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QUOTA_REACHED parameter="Accounting.uploadLimit"

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We are Evernote Teams members,  now prisoners of Evernote.


Few weeks ago, using Evernote Legacy 6, was working fine.

Then we (were forced by Evernote) to upgrade to V10, and found out than many notes lost their attached documents.....

After many attend to restore V6, Re-import Backup, Re-sync (that failed), i try and try to restore backup.

But i face a QUOTA_REACHED parameter="Accounting.uploadLimit"

So, i can not even restore my backup as Evernote do not let me....


I need to restore backup as users need it badly. What should i do?


What to do when upgrading to V10, lose attached document (on probably 20% of our notes) ?





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3 hours ago, evernote_lost_my_day said:

Then we (were forced by Evernote) to upgrade to V10, and found out than many notes lost their attached documents.....

It's (or has been) a fail of EN10 client that sometimes did not sync all attachments correctly. But they're not lost because the main database on server site contained complete notes in all cases...

You may check this by using the Legacy client. The red warning that "forces" you to upgrade to EN10 is only a strong hint. Legacy currently works find even with Teams accounts.

In rare situations in which you changed an incompletely synced note this incomplete content is synced back to server. You may access former note saves from note's history. So even in these situations it is possible to retain attachments.

I think there is no need to re-establish all notes from local backups. As a Teams user you have an upload limit of only 2 GB per user. This might be a problem (if this is true even for the admin account...).

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Before you have a rant at Evernote,  try the link https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - I don't think you can get back to your request by quoting the ticket number - you have to select it from this page.  -And please don't pepper the team with more requests if this one still exists - that just makes more paperwork abd slows things down even more! 

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  • Level 5*

I'm also confused - your notes should still exist on the server.  If you can log in via an installed app,  or the web client in a browser,  you will see your notes - probably in their original state.  Where is this backup coming from?  And if your own account is unreachable,  what account are you restoring to?  

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We are team member,  paying since about 6 years.

In Evernote Legacy, we had notes with attached document. When migrating to V10 and sync,   20% of notes get their attached documents lost.

If i go on Evernote online, i also see attached docuement are lost (for same document).


BUT, if i re-installed Evernote V6 and import my backup, then my notes are restored and attached document are here....    SO backup is working.

and If i sync, those notes go to Evernote online, with attached files (as it should).


It is just that i can not sync, as my quota is limited per month.



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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, evernote_lost_my_day said:

It is just that i can not sync, as my quota is limited per month.

<Sigh>  Three separate posts on the same topic?




If you have a ticket number please post it in one of those threads - I'm not going to try and tech this complicated issue.  I reported the matter to the site Admins for them to maybe merge the threads together,  and to look into whether Support can assist.

One comment - if you're hitting an upload quota,  it sounds like you are working from a 'free' account rather than a subscriber account.  Are you logged into the correct account?  Try using the 'forgot password' link on Evernote.com.

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My backups are 20Go, and i have to upload 2.

I succeed to upload about 20Go, and i now face upload limit, so i can not restore my other documents.




We are Evernote team account, 3 users, paying 360€ per year.


Of course, Evernote know that, time to time, the need to restore a backup can happen.  And limiting user upload will for sure limit the  ability to restore data.   This is obvious.




As a blackmailed user, i would even be OK to pay extra to be able to upload my backup.

But evenote support just do not answer my ticket. 






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  • Level 5*
16 minutes ago, evernote_lost_my_day said:

Support does not anwser.  Any other suggestion ?  

and , additionaly, how to not lose attached file migrating from V6 to V10 ?

Do you have a ticket number?  If not,  Support may not even know about your issues.  Use the link above.  If you do,  please post it here.

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  • Evernote Expert

I just note that this is evidence to support the wisdom of backing up one notebook at a time rather than a whole account into one large unsegregated ENEX file.  For many years, long before the arrival of v10, the advise was to backup by notebook.

Assuming that you do, eventually, manage to recover your data the future would wise to either manually backup each notebook or use one of the available third-party backup programs such as Backupery (paid) or evernote-backup (open source but requiring a modest willingness to handle the initial configuration).

As the OP has, sadly, discovered a backup process that cannot be used is no backup. I've otherwisse suggested the use of the Note History option to roll back a note to a previous version which could contain the now missing attachment. If that works it will be the easiest and best solution.  However, there is a glimmer of a solution with the backup.  It will take time and effort but it is possible to take the exported backup ENEX file and split it into multiple files.

Open the backup ENEX file in a text editor.  You will see that there are some XML headers that will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-export SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/evernote-export4.dtd">
<en-export export-date="20231113T143847Z" application="Evernote" version="6.25.1">

Capture these headers.  SImilarly the footers at the end of the ENEX file will look like this and these need to captured.


The remainder of the file contains each note which will run between




If you know the titles of the notes you can search for each one you want to restore.  Otherwise split the whole file into, two or three separate ENEX files.

Your note will look similar to the following depending upon what the actual note content contains (but longer than this edited example)

    <title>Testing Mail Redirection</title>
    <tag>house move</tag>
      <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"><en-note><div><br/></div><en-media hash="5ac6d5856511e01a1c5a345bb1c04260" type="application/pdf" /><div><br/></div></en-note>      ]]>
      <data encoding="base64">

Open Evernote. In version 10 go to File, Import and follow the instructions to import the note(s) in the file. 

This will be tedious with 20gB of data file but it will probably allow you to recover the notes.

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On 10/13/2023 at 10:00 AM, evernote_lost_my_day said:

BUT, if i re-installed Evernote V6 and import my backup, then my notes are restored and attached document are here....    SO backup is working.
and If i sync, those notes go to Evernote online, with attached files (as it should).
It is just that i can not sync, as my quota is limited per month.

Sorry, I'm a little bit confused about your doings...

  • You have (many?) notes that do not show up completely in EN10 client?
  • You have (local) backups of notes (generated with Legacy (EN6))?

If you are a (group of) user(s) since many years, you know, that EN manages backups of your notes on their site (history and for sure other formats that are not accessible for user sites...).

  • Why didn't you believe in EN to be able to show your notes completely
    • after some (probably long) time in EN10
    • or simply by continued use of EN6 (Legacy)?

I (as a normal and in parallel Teams user) never needed local backups. And to be honest: A local backup cannot be restored to the same account because it will see many notes twice (on server DB and from your backup). To avoid this, you have to delete all current notes within your account before restoring them from you backup 🤔 - not a good idea!

Moreover: Restoring notes from local (ENEX-)backups removes all internal links between notes because the note GUIDs (their internal identifiers) are not retained. So where is any good reason for local backups?

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