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Everything posted by matej1990

  1. 3rd test with .jpg file. Same story... attached picture won't open. If I save (download) attached picture on my phone I can open it. So the file is there it just won't open inside the EN Android app.
  2. Did some more testing. I created a test note in Android app and added 2 pictures (same as in note above). "view as attachment" photo is not possible to open. If I change it to image, I can open it.
  3. In Windows client I created a test note with 2 same pictures. First one is "view as attachment" and the second one "view as image": I can open both pictures on my Windows client without a problem. On the Android client 10.18 (1118144) if I click on the attached picture nothing happens. File is just downloaded (no more cloud icon) and it won't open. If I click on the second image it opens as expected. Basic function that is not working. PDF files on other hand are working fine. Does anyone else has this problem?
  4. Evernote team priority structure: low, medium, high, medium high, super high, mega high, extra high, ultra high. 😀
  5. You have to be careful. Google Play Store is sending you notifications regarding new available updates. If you click on "update all" you also update Evernote. You can update all other apps but not Evernote. In my case I already updated all other apps except Evernote.
  6. Can you post a screenshot? And what phone do you have?
  7. Come on man. Stop with this Evernote defending and Android "bashing". V10 simply deserves bad reviews on Play Store because of all the basic issues with the app on popular Android phones. The problem is Evernote and their slow android development. V8 works on more Android devices (below A10) and it works better, so this is no excuse. V8 works fine, the v10 doesn't, because clearly they need more time for v10. The problem is, that this "more time" is taking too long.
  8. Open GBoard settings and then in the upper right corner you will have 3 dots. Tap them and then click About.
  9. Today I got an update for GBoard stable version - Is it still working? 😀
  10. 1. Are you using GBoard keyboard? Here is another forum thread with the same issue:
  11. Screen touching sounds like a bug. Maybe try reinstalling the app. Sync, uninstall, install and sign-in again. If it's still the same, open the app go in the settings and open support ticket.
  12. Must be some server side editor change. I installed v10.12 and there was no jumping over when hitting spacebar.
  13. It can be the point. I don't have A12 installed (it's available in beta) so I don't know how EN v8 works on that OS version.
  14. Yeah I have a Google Pixel and will get Android 12 immediately when it launches in stable version (in September?). I'm pretty sure Evernote v10 will still be a mess in that time.
  15. The problem can happen with OS updates. Maybe Android 12 will change something up and EN v8 will no longer work. I doubt this will be the case, but still theoretically it is possible. That can be a problem, because v8 is no longer supported. So then my only option would be to install v10.
  16. The sad thing is, that v10 is marked as stable release. 😔 Good news is, that you can go back to old v8 and stay on that version for now. Sync notes and then uninstall current EN v10. Download and install v8 .APK file (this link is from Evernote support): http://evernote.s3.amazonaws.com/android/google-play/com.evernote.google-play. Alternative .APK link here: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/ When you finished installing v8. open Google Play Store search for Evernote. In upper right corner there are 3 dots. Click them and uncheck "Enable auto update". That way you will stay on v8.
  17. Yeah I was hyped for v10, because the presentations and promises were sounding really good and made sense to me (I am no expert in this field, just Evernote user). And then came the execution... A letdown. Windows version is now fine, but on Android it still is.
  18. Same here. I canceled my yearly Premium subscription auto renewal just because of the bad android app.
  19. I think a lot of us on this forum reported this problem to support. So they should be very aware of it. I think this is good thinking. The problem is, that other apps on my phone are working fine with GBoard. For me it's just Evernote that is the problematic one. I say vote with the wallet. Don't pay for a premium subscription if you think Evernote experience is not "premium". IMO at the moment on Android it is not worth paying for a subscription.
  20. Well I tried to help you. I didn't even check if link is still working (that was not the point). I don't need a "direct link to the download" v8 apk. You do and I told you where you can get it. At this point all I can say is: Good luck!
  21. Here is a direct link and also quote from the topic on the forum: So it's a link from Evernote support. If it's not working go tell that to Evernote support. They will provide you with a working link.
  22. If old link is deactivated, then contact Evernote support and they will give you a new download link to the legacy version. Post the download link here. "You will be doing a service to hundreds if not thousands of users." If you are in a hurry, you can download .APK file here: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/
  23. I recommend going back to v8 for android use. So far I did not find any text editing issue in the old version. It's also much faster to start the app - only 2 sec! Drawback is, there is no auto theme switch (light & dark mode). Another annoying one is, that I always manually start app updates in Google Play store. So I have to always remember to not update Evernote to v10.
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