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Sort by location, and Sort by tags



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Same here. I use tags to prioritise tasks and unless I can find an alternative way of rearranging notes as I like, I'm going to struggle with this function. 

No idea why this feature would be removed, but I hope it's returned very soon!!

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A TSW/GTD person myself here, sticking/stuck to legacy. I have a variant thought out myself in use, that NEEDS (must-have) sorting of tags per note, and sorting the list. Therefor I'm still using legacy in the hope v10 gets my needed features....


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Here is a use case to illustrate the need for this feature.

Sometimes I want to identify notes that contain only one specified tag. For example I might want to see if a note which only contains a top level tag might benefit from also having some sub tags that I have created more recently. I don't think you can do this with the search syntax. (Very happy if someone can think of a way!) My work around up to now has been to select the top tag and then sort by tags. Notes which only have the top level tag will appear at the top. 

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Hello all, 
I urgently need the function to sort by tags. At the moment I have to use the legacy version, but I don't want this to be permanent. When can I expect the integration of this popular feature in Evernote 10?

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I wonder if it may be very difficult to give us the feature "sort by tags", "sort by notebooks" .... 

In my thinking Evernote just needs to copy some code from the already existig sort options to the other columns. Isn't that just copy and paste of some already existing code 🤔? And why didn't Evernote not invent all sort options right from the beginning 🤔? But I am not a programmer, may be it is much more difficult as I think,  to implement the missing sort options...

I need that function too.

Overall, I am happy with ne new Evernote. It becomes better an better.

But, I don't use the "Start-Ansicht"... never. I don't have a use for that.


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Well, i can't get the Legacy version to install on my new MacBook, so I'm stuck with the lame current version. Why do you remove features when you go to a new version?? Sort by tag is a necessary part of organizing my day - EVERY DAY. Now I can't do that... It's not as if I can switch to a new app to replace Evernote -- I'm in too deep. But it seems like every new version removes something I use daily. It's extremely annoying..

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Search can not be the only way to retrieve notes. Sorting by tags, or by notebook if it's simpler to program, is a basic feature.

I've got many todos/reminders in Evernote, but, without this feature, it's impossible to get a global view of what I have to do. I have to use another tool and make links to Evernote...a shame.

I understand that you need some work to do this, but, at least, give us a planning, a future release date.

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I wonder what is the problem to extend the sort options to tags and other columns like notebooks. Because some sort options already exist. In my thinking it should be easy to extend the sort options, because the code already exist. Or is it more difficult than I think? 

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Six months and not even a peep out of Evernote on this. Sill using Legacy to sort by tags but seriously looking around now. Way to go Evernote, ditching your existing sort methods and customers to offer shiny new bells and whistles.

"PLEASE....restore sort by tag. Been a premium user since early days. I literally have my whole life in thousands of notes sorted by tag! Don't replace it and I'm done with Evernote. How do I know you won't drop my next sort method in your next "update"?" 

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Same here, I'm going to try to reinstall the legacy version. If sort by tag isn't included in the new version by the end of the year I'm going to be looking to find an app that better suits my needs. 

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How difficult can it be to sort on notebook or Tags?

This functionality was available on MAC and WINDOWS. 

Don't know why it was not in the version 10!

We are now more then 10 months later and still this not yet available.

I like the version 10 very much but the sorting is essential for mine workflow and information and keeps me working in the legacy app.

I hope that this will come real soon!!!! Please !!!!!

With regards, Reinier

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1 minute ago, PinkElephant said:

What works for you me: Sorting by date created / changed, or by title.

For tags and notebooks there is a filter, to show only notes that carry that tag or rest in this notebook.

The filter options is not the solution. 
In a stack I want to sort on notebooks. In stack or notebook I want to sort notes on tags, so the notes with the same tags are shown in the list. 
Both very essential for overview! 

About filters: the beauty in the legacy version is that when you select a stack of notebook, only the available tags are shown, very nice! But I miss that in version 10!

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On 10/30/2021 at 2:38 PM, Henry555 said:

Related request, that has already been posted by someone else: 

To which the correct reaction would have been to add a post and a vote in the same thread.  I merged your post back.

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On 8/8/2021 at 6:40 AM, PinkElephant said:

What works for you me: Sorting by date created / changed, or by title.

For tags and notebooks there is a filter, to show only notes that carry that tag or rest in this notebook.

I'm willing to try this, but please explain how it would work. I have a set of tags for my daily to-do list: !1, !2, !3, etc. (The ! forces the tag to be the first in the tag list, at least in Evernote Legacy.) A filter on just !1 would be useless for seeing all the things I have planned for today.

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You start a search, and add multiple elements to the search by applying filters.

If you want to filter for several elements with a logical OR, you need to use the „any:“ operator, or on a Professional & Teams account the boolean search. 

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Please bring back this feature! There's a little sort arrow by "updated" and by "created" - seems like it would be pretty easy to add one next to "tags".  I also use Getting Things Done and sorting tags is a necessary feature to use Evernote with GTD.  I'm going back to the old version of Evernote... again. 

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@PinkElephant, thanks for clarifying this thread is not actively monitored by EN. Fingers crossed I will hear from someone at EN soon. For the record I have submitted the following as both Feedback and a Support Ticket:

I am unable to move from Legacy to the new version on Windows because functionality I depend on for my workflow is not available. For example:
1. I need to be able to sort the list view in Tag order to find the highest priority entries at a glance.
2. Also need to sort List view  by Reminder Date
3. Date format needs to be adopted from Windows setting as I use YY/MM/DD
4. Need List view to be sortable by Location
5. Left sidebar needs to include Saved Searches, not buried within Search bubble as I use my extensive list of saved searches for rapid navigation
6. Intitle: search needs to stay within the selected notebook (today it automatically reverts to All Notes during a new search)
7. Notebooks list contains mysterious new notebooks I did not create called "(Imported) mm/dd/yyyy" - can/should these be deleted?
8. Beside "All Notes" in left sidebar is a blue circle with the number 1 inside. Hovering over it causes a bubble to appear which says "1 reminder today" but clicking on it does nothing. I have over 5000 notes so clicking on the number should filter the list view to only notes with a reminder for today.
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Impressive list. I will try a 2 layered prophecy:

  1. EN will not come close to these features any time the next (say) 1-2 years, if they ever will.
  2. You will have an even harder time finding any alternative that comes even close to what you have with EN - be it legacy or v10.

At the time being you can stick with legacy. It may be the best solution now, but it may go out of business any time. If v10 does the job for you - even if not everything is perfected along your list - you need to decide yourself. Maybe it will still be your best alternative - maybe not.

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9 hours ago, rfhusband said:

I am unable to move from Legacy to the new version on Windows because functionality I depend on for my workflow is not available.

I completely agree that you should be able to sort by any field that appears in the top or side note view. If legacy stops working before it is introduced or you can't find a better alternative much can be achieved using the advanced search syntax although probably not everything.

I assume you have to many saved searches that you routinely use to just out the important ones in shortcuts.

I've not experienced that problem with intitle: searches so that is a bit odd. 

9 hours ago, rfhusband said:

8. Beside "All Notes" in left sidebar is a blue circle with the number 1 inside. Hovering over it causes a bubble to appear which says "1 reminder today" but clicking on it does nothing. I have over 5000 notes so clicking on the number should filter the list view to only notes with a reminder for today.

Reminders now exist in a separate tab sorted by reminder date. If you want only the reminders for today you can untick show upcoming reminders from the gear icon in the Reminders tab. Alternativelyyou can use the advanced search syntax 

reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+1



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Here's a workaround. A bad one. But a workaround nonetheless.

Use case: you have notes tag with a specific tag and you want the notes in that tag to be sorted by Location (i.e. notebook).

How to: Use the API to get all the notes of that tag, sort them however you want, then update their date created such that when you sort by date created in EN, they are in the desired order. Schedule that script to run every morning. Set up a shortcut or w/e to run the script at any point.

Limitations: Takes a while to run (20-ish seconds). You can't have one of the notes open while running the script.

Sample code:

# import hashlib
# import binascii
import os
from base64 import b64encode
import pandas as pd
import time

from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient
import evernote.edam.userstore.constants as UserStoreConstants
# import evernote.edam.type.ttypes as Types
from evernote.edam.notestore.ttypes import NoteFilter, NotesMetadataResultSpec

import inspect
if not hasattr(inspect, 'getargspec'):
    inspect.getargspec = inspect.getfullargspec

auth_token = "your token..."


client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=sandbox,china=china)

note_store = client.get_note_store()

next_tag_guid = "<tag guid here>"
filter = NoteFilter()
filter.tagGuids = [next_tag_guid]
spec = NotesMetadataResultSpec()
spec.includeTitle = True
spec.includeNotebookGuid = True
# spec.includeTagGuids = True
notes_list = note_store.findNotesMetadata(auth_token, filter, 0, 1000, spec)

notebooks_guid_name_map = {}
for notebook in note_store.listNotebooks(auth_token):
    notebooks_guid_name_map[notebook.guid] = notebook.name

notebook_order = ['Notebook 1', 'Notebook 2', 'Notebook 3']

mylist = [{'note_guid': e.guid, 'notebook_guid': e.notebookGuid, 'notebook_name': notebooks_guid_name_map[e.notebookGuid]} for e in notes_list.notes]
df = pd.DataFrame(mylist)

# Check if all elements of the df column are present in the order array
if set(df['notebook_name'].unique()).issubset(set(notebook_order)):
    print("All elements of the df column are present in the order array.")
    print("Not all elements of the df column are present in the order array.")

# Create a categorical data type with the given order
df['notebook_name'] = pd.Categorical(df['notebook_name'], categories=notebook_order, ordered=True)

df = df.sort_values('notebook_name', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)

for ind, row in df.iterrows():
    existing_note = note_store.getNote(row['note_guid'], True, True, True, True)
    new_date_created = int(round(time.time()*1000)) - (ind*24*60*60*1000)
    existing_note.created = new_date_created

In any case, this, among other things, is why I am considering switching to Notion...

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5 hours ago, NikolayBPetrov said:

Here's a workaround. A bad one. But a workaround nonetheless.

Use case: you have notes tag with a specific tag and you want the notes in that tag to be sorted by Location (i.e. notebook).

How to: Use the API to get all the notes of that tag, sort them however you want, then update their date created such that when you sort by date created in EN, they are in the desired order. Schedule that script to run every morning. Set up a shortcut or w/e to run the script at any point.

Limitations: Takes a while to run (20-ish seconds). You can't have one of the notes open while running the script.

Sample code:

# import hashlib
# import binascii

In any case, this, among other things, is why I am considering switching to Notion...

Oh, wow. I use python all the time, but never considered something like this. At the very least, I'll be interested in playing around with it. Thanks for sharing!

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