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Web clipper: Task. How do I turn OFF this option?

Go to solution Solved by p-degroot,

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  • Level 5

You mean the innocent option not only to define the notebook, add tags but as well define a task right away when clipping ?

It won’t bite you, and it will steadfastly be back even if you persistently decide to ignore it. If you don’t want to use it, this is what you should simply do …

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  • Level 5
43 minutes ago, TdeV said:

Is there any way to tell Evernote (program + web clipper) I don't want it to prompt me EVER about Tasks?

At what point in the web clipping process do you get this prompt? I've never gotten anything from Web clipper about Tasks. I don't have any tasks, but I don't know if that's why.

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4 hours ago, TdeV said:

Is there any way to tell Evernote (program + web clipper) I don't want it to prompt me EVER about Tasks?

I find the ability to create a Task when clipping with Web Clipper to be very convenient and use it a lot.  There are many other functions in EN I do not use and just ignore them.

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Just updated to Web Clipper 7.30. Yes, when first opening it it makes the Task field in web clipper noticeable by a blue box and a NEW badge.

As with other NEW notifications, it did so exactly one ( 1 ) time. So WTF - this is just a little bump for people who don't read release notes.

From then on the tasks field is there, but no more blueish "Hello world" notifications.


What is this ? Blue Light. What does it ? It shines blue.

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On 2/1/2023 at 8:52 AM, gazumped said:

I'm updated to 7.29 - but I still got the Tasks add-in.

I believe we had a small percentage of users receive the option in 7.29 before more widely releasing in 7.30

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I see in all the answers that I can't turn this 'feature' off. 

Can I change the order in which it appears in my Web Clipper pop up window?  (various windows browsers) 

(I know that answer is likely 'no', but I can hope.)

I never use Tasks.  I ALWAYS use Tags.  The Task selection appears above the Tag selection in the Web Clipper.  The resolution of my screen is such that the Task selection is the last item displayed in the popup.  I can't scroll down to view / enter a tag.  In order to see that selection, I have to change the resolution to display it smaller in order to add a tag.  (Done with CTRL—)

  This has become very irritating.  See attached pics.   If the is another solution, I'd be glad to hear it.
On 1/31/2023 at 4:03 PM, PinkElephant said:

You mean the innocent option not only to define the notebook, add tags but as well define a task right away when clipping ?

It won’t bite you, and it will steadfastly be back even if you persistently decide to ignore it. If you don’t want to use it, this is what you should simply do …




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  • Level 5

Now I can see why this would be a problem, if it's blocking something that is more useful for you. On my other computer, I do have an up-to-date Web clipper (7.29 anyway), which has the Task, Tag, and Notes/Comments options at the bottom. At my screen resolution I can see them all, and since I use comments pretty often but seldom tasks or tags, it would be annoying to have to adjust the resolution/zoom to get to that field every time. But I'm sure you're right, the sequence is not user-configurable. About all you can do is use the Feedback feature in the Evernote client to request that reordering these options, or selecting which ones to show, become possible.

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This must be either a very low resolution, and/or a very small monitor. I need to go up 6 zoom steps from „original“ size before the problem starts.

The current workaround is by keying the zoom smaller, clip and return to the zoom setting before.

You can send a feature request or a support ticket asking to make the clippers subwindow scrollable.

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On 2/1/2023 at 1:31 AM, bmcl26 said:

I find the ability to create a Task when clipping with Web Clipper to be very convenient and use it a lot.  There are many other functions in EN I do not use and just ignore them.

I too like this ability.

When I create a task with Web Clipper, I did not see a way to set the due date or time. Did I miss something?

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  • Evernote Expert
1 minute ago, gazumped said:

There's no task-level date (yet) but the note will have a reminder date that can be set.

Indeed, but you could edit the task inside Evernote and set its date and reminder. Just not from the web clipper

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1 hour ago, cswilly said:

When I create a task with Web Clipper, I did not see a way to set the due date or time. Did I miss something?

Aa agsteele stated there is no way to add date/time in the Web Clipper but easily dine in the Note.

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On 2/4/2023 at 12:12 PM, PinkElephant said:

This must be either a very low resolution, and/or a very small monitor. I need to go up 6 zoom steps from „original“ size before the problem starts.

The current workaround is by keying the zoom smaller, clip and return to the zoom setting before.

You can send a feature request or a support ticket asking to make the clippers subwindow scrollable.

I have the same issue on both of my laptops, both of which are on the smaller side (13" and 14"). The tagging section is no longer fully visible unless I crank down the Zoom to 80%, and then I can hardly read the tags because they are too small. I'm gonna need a bigger laptop! Will file a support ticket to make the sub-window scrollable or optionally turn off the new tasks feature. 

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A 13“ and a 14“ laptop should have more than enough screen real estate for everything.

A 13“ or 14“ laptop with either a ***** monitor or a good monitor set to a ***** resolution may have the problem. I know myself that there may be reasons to lower the screen resolution, for age or for an accessibility issue. But if the Tasks field plays any role in this game is purely incidental: The Tasks field may or may not be exactly this little vertical space that would be needed to move the tags further up. If it is this, there still is not enough room to show all available options on the web clipper overlay window.

To solve this, a scrolling option would probably be the only one that could adapt to all possible combinations of physical resolution and logical screen settings. You can contact EN about it through feedback or a support ticket.

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I find it irritating that I can't remove the task button. I have another app that handles tasks for me and I don't need to have it in evernote. My biggest beef is that on my portable it makes the action panel longer and shoves the ui element I really want, Tag, below my screen, forcing me to change the screen size just to enter and review the tabs I have selected. It doubles or triples the the time it takes me to enter many tabs, since I need to resize the screen to 90%, put in my tabs, then resize the screen back to 100 percent to make the type more readable.
I don't mind that it's there for those who like it, but every time I use Evernote I find myself irritated that I need to do a screen size workaround each time. Please give us the ability to remove the tab or to shove it down below Tabs or Notes.

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As best as I can see, if the Task box was either moved or removed there would still be a problem in that Notes or comments and the settings and account options would still be out of sight.

As it happens I can view the whole Web Clipper panel on my laptop screen. Runiing Firefox and Web Clipp 7.29 (7.30 hasn't arrived on Firefox yet).


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Well, the thread owner has a point that it should be scrollable. Makes no sense when you can't reach the lower part of the clipper window (which includes the settings).

Let us say this happens only to people with an impaired eyesight, who need to enlarge their screen to the max to be able to use it at all. I say: So what ?! Good software design should always keep accessibility in mind, and work for all groups of users who can somehow use their computers.

Especially if somebody has a certain physical problem, being able to stay tuned with life and use the digital tools is very important. I think EN should solve this problem, but not by removing fields, but by adding a scrolling function.

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Gosh, @PinkElephant, this is the first time I have ever heard you say (read your reply) where you agreed with someone who was complaining about Evernote's shortcomings in configuring for a user's use case. Thank you!

@agsteele, I'm in Firefox. And I'm the original complainer.

Happy Valentine's Day, All.


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I agree with the original poster. I use the Web Clipper a lot, and always add tags. I sometimes add notes. I use OmniFocus for tasks, and do not want this new feature, yet now every time I save something I now catch myself starting to click the Tasks area when what I really want is to add tags.

The irony is that my subscription doesn't even include the Tasks feature. If I wanted to use them I would have to upgrade my subscription. It's really irritating that I can't just turn off the feature. 

Added: part of my irritation is that I've just found out that my annual subscription payment will be going from $34.99 in 2022 to $49.99 this year (a 43% increase), and instead of making a 43% improvement in the usability or speed they seem to just be putting junk in my way. 

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Every plan includes Tasks, even the Free plan has a basic Tasks feature. Since you seem to be on a grandfathered subscription, you have the same level of Tasks as any user has gotten it. If you use it is your own decision.

About showing a field for an existing function: I am rather sure you only use a fraction of the possible functions of any software you have. Now open any of it, pull down a menu: I am sure it must (only for you) reconfigure in this very moment, making all features invisible you don’t intend to use. No ? Amazing, this is what you expect from the web clipper to do …

The raise in prices happens across plans. One can debate it in general - usually we are all not pushing our money at vendors, and feel happy about it.

The math behind it in your case is simple: EN seems to keep the $-difference between the plans, grandfathered and actual. This means that in % the cheaper plans raise more than the more expensive ones.

It is now the same as it should always be: Evaluate if you get the necessary value for your money. Yes ? Bite the bullet, take it as a man. No ? Free plan, here you come. Just keep in mind: There is no way back to the grandfathered plan after downgrading. Your decision (if you feel bad taking it, flip a coin).

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, mcdonna said:

my annual subscription payment will be going from $34.99 in 2022 to $49.99 this year (a 43% increase)

On the other hand you haven't had an increase in price for a number of years when costs of providing the service are always increasing.

My view is that Evernote makes a millstone to hang around it's neck by not increasing prices incrementally. But it was inevitable that prices would increase and have to make up the lost ground.


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  • Level 5
12 hours ago, mcdonna said:

I agree with the original poster. I use the Web Clipper a lot, and always add tags. I sometimes add notes. I use OmniFocus for tasks, and do not want this new feature, yet now every time I save something I now catch myself starting to click the Tasks area when what I really want is to add tags.

The irony is that my subscription doesn't even include the Tasks feature. If I wanted to use them I would have to upgrade my subscription. It's really irritating that I can't just turn off the feature.

I haven't done a lot of clipping lately, and I generally don't add either tags or tasks, but often add remarks, which remain at the bottom. I'll learn to skip past one more thing, but given the great variety of ways that people use Evernote it does seem that having a preference to order or select these options would be in order. Best way to encourage that would be to use the app or Web client's Feedback feature.

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