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Evernote for Mac v6.8 Beta 1 Released (Official Thread)



Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Evernote for Mac v6.8 Beta 1!

Please reply to this post and let us know how you like it! And if you find an issue, please let us know in a reply to this post.

You can download the new version here or from within the app. Please note that betas are available to users of the Direct Download version of Evernote, and are not available to users of the Mac App Store version.


  • Google Drive integration!  Now you can add docs, slides, sheets, and files from Google Drive as attachments or as pasted links (URLs) without having to leave Evernote. When you attach Google Drive files, the links are formatted as clickable objects that easy to find in a note. For more information on the Google Drive integration, please see https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2016/05/12/evernote-and-google-drive-deliver-a-smarter-way-to-work/ 
  • Evernote Business users who connect their accounts with their Salesforce account can now save Evernote business card notes directly to Salesforce as Leads or Contacts via the Share menu! For more information on the Salesforce integration, please see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/220820807 
  • The notebook sharing UI has been updated to make it easier to share a notebook and manage permissions.
  • You can now more easily navigate to your trash via the trash icon in the sidebar.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from connecting their Evernote account with their LinkedIn account. Once users connect their accounts, business card notes created via the ScanSnap Evernote Edition Scanner will contain the person’s profile info and photo. For more information on the LinkedIn integration, please see https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2014/05/07/evernote-linkedin-perfect-business-card/ 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from changing their notebook name from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.
  • Fixed an Evernote Helper issue that caused text to appear partially cut off.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused screenshots captured via Evernote Helper to include the Helper menu.
  • Improved Spotlight integration with the direct download version of Evernote.


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19 replies to this idea

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13 hours ago, macfixer said:

If you're in the OG "Classic" notebook view, and create a new notebook, you can't dismiss the dialog box, even though the notebook actually gets created. It works just fine in the beta "modern" view.

Hey macfixer, by 'OG Classic notebook view' you mean the UI on the notebook nab right? Thanks for reporting the problem!
We've tried following scenario and around and cannot reproduce the issue:
1. Sign in with basic/plus/premium users
2. Open Evernote Preferences
3. Switch to Software update
4. Uncheck "Enable new notebook view for personal accounts
> Notebook nab shows as old design
5. Create new notebook
> Result: Notebook dialog is closed properly, I can also dismiss notebook dialog

Would you have some more information or changes to the above steps to us to try and reproduce the issue you encountered? Thanks for your help already in advance!

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The Google Drive login issue I raised on the 26. June is now fixed - thank you!

Quick look is working again - may have been a glitch at my end.

Still having problems replacing an exisiting link with a new one i.e. Right-click on word that has link embedded, select exisiting link in link window & replace with new link & text with embedded link is replaced with link (see post from 29. June). Only way around this is to delete the word with the embedded link (as well space before), retype word & then embed new link.

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I theme Evernote, previously used  /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/Resources/mac/en-mac-min.css.

As of 20160625 - it is here /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/Resources/common-editor-mac/en-mac-min.css; are there any release notes where I could follow these changes?

I would also like to theme the Presentation Mode, but I cannot locate the relevant style file, any guidance on location would be great? Thanks,

And yes, the update is excellent, I especially like the new design for QuickNote,



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Thanks for the update.

I find that I am not able to clip a rectangle using a shortcut sequence in this build.

It does seem to work using the elephant icon in the top menu.

This was reported to support and they verified the issue.


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On 27. Juni 2016 at 10:04 PM, clearlyunderground said:

HI, thanks for the update...
Are you guys ever planning on letting video's be embed?

I'm thinking about looking for another platform because of this.

I've been using evernote religiously for like 5 or 6 years... I figured this would have happened by now.
I'd really appreciate an answer because customer service is really hard to get in touch with.



I have been embedding videos for a while now but they are more clips than full length films. It is the maximum size of a note that decides for me whether I embed or not.

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I'm seeing a bug with the new Trash sidebar item. The trash icon looks selected and remains selected after clicking on Tags or Atlas.  Here are my repro steps.

  1. Click on Trash Icon on sidebar.
  2. Click on Atlas.  Observe Atlas becomes selected briefly but then the highlight gas back to Trash.
  3. Click on Tags.  Observe Tags becomes selected briefly but then the highlight gas back to Trash.

It only appears to be broken for Atlas and Tags.  I tested Shortcuts, Recent, Notes and Notebooks and they all appear to work fine.  

By the way, I'm glad you guys added this.  It's a good addition.  Does a badge or something appear next to the trash icon if there is a new item that was recently trashed?  Not sure exactly how it would work but my thinking is that this feature ideally should help people see if something gets accidentally deleted and some sort of badge or indicator would be helpful to bring it to people's attention.

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Found a bug related to linking to a file or web page.

If embedding a new link by selecting some text, typing CMD K & then pasting in the link, there is no problem i.e. the linked word gets underlined & clicking on it takes you to the file/website.

However, when replacing an exisiting link, the linked word gets replaced with the actual hyperlink (see screenshots of my Calendar template with entries for lesson plans).

Screenshot 2016-06-29 09.31.45.png

Screenshot 2016-06-29 09.32.21.png

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3 hours ago, Kati said:

Hey macfixer, by 'OG Classic notebook view' you mean the UI on the notebook nab right? Thanks for reporting the problem!
We've tried following scenario and around and cannot reproduce the issue:
1. Sign in with basic/plus/premium users
2. Open Evernote Preferences
3. Switch to Software update
4. Uncheck "Enable new notebook view for personal accounts
> Notebook nab shows as old design
5. Create new notebook
> Result: Notebook dialog is closed properly, I can also dismiss notebook dialog

Would you have some more information or changes to the above steps to us to try and reproduce the issue you encountered? Thanks for your help already in advance!

Yes, I meant the old-timey, 'looks kinda like a notebook' view.

Of course, Evernote is now behaving itself, so… <_< I'll keep an eye on it.

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If you're in the OG "Classic" notebook view, and create a new notebook, you can't dismiss the dialog box, even though the notebook actually gets created. It works just fine in the beta "modern" view.

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Thanks for the quick addition of Google Drive. 

I clicked through settings to find the Google Drive setup and just happened to click on Rich Links without realizing that was needed.

Maybe it should automatically enable Rich Links when the user goes through/completes Google Drive integration or include a setup with a tick box explaining it so they're introduced to this new option?

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HI, thanks for the update...
Are you guys ever planning on letting video's be embed?

I'm thinking about looking for another platform because of this.

I've been using evernote religiously for like 5 or 6 years... I figured this would have happened by now.
I'd really appreciate an answer because customer service is really hard to get in touch with.



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Thanks for the update.  The update process (from within the app) worked fine for me except that the new of version of Evernote did not relaunch after the successful download. 

Google drive integration seems to work after rich links enabled. Some suggestions:

* Some help text about 'rich links' would be helpful. 

* Shouldn't there be a menu item to attach a google file in addition to menubar icon to be consistent with normal file attachment process? 

Does integration with Google apps solve Evernote's lack of support for synchronous collaboration? Very creative approach. Congrats!   



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Have just downloaded this to test what I think is a great idea/feature.

I am running into a problem trying to login to my Google Drive. It accepts my email address & progresses to the next screen. However, because our Google accounts are administered by our education authority, the next screen is a prompt for a username & password (my school account credentials).

This is the expected behaviour & works fine in any web browser & I just tested it by quitting Safari & logging back into my school Google Drive after relaunching Safari). However, in Evernote it hangs on "loading" after I enter my credentials there (see screenshot).

Thank you


Screenshot 2016-06-26 10.23.50.png

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Thank you for the new beta and for the improvements you've brought us. 

Unfortunately, a strange anomaly seems to be occurring in the Sidebar. Recent notes are disappearing between quitting and restarting EN.

They were there the first couple of times I opened the app and then disappeared, and I now find that Recent Notes is greyed out in the Sidebar Options menu until I compile a new note. Earlier recent notes are no longer listed, only the new one(s) created since restarting, and as soon as I quit and restart the app they disappear from the Sidebar again.

Can this be remedied please?

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21 hours ago, EvernoteAlex said:

Google Drive integration!  Now you can add docs, slides, sheets, and files from Google Drive as attachments or as pasted links (URLs) without having to leave Evernote. When you attach Google Drive files, the links are formatted as clickable objects that easy to find in a note. 

If anyone else hits the issue I did, wondering why the links were just plain links and not beautiful rich attachment links.

Settings > General > Enable Rich Links solved it for me.


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  • Level 5*
22 hours ago, EvernoteAlex said:

I'm pleased to announce the release of Evernote for Mac v6.8 Beta 1!


  • Issue with the in app update; will not trigger
  • Issue with the direct download; leaves two app versions
  • It would have been nice to know there is a database update
    This update is not reversible.
    This could also impact users maintaing backup versions of the database files.


Living on the edge

Tried the in app update process and got Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 5.39.32 PM.png


So I went the direct download process.


 Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 6.10.20 PM.pngSeemed to work ok, but then I got 



I didn't panic or cry (much), just picked myself off the floor,
and noticed I now had two Evernote apps on my Mac; the old and the new version.  

I put the new version in the dock, and I'm rolling, but thinking of moving from the edge

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, EvernoteAlex said:

I'm pleased to announce the release of Evernote for Mac v6.8 Beta 1!

Thanks for all the bug fixes!  That's always what I like best.

I'm very disappointed to see that the EN Win feature for including child tags in searches using a parent tag is not provided in this Beta.  Surely Evernote can't allow EN Win and EN Mac be so fundamentally different.  The EN Win tag update is a huge improvement, and enables the type of organization that many, many users have been asking for over many years.  I know you normally don't share your roadmap, but can you give us any information at all about this?

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