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Legacy is still way faster than v10. Is there a way to make v10 fast?

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Hi im a paid Evernote user for a very long time. Evernote Legacy is for me the MAIN (most important) app of my pc as i use it for everything. The thing i like it the most is that its INCREDIBLY FAST. Now Evernote is telling me to update to the new version. The thing is... ive tried the new version (version 10.58.8) and its ABISMALLY slow and clunky compared to the LEGACY version.

So my question is... is there a way (some hidden function, acceleration whatsoever) to make the awful v.10 FASTER ? (ps: my PC is an expensive ASUS so... im good in terms of hardware)


I appreciate if someone could help me.

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  • Level 5*
16 hours ago, Grogu86 said:

I appreciate if someone could help me.

It'll take a while at present,  but Support is your best option - they can check your account for specific issues.  But meantime I agree v10 is slower in some respects - exactly what are you trying to do that is so noticeably slow?  Do you have a reasonable amount of free space (>10%) on your hard drive?  And what's your OS? W10 / W11?

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18 hours ago, Grogu86 said:

is there a way (some hidden function, acceleration whatsoever) to make the awful v.10 FASTER ?

Not for the moment - If they would have such a setting, they would enable it by default 😉

I've tried many updates of EN10 and recognized that they've done a lot to tune it. If you have thousands of notes and spent some hours (days) to allow a complete sync to your local disc, EN10 is OK for me as long as I'm reading notes.

But my normal workflow (searching, tagging, reformatting, having multiple notes open in parallel, switching accounts, ...) is hindered by EN10. I'm sure my concerns will be solved in future - but nobody knows when "future" takes place 🤔

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  • Level 5*
55 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

But my normal workflow (searching, tagging, reformatting, having multiple notes open in parallel, switching accounts, ...) is hindered by EN10. I'm sure my concerns will be solved in future - but nobody knows when "future" takes place

Sounds like you really keep your system busy.  Thing is - Evernote can't accommodate individual situations.  They will optimise so that everything has (as far as possible) equal support.  Simply waiting for them to change to fit your flow is probably unwise - maybe consider some work-arounds so you don't have to make as many changes?

I'll confess I don't rely a lot on Evernote searches forinstance - I have a mirror entry for my 400+ notebooks in Workflowy with links back to the Evernote note(s) I'm currently using in that notebook.  My priorities tags are in Workflowy,  as are my ToDos - there are hundreds of connections between the two accounts.  If I receive an email I can find the right notebook and note within seconds by checking a listing in WF and opening the Evernote ToC.  I may or may not reply,  then drag and drop the email into the ongoing note.  Change the WF priority to #P3 and wait for more...  Searches in WF for #P3 will show me the full list and I can include or exclude date ranges and done/ outstanding.  WF is my action station,  Evernote my archive.  Mostly...

(I'll document all of the above properly later this year when I have time!!)

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What im trying to do that is so noticeably slow? YOU MUST BE KIDDING RIGHT. 

I need to open Evernote every second to write stuff. LEGACY IS LIKE BAAAM!!! i push the button ITS ALREADY there! With the NEW VERSION (V10) its like a Mercedes-benz that overturned in a tunnel with a princess and her lover inside. LIKE... A COMPLETE MESS AND INCREDIBLY SLOW (compared to legacy). If i needed to open Evernote just once a day it would be cool, but i use the damn thing from second to second. its like my MAIN/MOST USED app. More even then chrome. 

Now... i could bear/endure the slow opening issue... BUUUTTT the thing is > ITS ULTRA SLOW to open the notes, specially if they have pictures or recordings. I did not stop my life to post a topic in an APP FORUM if w10 didnt suck big time.

ANYWAY... my pc is an Asus ProAr Core i7 32GB RTX 3060 with almost 512gb available. THIS IS JUST ONE of my pcs... i all of my pcs LEGACY works like THE FLASH MOVIE (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED) its the best app ever! BUT in all of my pcs w10 works like s*****. 



so in the end, im really worried about EVERNOTE shutting down legacy because i really love the guy. W10 is a good app BUT ITS TOO SLOW AND "WEB-BASED if you know what i mean. 

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  • Level 5*
2 minutes ago, Grogu86 said:

so in the end, im really worried about EVERNOTE shuting down legacy

Well, you can either worry about the inevitable or make a plan now to be ready for when it does.  Your choice.

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9 horas atrás, AlbertR disse:

Not for the moment - If they would have such a setting, they would enable it by default 😉

I've tried many updates of EN10 and recognized that they've done a lot to tune it. If you have thousands of notes and spent some hours (days) to allow a complete sync to your local disc, EN10 is OK for me as long as I'm reading notes.

But my normal workflow (searching, tagging, reformatting, having multiple notes open in parallel, switching accounts, ...) is hindered by EN10. I'm sure my concerns will be solved in future - but nobody knows when "future" takes place 🤔

Totally agree with you. W10 might be modern (whatever that means in apps), but its 100% cluncky and slow. I REALLY DONT LIKE W10 (and im guy that likes almost everything, i even like sour blueberrys! i mean... no i dont like sour blueberrys... but well you know what i meant)

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  • Level 5

Modern means it is software that can be maintained and developed. Legacy was the sort of code you could only place on a slate of ice, and let it drift into the wide ocean to let it melt. Death is not immediate, but it's sure.

Nothing Clunky about it, just because you don't find exactly the one shortcut you liked to use. There are others, unknown to legacy, but given your attitude you won't ever find them.

Same about "slow". What is "slow" ? There is a ton of different interactions, which one is "the slow" to define everything to be "slow". Right - none. No one is so important that you could draw a line from a single operation being "slow" to everything being "slow". I find v10 fast on nearly all day to day operations I need. It is slower on a few operations, mainly those on multiple notes. Do I need them ? Sometimes, and then for a minute things slow down a bit.

Actually I don't care about your favorite blueberries. Your posts are generalizing and giving an example of unreflected negativism.

Don't like the new version ? Leave. Nobody forces you to use it.

Just like legacy ? Continue using it, while you can. It is deprecated software, and that says it all. You are on your own while it works, and when it stops you know it's over, and have been warned about it.

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Mmph. I personally don't find v. 10 to be slow, even on a middle-of-the-road Windows 10 laptop. The only thing that is slow is when I open a note that hasn't previously been opened since the sync structure was changed. That can take 5 seconds or so, though today I ran into one that took over half a minute. I don't dispute that it's slow for you, though some specific times (in an indoor voice) would be helpful. Just saying not everyone has that experience with it.

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10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

What is "slow" ?

A professor or mine had a simple definition for that along a discussion around tuning: Users are satisfied with answer speed if they can feel the depth of their question and|or they cannot measure the time. So it makes no sense to spent time to find the really fastest algorithm if your user accepts the current.

If I have all data around (on Mac/Windows) I expect immediate answers to display requests. If I have indexed data around, I expect nearly immediate answers to search requests. If I have questions to an AI, I allow seconds of thinking about my question before getting intelligent results.

Many concerns about slowness of systems that need syncing in some cases might be mitigated by some progress bars (that come up after expected answer time is over), explanation messages and other tricks that makes a user believe that the system is really working hard to fulfill the request. A simple green bullet anywhere around notebooks or the title bar would help to indicate "sync is complete" 😉


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I expect to click and see results within a few seconds - even if that result is a moving progress bar.  If I stare at a screen for 15+ seconds I'll probably go away and do something else,  then check back later.  What truly annoys me is the random15-90 second wait when you know this process worked before,  but you're not sure if it will take long enough that it's worth doing something else or just waiting...

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44 minutes ago, gazumped said:

What truly annoys me is the random15-90 second wait when you know this process worked before,  but you're not sure if it will take long enough that it's worth doing something else or just waiting...

That's the point: Even some seconds attracts you to think about other things to do. You will pop up other windows and forget what you have been waiting for. Later on you feel bad because it takes too much time to switch back to where you have been. At the end EN does not help to stay focused (even more: it disturbs your concentration 😞)

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  • Level 5*
23 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

You will pop up other windows and forget what you have been waiting for.

I'm relying more on lists these days - I'll have all the task(s) that I need to do somewhere easily accessible so it's easy to pick the next if I get stalled at some point - but I agree that it takes a finite time to run up to speed in Plan B,  and then again to get back in the right mindset for Plan A when you swop back.  The lost time mounts up.

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

I'm relying more on lists these days

Me too - but not only these days. My task list is based on tags and reminder dates. And here I'm in my circle: I cannot sort search results by tags and reminder dates, so I'm <see below>... 😉

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  • Level 5
5 hours ago, gazumped said:

I expect to click and see results within a few seconds - even if that result is a moving progress bar.  If I stare at a screen for 15+ seconds I'll probably go away and do something else,  then check back later.  What truly annoys me is the random15-90 second wait when you know this process worked before,  but you're not sure if it will take long enough that it's worth doing something else or just waiting...

One of the very first rules I set for myself when I began using PCs back in the 80s was "Never sit and watch the machine working." Do something, useful or not, rather than sit there like a dog waiting for a piece of chicken to fall off the table.

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2 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

One of the very first rules I set for myself when I began using PCs back in the 80s was "Never sit and watch the machine working." Do something, useful or not, rather than sit there like a dog waiting for a piece of chicken to fall off the table.

Sure, in the 1980s it was common practice to wait a few seconds for data retrieval from a database. If you had told developers back then that this would still be the case in 2023 on computers that are 10,000 times faster, they would have laughed at you in disbelief!

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, AlbertR said:

That's the point: Even some seconds attracts you to think about other things to do. You will pop up other windows and forget what you have been waiting for. Later on you feel bad because it takes too much time to switch back to where you have been. At the end EN does not help to stay focused (even more: it disturbs your concentration 😞)

I got used to instantaneous search results with Legacy.  Unfortunately for V10 that set the bar for me.  So if I search an indexed data base and get a spinning wheel or a progress bar I lose patience.  And focus I am afraid.  Seems a smallish thing, seconds, but enough to have me move on. 

Kind of like the end of first King Kong movie.  Oh no, it wasn't the seconds.  It was focus killed the beast.  Apologies all around. 

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  • 8 months later...
  • Level 5

There is slow and slow.

For day to day use it is fast for me, no issues. Where it is slower is on multiple note operations.

If it is slow (on adequate hardware) in daily use, it may be the local database is corrupted. Then replacing it with a fresh copy usually solves the issue. It will be slower as well in the first days after converting from legacy, and when opening notes that have not been opened in v10 before. Finally make sure to update to the latest version - there was a change introduced with collapsible sections and lists, that cause the client to slow down when editing long notes.

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