
  17. @Narnk, you really need to address this concern to Microsoft. It's their design decision, not Evernote's. Out of curiosity, do you have any Windows programs that don't have those items in that location in the title bar?
  18. FWIW, each browser seems to have strengths and weaknesses with Evernote Web. You've found that Firefox does this task better, so that's good. Others have found that in FF notes can scroll wildly if you get your mouse pointer too close to the top and bottom. It's all puzzling till the Web beta becomes fully operational across browsers!
  19. Hi @The Prof (retired one myself) and @dougieefresh, and welcome to the forums and to this thread. Please take a few minutes to read through it, if you haven't yet, to find some explanations of why this is harder to do (not impossible, but harder and more resource-intensive) than it seems. Or just scroll up to this one from yesterday: You may or may not find these explanations convincing. There have been times in the past when Evernote has seemed to blank out on what users are requesting. I don't think that's happening any more. But the main focus is on unifying the capabilities and user experience across platforms. Could be that once that's in place, dark mode for the Windows program will follow. Or could be that predicting the death of Evernote, or at least drawing conclusions about their motivations. will become an Olympic sport before that happens. Check back in 6 months or a year and see. My personal take is that for a lot of people dark mode is a necessity for reasons of health, comfort, or just preference. For a lot of others, it doesn't matter. Honestly, I wish they'd implement it faster just so this thread could be put to rest.
  20. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In what Evernote application are you seeing this happen: Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Web?
  21. EDIT: Ignore this if I have misunderstood the problem, in view of @jefito's post. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Apologies if you've already tried this, but check the View menu to be sure Left Panel is still selected; or press F10 to toggle it on and off. If that doesn't work, try exiting Evernote completely using File > Exit (the red X box only closes the interface), and then restarting it; and then, if necessary, F10.
  22. Definitely delete the old ones. I'd add, though, that it might be worth keeping one or two of the most recent ones around, in case an update breaks something. You never know.
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a known issue in Firefox--is that the browser you're using? Evernote programmers are aware of it, and are working to fix it. Please see this existing thread, and add your comments there:
  24. Assuming this is WRT the link created in the Web beta by clicking the 3-dots menu at top right and selecting "Copy internal link," this is what the link for my test note itself looks like: That's a screen cap from my clipboard manager, since I'm trying not to paste in an actual live link. It is the https://...shard type.
  25. Coming into this discussion late, I did some testing and found the following. This is a link to the note "TV, cable & otherwise" created from within the Web beta editor: TV, cable & otherwise When created, it had the form: When taken from within the Windows desktop program, however, the link takes the form: In the Web beta link, the identifier 41621698 has been changed to 1, and the title of the note has been added at the end. This is just as @Stuhrer observed. However, when that link from the Web beta is pasted into a test note, also in the Web beta, it is transformed into an "evernote:///view" type link, as @DTLow observed: This link opens the linked note properly in both the Web beta and the Windows program. When the "shard" type link taken from within the Windows program is pasted into the Web beta: TV, cable & otherwise it is also transformed into the same "evernote:///view" type link, and opens the note properly in both the Web beta and the Windows program. Strangely (perhaps), an "evernote:///view" type link to the same note created from within the Windows program looks like this: Pasted into a test note from within the Web beta: TV, cable & otherwise it also works fine in both the Web beta and the Windows program. Bottom line: the Web beta editor may create links that have a different form from links created elsewhere, but these links do function properly for me, both in the Web beta itself and in the Windows desktop program. (And, for that matter, in the Android app.) In no case, however, can I get a link in the Web beta to open the note in the Evernote desktop program.
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