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How do I turn off screen rotation?

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There needs to be a way to turn off screen rotation in app. Despite having it locked on my device, the app will automatically rotate everything when the screen is slightly tilted. I used to enjoy working on my notes while lying down but now I can't do that and honestly it makes the app a pain to use. Ever since the update that made this app like the web browser, it's really gone down in quality in my opinion. It's so much harder to use. 

Please add an option to turn off screen rotate. Yes, I consider this a bug as not once have I wanted it to be landscape. 

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1 hour ago, VenipedeFan77 said:

Despite having it locked on my device, the app will automatically rotate everything when the screen is slightly tilted.

Sorry, I can't replicate this. If the screen is locked into portrait on the device, then it is locked in EN. 

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I experience this once in a while as well when handling the device in tilted orientation while screen is locked to portrait. It does not happen often. My solution when it occurs: I close EN, hold the device in portrait orientation, open up Evernote. It opens correctly in portrait. After that I can tilt the device without unwanted screen rotations. It is a little nasty bug.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Level 5
On 12/14/2022 at 1:27 AM, RachelGomez said:

Tap the Settings icon to open the Settings app. Scroll down and tap Accessibility. Scroll down to Interaction controls and tap Auto-rotate screen to turn it off.


Rachel Gomez

Sorry to respond to this so many months later, but the issue is a persistent one. I have a Samsung S22 Ultra with Android 13 on Verizon, and there is no auto-rotate setting anywhere in the Accessibility settings (or elsewhere). @RachelGomez, can you indicate what version of Android this works on (including phone and provider, since the phone makers and providers always mess with the OS)? Thanks.

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Just to be clear, in my Android phone there is a button in the navigation bar at top that turns auto-rotate (as opposed to locked portrait orientation) on and off. With this button turned OFF, Evernote on unpredictable occasions improperly rotates into landscape orientation when the phone is turned sideways or laid down. A restart of the phone fixes it ... for awhile, the length of the "while" being unknowable.

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8 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Just to be clear, in my Android phone there is a button in the navigation bar at top that turns auto-rotate (as opposed to locked portrait orientation) on and off. With this button turned OFF, Evernote on unpredictable occasions improperly rotates into landscape orientation when the phone is turned sideways or laid down.

That effect was reported a year or so back. I cannot replicate but I prefer to have auto-rotate enabled so I probably don't test for long enough.

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On 4/16/2023 at 2:56 AM, agsteele said:

That effect was reported a year or so back. I cannot replicate but I prefer to have auto-rotate enabled so I probably don't test for long enough.

It seems quite unpredictable, which of course makes it hard to fix. I did report it to support, and they told me to do the kinds of restarts I'd already done, and send a screen video if it happens again. Which I will.

EDIT April 22: Which I did, when it happened again today.

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Can confirm. Samsung S21 Ultra, Android 13. 

Global device settings has rotation locked.

However evernote disregards this and rotates in a number of key places:

a) Main page with all my notes

b) While in a note

c) when taking pictures with my camera

There is no option in Evernote's settings to adjust or fix the rotation. Not only that, taking notes while taking lots of pictures of things that aren't documents is a right pain in the rear. Trying to take photos of house snags with notes and evernote grinds to a halt - even worse with this rotate thing getting in the way. 

@agsteele I think you got confused - @Dave-in-Decatur said his global device settings were on rotation locked, but evernote disregards it and doesn't have a setting

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Welcome to the forums, @IanCutress. WRT taking multiple photos, it might be best to look for one of the other threads on that issue and post there, just to keep things clear.

Sorry to hear you're having the rotation problem too. Clearly it's not isolated. Here are the main paragraphs of the response from support after I sent them a screen recording:


I understand that you are experiencing the app rotating even though the auto-rotation is not enabled on your device. Let me assist you with that.
I really appreciate all the information you've provided about this.
I'm glad to know that restarting your device resolved the issue.
If you continue to encounter this issue, please let me know so that we'll be able to investigate this further.

This of course is no assistance at all, and the problem is not resolved, since it will certainly keep occurring till they fix it. I plan to let them know this. I would urge anyone else here who has a paid subscription and can access to support to report the issue. They need to know it's not a one-off.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5

Yesterday I got a reply about this from Hector C. at Evernote tech support, which included the following:

Our developers were also able to replicate the issue and the issue has been filed for prioritization.
I sadly don't have a direct solution at this time as a fix for this will need to be released in the form of an update. Our best option is to wait for that fix but that will take time.

The fact that they can reproduce it is a big step forward, IMHO, as is the fact that it's prioritized. So now we wait until a future update includes it in the unspecified "important bug fixes." For me, because it's so random, I don't know if I'll ever know which update fixes it. As long as it gets fixed, I'm good.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for going to the trouble of reporting this bug. I have the same problem on a Lenovo tablet running Android. I use the tablet almost exclusively while lying down. Even though the Android setting has auto rotate disabled, Evernote ignores this and switches to landscape mode every time I turn the tablet sideways.  Needless to say, it's very annoying and inconvenient...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5
59 minutes ago, New Evernote Sucks said:

Consistently same issue for me Samsung S10.  Evernote 10.56.3. 

Prediction:  Won't be fixed.

Welcome to the forums. Don't know if you saw the workaround about quitting Evernote from the Recent Apps. It's an infrequent problem for me, and that's good enough to deal with it now. But you're right, it shouldn't become a permanent "feature." I interacted with support on this 6 months ago:

On 5/10/2023 at 11:58 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Yesterday I got a reply about this from Hector C. at Evernote tech support, which included the following:

Our developers were also able to replicate the issue and the issue has been filed for prioritization.
I sadly don't have a direct solution at this time as a fix for this will need to be released in the form of an update. Our best option is to wait for that fix but that will take time.

The fact that they can reproduce it is a big step forward, IMHO, as is the fact that it's prioritized. So now we wait until a future update includes it in the unspecified "important bug fixes." For me, because it's so random, I don't know if I'll ever know which update fixes it. As long as it gets fixed, I'm good.

"Priorities," clearly, have changed.

Prediction: you will check in here every couple of months to see if your prediction has been confirmed. 🙂

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I've worked with Hector C. (Technical support specialist - obviously later 2022).  He stepped in after I asked for Reymar (help & learning) to send me over to THE BIG BOYS because he was wasting my time.  Was missing my default notebook. Yeas, I deserve a gold .  

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Where you end up when you prioritize everything is - a need to prioritize. If a 3rd class issue like screen rotation gets that sort of attention, we are in dire need for such an action.

I mean yes, it’s not really nice, and yes, it should be squeezed as the bug it is. But „priority“ … ?!

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'Priority' should be a basically functioning product.  The New Evernote is broken in so many ways, I suppose figuring out what to prioritize is difficult.  

I used Legacy as long as I possibly could and that product 'just worked' until the day I switched to this and discovered almost everything is slower, missing or broken in someway.  Screen rotation on Android is irritating but the extremely long sync and uploads makes this product unusable.  I don't know where to even start with this ...

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Don't be an ass.  My comments stem from weeks of frustration with a broken product that I was forced to 'upgrade' to and that I've paid for.  Further, the view from out here in the field is that the mother company does not seem interested in fixing much. YOU don't believe bugs are priorities and that is fine, but that does not mean all customers need to just shutup about bugs and the lack of response.

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It remains the question who behaves "assy" here.

See, I am another user, I don't need to answer anything you post here. And I am not the punching ball for your self inflicted frustrations.

So go contact support, they get paid to listen to you, and I'm afraid they will again need to work hard for their money in your case.

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You were the one who decided that this topic is not a priority: "I mean yes, it’s not really nice, and yes, it should be squeezed as the bug it is. But „priority“ … ?!"

If you want to speak on behalf of other customers and question whether something not working for them is a priority, then be prepared for a response.  Further to make a snarky reply ("Oh, I am happy you found this out. We have waited for somebody to finally tell us.") just for the sake of flapping your lips is not helpful and childish.  If you do not think this is an issue or a priority ... then feel free to move along.  

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2 minutes ago, Fatima Ansari said:

To turn off screen rotation on most devices:

On Android: Swipe down from the top to access the Quick Settings menu, then tap the "Auto-rotate" icon to disable it.

On iOS (iPhone/iPad): Swipe down from the upper-right corner to access Control Center, then tap the "Screen Rotation Lock" icon to enable it.

Yup.  I'm on Android and screen is not set to 'auto-rotate' yet EN flips back and forth from portrait to landscape as I move my phone.  Only this app does this.  Clearing recent app works for a few mins but it reappears within the next 8 or 10 times I use EN.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5
On 2/1/2024 at 10:30 AM, Finn39 said:

2024 still not fixed yet?

Welcome to the forums. And nope. It continues to happen to me. Support are well aware of it -- here is a response from last May to a report I first made in April.

On 5/10/2023 at 11:58 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Yesterday I got a reply about this from Hector C. at Evernote tech support, which included the following:

Our developers were also able to replicate the issue and the issue has been filed for prioritization.
I sadly don't have a direct solution at this time as a fix for this will need to be released in the form of an update. Our best option is to wait for that fix but that will take time.

Clearly, the "prioritization" it got was a very low one. @Finn39, if you are able to, please file a support request yourself. There is some hope that they are digging out from under the monstrous backlog of the last months, and maybe if they hear about this again, they'll move it up the list. For now, though, the only workaround is to quit the app (from Recent Apps is good enough) and restart it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

Contact support if you don’t like something. The link is in the app settings, tab support (hope that this works, if nothing else).

I would see this as a bottom category bug, no crashes, no data loss, just one client (iOS is working fine, thank you) etc. I doubt anybody will rush it

But of course you can pour all your frustrations into this tiny issue - up to you.

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  • Level 5
10 hours ago, EvernoteSucksBalls said:

Stillll an issue. Pixel 7 Android 14. God I hate Evernote so much now. I wish I could export all my notes. *Sigh* 

I recently updated my support request on this, and after some song-and-dance about sending in information I'd already sent long ago, they said, "Rest assured, your concern has been noted and reported to our developers. While we may not have an immediate solution at hand, please know that we're working hard to prevent any such issues from arising in the future. Enhancing the user experience of Evernote remains a top priority for us." This is boilerplate, of course, but at least it implies that they are actually working on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like I'll have to cancel my subscription and find another note taking app that doesn't auto-rotate and flagrantly ignores system-wide settings. This is a serious bug and should have been fixed years ago. 

Galaxy s22 ultra. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe it ... this issue is from Dec. 2022 and they haven't got this solved? What a shame!

I have the same problem of Auto-Rotation although my devices are locked for automatic rotation!

Happens on the phone Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra and the tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Plus

And: I got the same words as you from support!🤦🏻‍♀️👎🏻

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just joined Evernote and I'm already moving on to other note-taking apps. This product is ass. I'm an Android developer myself, and ***** like this screen rotation bug are issues that could and should be solved within a day. Furthermore, this app lags out once your notes are long enough. Ridiculous 🤣 

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  • 1 month later...

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