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Everything posted by matej1990

  1. Hmm... I have Windows client 10.60.4 and it works fine on 2 PCs. I also just tried Evernote in web and it's also fine. Windows: Web: Here is also a video (android v10.51 client that I have on my phone), just to make sure that we are actually talking about the same stuff: screen-20230822-171055~2.mp4 As you can see, notebook "pijače" is preselected in search everywhere. This is the way it should be. A consistent Evernote search behaviour on every platform.
  2. So, yesterday there was a new blog post and inside it I found this: https://evernote.com/blog/future-proofing-evernotes-foundations/ So... in v10.52 they did a big mobile app update. Search problem also started in v10.52. Coincidence? I doubt that. :)
  3. Ok, so I did some testing and I found out that the "quick" search within notebook was working fine until v10.51. Newer versions (v10.52-53) require search within notebook done with filters (more steps involved). V10.51 screenshot: If I do the same steps on a newer version, no notebook is automatically selected in search. I'm in the contact with support. Hopefully they can fix it in the next version.
  4. Thanks for opening a suggestion! The thing is, that the search behaviour on Android client was all the time (since v10) the same as it is in Windows. They must have changed it max 1-2 months ago (I'm not sure when it happened). I still think that it is a bug. I want it back or having an option for it in the settings. The current search is a big step back IMO.
  5. No, the notebook does not show up. There is only suggestion for 2 last searches, 2 notes and then some tags.
  6. I have always clicked on a notebook and then used the search button (magnifying glass icon) and this way search was always happening inside that notebook. Not long ago I noticed that this is not possible anymore. Search is always started in all my notes (not in the specific "opened" notebook). I checked and windows client is still behaving the "normal way" (if I'm inside a notebook and do a search, the search happens only in that specific notebook). Am I doing something wrong on the Android client? Is this a bug? I did app reinstall and the search behaviour is the same. I have Android client v10.52.2 (1207769).
  7. Ah yes, pictures uploaded from my phone (Android client) are also still not reliable for me. If I want to see them on my PC (Windows client) sometimes I get "image could not be rendered properly" error.
  8. I never had that issue with legacy v8. Also never seen it in Windows v10 client, only on Android v10 client. But I must confess, that I did not seen it on Android v10 for some time now. *knocks on wood*
  9. To see and edit encrypted text was added on v10 for android 1 year ago. Looks the same as @Boot17 has shown in his iOS client. Works perfectly for me since then and I did never observe any issues with it. Still no way to start the encryption field on android tho. 😢
  10. Did you setup any default app for TIFF files on your Windows? Maybe this can be an issue.
  11. Yeah support is of no use at all. Always the same answers. VERY friendly but useless for me. I don't even bother writing to the support any more, because it has no effect. It's almost like talking to the wall. I also don't use beta versions any more (it still feels like I'm a beta user tho 😅). On my phone I'm using Google Keep much more for writing now. Then from time to time I go on my PC and transfer the writings to Evernote, because Evernote Windows client is fine for me. Android client is still a joke and it will stay that way for some time. It's still easily by far the worst app on my phone. 😔
  12. This is not true for me. I can create a new note, put some text in it and then do the force close of the app (without clicking the green checkmark in Evernote app). Then I open Evernote again and for some reason the empty(!) note is opened automatically. I click the green checkmark or press back and then I can see saved note with text. Weird (buggy?) behavior for sure, but I don't lose the content of the note if I force close the app. So for me, your theory is not true. Evernote is auto-saving for me. And I think this is the better/proper way of how the modern app should behave. screen.mp4 EDIT: Don't know how to make video small in the post. 😅
  13. Same here. I have zero complains over Windows client (no need for support at all), but on Android... oh boy. The worst is, that support is only acknowledging the android issues, but not solving them.
  14. But still, this is half solved solution. A lot of manual work (save to phone and then again search for a file to open it). In v8 you just pressed on a PDF file inside the Evernote note and your PDF opened in your preferred PDF viewer app or got the Android app selection menu to choose from different PDF opening apps. This is how other apps are behaving and how it should be done.
  15. Yes, the same photo editing options are also available on Android.
  16. It's a bug from at least October 2021: It doesn't matter in what version or platform the image was inserted. You can create a new note in the latest EN android version and easily reproduce the issue. You can also insert the image in Windows client and open the note on android and you will get the same result. On android images that are inserted as attachment simply won't open at all. I reported this already more than once and only got a "thank you for reporting the issue". Please report it. Another and different bug is that what @PinkElephant is talking about. In some cases you get an exclamation mark inside the triangle sign instead of an image: This I think is connected with the notes that were created in older v10 versions.
  17. They are doing beta test for attachments on Windows. Maybe this will solve their image problems on Android. I doubt it, but still there is hope. I'm also testing (exporting Evernote notes to) Nimbus Note at the moment, because Evernote is REALLY slow with solving bugs/adding back old (working) features on Android. In Nimbus I really like toggle object (collapsible/expandable text) in notes and sub folders. Nimbus is much more customizable and flexible. I like that! Yeah, about that... Create a toggle object and put image inside it. Then double tap on the picture. 😑 If you move image outside the toggle object all is working fine (image opens up in full-screen).
  18. The fix is that Evernote should fix it but they don't. Here is the same topic on this issue - it's from december 2020. 😔
  19. For me the focus is always on note. I have to touch title field to start typing the title.
  20. Why should I uninstall it? It's working much better now that I have a new (more powerful!) phone. The problem is it is a bad app if you don't have a top specs phone. Even iOS version is not that good. Similar/same issue as here with the OP?
  21. My suggestion was for S21 Ultra because this phone has more than enough RAM, so the problem I think is with battery saving measures. A50 and Tab A are different story since both of these devices have much less RAM compared to S21 Ultra. I'm pretty sure RAM (and other not top end specs) is a problem with these 2 devices. EN 10 simply needs a lot of power since it is a bad written app. It's not optimized app and needs brute force to work as fast as other apps on my phone. As I said somewhere in these forum I recently switched from Pixel 3 XL to Pixel 6 Pro. It is a really big difference how EN 10 behaves now. First start is fast enough, navigation feels snappy, it will stay opened in the background, opening of the notes is fast, scrolling is smooth,... Sure I wish it would be even faster (it is still the slowest app on my phone), but at least now I'm using the app more than on my old phone. The best you can do on A50 and Tab A is to uninstall all the apps that you are not using. Stop every app background process that is not necessary. The point is to make as much resources available for EN 10. If there is no difference I recommend installing v8. Good old not resource hungry v8. I would still be using it, but I can not tell you how many times I have clicked on "update all" button in Google Play Store and forgot to cancel the EN update... 😑 I simply gave up.
  22. This should not be happening. I guess ONE UI battery saving features are kicking in and killing Evernote. I would first try to do this: Lock the app in RAM To lock an app in RAM, start by opening it. While it's open, either press the recent apps button or perform the recent apps gesture to get to the Overview screen. Now, tap the icon at the top of the app's card and choose "Keep open for quick launching." Here is a link to a GIF of how to do it: https://android.gadgethacks.com/how-to/lock-apps-memory-your-samsung-galaxy-0276787/ This way you pin the app inside the RAM (it's always opened in the background) and avoid any battery optimizations. Then either leave it that way or put Evernote on battery optimization whitelist: https://dontkillmyapp.com/samsung
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