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Desktop vs Windows Store Version

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I am a premium user, who uses EN on, among other platforms, my laptop now running Windows 10 (updated from Win 7.) The version shows (303244) Public as the version. My question is, is there any purpose to downloading the version now available from the Windows Store? Are there any functional differences between those versions? Will it allow me to create an EN tile? I am reluctant to download and install the version from the Windows Store until I am sure there is a valid reason to and I won't lose any features (and perhaps gain some.)

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I've carefully read through that material, and there is NO CLEAR INDICATION that the app version and the desktop version are identical. In fact, it almost seems worded to deliberately avoid saying that. (As we know that the feature set varies from one OS/platform to another, it would not surprise m if there were some differences here.) We need a FAQ that either states categorically that the feature set is identical, or does a complete feature by feature checklist comparing the dekstop and Win10 app version before I am willing to believe they are identical.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, MigdalorGuy said:

I've carefully read through that material, and there is NO CLEAR INDICATION that the app version and the desktop version are identical. In fact, it almost seems worded to deliberately avoid saying that. (As we know that the feature set varies from one OS/platform to another, it would not surprise m if there were some differences here.) We need a FAQ that either states categorically that the feature set is identical, or does a complete feature by feature checklist comparing the dekstop and Win10 app version before I am willing to believe they are identical.

We have the same situation on the Mac platform:  Direct Download or Store Download
For the Store Download, Evernote had to make some changes to conform to Apple standards
- database location
- ?
And of course there is a roll-out delay while the store version pending a review by Apple

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  • Level 5*
37 minutes ago, MigdalorGuy said:

I've carefully read through that material, and there is NO CLEAR INDICATION that the app version and the desktop version are identical. In fact, it almost seems worded to deliberately avoid saying that. (As we know that the feature set varies from one OS/platform to another, it would not surprise m if there were some differences here.) We need a FAQ that either states categorically that the feature set is identical, or does a complete feature by feature checklist comparing the dekstop and Win10 app version before I am willing to believe they are identical.

This quote is from the first of the linked articles. Seems pretty definitive to me.

  • " On August 2, 2016, Evernote Touch will be replaced with the full-featured Evernote for Windows desktop app in the Windows Store.  "


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The 2 versions use the same (exact) binary. But there are some runtime differences

- WinStore can do tiles and notifications
- enscript does not work with WinStore version
- WinStore is easier to update - no MSI installer
- Some options that make no sense in the Store have been removed - for instance check-for-updates.

Other than that, I'm not aware of any other differences. (And I'm who storified it)

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2 minutes ago, dconnet said:

The 2 versions use the same (exact) binary. But there are some runtime differences

- WinStore can do tiles and notifications
- enscript does not work with WinStore version
- WinStore is easier to update - no MSI installer
- Some options that make no sense in the Store have been removed - for instance check-for-updates.

Other than that, I'm not aware of any other differences. (And I'm who storified it)

Now THAT was a useful reply. Thank, you, dconnet. That's exactly what I was looking for. And one last question: Just installing the WinStore version will replace my existing desktop version, utilizing same file locations, etc, so there's no clean-up necessary and no duplicated files?

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5 hours ago, MigdalorGuy said:

Just installing the WinStore version will replace my existing desktop version, utilizing same file locations, etc, so there's no clean-up necessary and no duplicated files?

Not quite. It will not touch the existing install. As long as you're running a current version (6.x - post database move), it will utilize the existing database files. If you have moved the database to a custom location, it won't find it (no access to normal-desktop registry). Both versions will not run at the same time (we have never allowed multiple instances for the EXE), so that's not an issue. But you might easily get confused which one is running. Uninstalling the desktop version will not affect the store version. And uninstalling the store version will not affect the desktop one.

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, dconnet said:

If you have moved the database to a custom location, it won't find it (no access to normal-desktop registry).

But can you still tell it where to find the database in its custom location?

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On 9/27/2016 at 6:30 PM, jefito said:

But can you still tell it where to find the database in its custom location?

Well - kind of - but it will want to move the current database there, not use the one that is already there. The only way to do that in the past was to hack the registry. But StoreApps make that impossible. What you could try would be to do a complete backup of the custom location, point the StoreApp to the existing custom. Tell EN 'yeahyeahyeah'. Then after it finished, close EN (completely) and restore your backup.

This is no different then having a custom location on a new computer - EN has never had the ability to forget the current database and use a different one (except, as noted, by hacking the registry)

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  • Level 5*
37 minutes ago, dconnet said:

Well - kind of - but it will want to move the current database there, not use the one that is already there. The only way to do that in the past was to hack the registry. But StoreApps make that impossible. What you could try would be to do a complete backup of the custom location, point the StoreApp to the existing custom. Tell EN 'yeahyeahyeah'. Then after it finished, close EN (completely) and restore your backup.

This is no different then having a custom location on a new computer - EN has never had the ability to forget the current database and use a different one (except, as noted, by hacking the registry)

Hmmm, could have sworn that around the time that the version of Evernote came out that moved from the Evernote folder to the user's folder I copied my database over to my SSD drive, and pointed Evernote there; no registry hacking involved. But that was more than a couple of weeks ago, so longer than my horizon for remembering details like that. 

Anyhow, thanks for that. I'm not using the store version, but that seemed like an unasked question in the context.

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  • 9 months later...
38 minutes ago, Rokesby said:

Here is a difference which I detected between the windows store version vs the standard .exe download version. Unless I've done something wrong, I do not like how the windows store version behaves i.e. I cannot create new notes from the taskbar. See below.



This is  a significant catch, and one I'm surprised no on e else has discovered as of yet. I would love to see someone from EN respond and explain how this decision was made. It does not seem to fit with what DConnet said: " Some options that make no sense in the Store have been removed - for instance check-for-updates...Other than that, I'm not aware of any other differences. (And I'm who storified it)"


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  • 2 years later...

Old thread - but here's my take


I've had to replace the Windows Store version with the 'standard' download.

One of the most annoying issues was the 'Send to' shortcut in File Manager - with Store version, because it placed in 'C:\Program Files\WindowsApps' - you need to go through additional steps to find out where the executable is located


And it's not just the version number - Windows Store also appears to assign a suffix that makes your task even more difficult

Basically my Send to shortcut was breaking with every version change. :-(



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  • 1 month later...
On 9/27/2016 at 7:58 PM, dconnet said:

The 2 versions use the same (exact) binary. But there are some runtime differences

- WinStore can do tiles and notifications
- enscript does not work with WinStore version
- WinStore is easier to update - no MSI installer
- Some options that make no sense in the Store have been removed - for instance check-for-updates.

Other than that, I'm not aware of any other differences. (And I'm who storified it)

Is there any update on this list of differences from 2016?

I have just set up a new computer, and got EN from the MS Store. It sure looks there are more differences than these. 

For instance, in the Store EN, I can't find the option to "launch EN at startup". And the app Icon has a white circle around the elephant. 



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3 hours ago, YAG said:

For instance, in the Store EN, I can't find the option to "launch EN at startup".

When I left, that was something that had not been implemented yet. Auto-starting a store app is very different from starting a win32 app (just add a shortcut in the Startup folder)

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  • 6 months later...

I have had plenty of issues with downloaded apps needing to be reinstalled or reauthorized (even free ones) when installing from the Windows store.  I have decided from now on I'm not using the Windows Store for applications.  I got an email today about a new version for windows...  but as far as I can tell you can only download it in the store.  So Evernote, if you are readig this, I guess that means I won't be using your new version.  

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  • Level 5*
3 minutes ago, jameslmoser said:

That is not working for me... it just shows me the page with the app store icons.... hmmm...

We need assistance from a Windows user    
On my Mac, there's an automatic download from that web page

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