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REQUEST: Check Box Option




My first posting!! First off thank you for EverNote..

One option I do like is the check box, a great way to track what I have and have not done. One thing I'd like to see is the ability that if you have a checkbox in your note, that if you click it, it puts a check mark, however if it a task that you no longer need to do, but still want to keep it within your note, you click it again, it would put an X within the box.

Many thanks


26 replies to this idea

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Def need an 'X' in the box option. I use it for lists of people I've contacted to indicate their reply - unchecked is no reply, checked is affirmative, 'X' wd be negative. It's really irritating that it doesn't have this function.

I've never heard of this type of usage. To me, checkboxes have two states, checked or unchecked. In some situations, there's a third state - indeterminate - that's used in situations where the checkbox represents a shared value of mixed checked or unchecked values (e.g., you have a list of invitees to an event, and a checkbox for going / not going; any single person selected is either going or not going, while any multiple selection of invitees might have a mix, and that's when you use the indeterminate state). The indeterminate state isn't usually represented using an 'x', in my experience; an 'x' in a checkbox is synonymous to a check to a lot of people, I'd guess. Add I'd definitely be surprised if I clicked on a checked checkbox and it didn't toggle to unchecked.

Anyways, assuming that this isn't implemented any time soon, some workarounds that I can think of for your use case:

  • The checkbox signifies a reply has been made; if it's a "no", use strike out on the ensuing text (may not be available in all Evernote clients)
  • Use the Unicode 'BALLOT BOX' characters:

U+2610 (☐, 'BALLOT BOX')


U+2612 (☒, 'BALLOT BOX WITH X')

  • Use two checkboxes, one for 'Replied', one for 'Going'

None of these workarounds are particularly amenable to searching / filtering, unfortunately.


Indeterminate is generally used as you say, but it can also be used in as a single object state to "determine" the third state.  This is what I want in the case.


Yes, I can do all of those things you mention, but when I'm addressing my list on a handheld device, setting an immediate change in an items state, I want a clear and simple way to mark the item WITHOUT editing the note. 


Editing on a smartphone is challenging to begin with, let alone the fact you must knowingly:

1) change to edit mode,

2) scroll back down to where you were in the note,

3) remove, insert, or otherwise modify the note and know how to get a certain character inserted or change its formatting in some way,

4) make sure you exit edit without accidentally making other undesired changes,

5) RE-Scroll back to where you were in your note.


...way too much to do to simply "check the box" as one of three states:  ["don't know" | "accept" | "reject"],  and every inefficient --> waste of time.  EN is all about efficiency and ease of use, as well as keeping your stuff secure and in a known state across all devices. 

  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Genghis said:

A three way checkbox that registers off vs positive vs negative result would be perfect. Maybe click for positive and shift-click for negative.

These three options:

[]Not completed.
[x]Completed success.
[!]Completed failed.


Doubt they will implement this as it would deviate from normal check box behaviours and Evernote is still behind on other common formatting choices.

I suggest you look at other workarounds. One suggestion would be that you replace your "completed failed" check boxes with : x : (no space in between) as this automatically turns into just like it does when you write in this forum.


A three way checkbox that registers off vs positive vs negative result would be perfect. Maybe click for positive and shift-click for negative.

These three options:

[]Not completed.
[x]Completed success.
[!]Completed failed.


  • Level 5*
45 minutes ago, Keiran said:

Totally agree, the thread has focused on why not to entertain it as a feature, not how it would be prioritised.

Yeah.  My workaround has been to check the check box and then strike-through the text of any items originally listed but not actually completed.  It happens so infrequently its not much of a bother for me.  That and this one isn't as important as other items on the EN backlog for me, were there any voting going on.  FWIW.

  • Level 5*
5 minutes ago, Keiran said:

Totally agree, the thread has focused on why not to entertain it as a feature, not how it would be prioritised.

I've moved this discussion to a feedback forum so it can be better addressed as a feature request

Please indicate your support by using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.


Totally agree, the thread has focused on why not to entertain it as a feature, not how it would be prioritised.

  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, Keiran said:


There seems to be a little problem in this thread of arguing how people should use 'checkboxes'.  The correct solution would be to add an option for a 3-state box (physically a different button in the UI to insert it) so people can choose the behaviour they want.  Usage would be:

1st click = checked, 2nd click = crossed, 3rd click = reset

As a developer I tend to work to the simple pragma of:

  1. can the user give a sensible use case
  2. does more than 1 user see the value of the changes
  3. are the users paying my wages in some way...

Just my thoughts (as a paying user).

I might add a 4th to your list:  4.  What is the return of this change compared to the return of the other changes in the queue.  ;)



There seems to be a little problem in this thread of arguing how people should use 'checkboxes'.  The correct solution would be to add an option for a 3-state box (physically a different button in the UI to insert it) so people can choose the behaviour they want.  Usage would be:

1st click = checked, 2nd click = crossed, 3rd click = reset

As a developer I tend to work to the simple pragma of:

  1. can the user give a sensible use case
  2. does more than 1 user see the value of the changes
  3. are the users paying my wages in some way...

Just my thoughts (as a paying user).


Hello and Welcome to our new members joining us from the now sadly defunct Springpad. ☺

Here's a recent discussion that might give folks some ideas to deal wth the above use cases:


There are many other such discussion on the Forum that might help too. I suggest running some searches using keywords like:



archives & archiving

finished projects

task management


project management

And so on. Also, don't be afraid to explore the Evernote Knowledge Base (KB), or look on YouTube for videos about Evernote.

Also, here's an updated copy of a post I left on the "Springpad Bites the Dust" thread on the Third Party Apps discussion board. Hopefully at least some of this will help those of joining us from Springpad.

PLEASE NOTE: The "soap box type comments" in the below copy of the original post, were directed at some distraught new members, who unfortunately let their emotions get the better of them and were coming across as angry and a bit aggressive. If you're not one of those folks, then please don't take them seriously. If you are, the realize that I'm trying to help you acclimatize to Evernote and this forum. Nothing is intended to be personal or hurtful.

Best Wishes.


Sorry to cross-post this, but it appears this might be a better thread on which to post my feature request. Although I've been an Evernote user for quite a while, I've recently migrated my Springpad data to Evernote as well. Springpad allowed the user to choose whether or not to hide checked items... it was an awesome feature for on the fly shopping, errand running, work flow, etc. When you're through with the list you can unhide the checked items and start again another time, or leave them hidden and work through the list over a longer period. It is a great feature... I'd love to see it in Evernote.


Since Evernote did not, does not, and shows no sign of ever meeting you needs, it seems smart to use a program which does. It seems you are looking for a facile, cross-platform To-Do list manager. There are hundreds of these currently on the market, from the simple to the complex (OmniFocus). Having use Things, The Hit List, TaskPaper, and OmniFocus, I find Evernote's To-Do list management rudimentary in implementation and frustrating in use. YMMV. If it meets your needs, use it. If it doesn't, look elsewhere.


Well, as you can see, my 1st post to this thread was in Aug 2012, so I've been patient, so far.  Always hoping for useful feature additions.  


This one simple control would be on my "most wanted" list.  If this item can not be implemented across devices/platforms then I wish for a way to easily mark (text highlight or other multi-character formatting like bolding, strike-thru, whatever) an item or items in a note in a manner that does not require going into edit mode.  


This is an ease of use issue for business purposes.  It is an absolute requirement when speed of entry on a small device is required to capture details and to stay focused on a fast moving task.

  • Level 5*

All of that's fine, but I think it's a pretty safe bet that most people understand checkboxes to be two-state, and you want a tri-state checkbox. Practically speaking, that means you need some special kind of setting plus appropriate logic to handle a three-way checkbox across all of their clients, or a new three-way control, or some other signal to Evernote that what you have is not the ordinary checkbox that most folks are used to. Now I'm not privy to Evernote's plans, and your request is not a bad idea, but my intuition tells me that that's not going to happen any time soon. For your application, I'd suggest two checkboxes, until such time as they implement the control that you want. Good luck.

  • Level 5*

Def need an 'X' in the box option. I use it for lists of people I've contacted to indicate their reply - unchecked is no reply, checked is affirmative, 'X' wd be negative. It's really irritating that it doesn't have this function.

I've never heard of this type of usage. To me, checkboxes have two states, checked or unchecked. In some situations, there's a third state - indeterminate - that's used in situations where the checkbox represents a shared value of mixed checked or unchecked values (e.g., you have a list of invitees to an event, and a checkbox for going / not going; any single person selected is either going or not going, while any multiple selection of invitees might have a mix, and that's when you use the indeterminate state). The indeterminate state isn't usually represented using an 'x', in my experience; an 'x' in a checkbox is synonymous to a check to a lot of people, I'd guess. Add I'd definitely be surprised if I clicked on a checked checkbox and it didn't toggle to unchecked.

Anyways, assuming that this isn't implemented any time soon, some workarounds that I can think of for your use case:

  • The checkbox signifies a reply has been made; if it's a "no", use strike out on the ensuing text (may not be available in all Evernote clients)
  • Use the Unicode 'BALLOT BOX' characters:

U+2610 (☐, 'BALLOT BOX')


U+2612 (☒, 'BALLOT BOX WITH X')

  • Use two checkboxes, one for 'Replied', one for 'Going'

None of these workarounds are particularly amenable to searching / filtering, unfortunately.


Def need an 'X' in the box option. I use it for lists of people I've contacted to indicate their reply - unchecked is no reply, checked is affirmative, 'X' wd be negative. It's really irritating that it doesn't have this function.


I know this is knit-picky, but ease of use is what is required here. I'm not discrediting the idea of the simple workaround for the immediate future, but I shouldn't have to go into edit mode to simply check (complete) or X (reject) a task in my list. Rejecting (and retaining it in the list) is just as important as completing a task. A three-state checkbox is not that much to ask for.


Oops. Brackets are not searchable characters in Evernote. It removes most punctuation from search strings. Underscore (_) is supported. So need to use "X_ " instead of "[X]". The space is required to keep the following word searchable.


Yep. That is a better workaround. Handles both view and search and can be used in any client.


Thank you for this.. I agree, I could simply put an X.. the person above captured what I was thinking exactly..

Welcome to the forums.

Hmmm. Delete the check box and replace it with capital X and a space (X ).


Have also asked for this as it would let you search for 'cancelled' task items. I do similar to Owens suggestion but use [x] as searching on just X can throw up a lot of false positives.


Welcome to the forums.

Hmmm. Delete the check box and replace it with capital X and a space (X ).


Thought I would chime in since I am a very new user and I had this very same thought.

Since the checkboxs delineate a list of items, it would be preferred to keep the list intact and have the check box be at least three-state; unchecked/checked/x-ed. Although, your recommendation is a valid and simple solution, there are some of us that like to retain the list and visually see the blank vs. check vs. x...it makes it very easy to scan the list and see the completeness of the tasks.

Thanks you for Evernote! Keep up the good work.


...puttin' on a caffeinebuzz


Thank you for the reply, and yes, I could do exactly that. My thought was as a quick identifier I've used the same option within other applications (i.e. excel, word etc)


Welcome to the forums.

Why don't you just delete the check box?


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