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  1. OP, I share your frustration. This bug has forced me to use Apple Notes entirely since I'm depended on my outgoing HookMark and DEVONthink links. This bug have been going on for weeks now, and every 3-4 day there has been a new Evernote update, but without fixing this crucial bugs. It's an easy fix, yet despite addressing it to customer support, nothing happens. This is how Evernote treat their Premium-100+dollars-paying-customers. See also these threads regarding the issue: - Apple Mail message links no longer work in Evernote desktop app for Mac - Cannot open local file link
  2. Good. Maybe an actual human being at Evernote will now take notice of this bug, enabling them to fix it ASAP and thus retaining more of their Premium-paying customers. 👍🏼
  3. OMG, not the PinkElephant again 🙄 ... always interferes on behalf of Evernote 10.0, never ever provides any solutions. Just being the the company's brown-noser... As you very well know contacting support - even as a Premium user - doesn't help a bit. All you get is a generic response that doesn't even address your issue. As you can see in this thread, I've already contacted Evernote regarding this bug to no avail. And a lot of users use application links such as HookMark, Devonthink and so on. The idea of even disabling these outgoing links is completely insane. But one thing is for sure; if they don't fix this, I will not renew my Premium subscription later this spring. Right now I have to use Apple Note for all my work because outgoing application links have been disabled. If at least Evernote Legacy would have been continued (all the links still work there), I could have continued my work from there.
  4. Despite several Evernote updates per week, this devastating bug persists. Seriously, WTF? Without clickable outgoing links to other macOS applications, Evernote is utterly useless to me - so right now, I'm just flushing 100 dollars down the drain. 🤯🤯
  5. I sent this bug complaint to Evernote last week The bla-bla-bla feedback I received seemed disappointingly generic, akin to an automated response sent to everyone, regardless of the specific details of their bug complaint: I can't understand why I endure this treatment when I pay a small fortune for Evernote. They just increased the price by 100% and then offer me a useless product? Guess it's time to move on.
  6. I also reported this bug, but got no acknowledgement what so ever from Evernote. I can't use Evernote without my outgoing application links to Outlook, Apple Notes, Things 3, and so on. Right now I'm paying over 100 dollars a year for a useless product. 2024 really started well. First they decided to take Evernote Legacy away from me (which worked perfectly for my workflow) and forced me to use Evernote 10 (despite its lack of core features from Evernote Legacy) and now after a few days of using Evernote 10, they also make that very version totally useless to me. Best regards, A soon-to-be former Premium user of Evernote
  7. Since Evernote Legacy recently began to lag too much, I finally had to surrender and upgrade (downgrade!!) to the so-called new Evernote 10.0 (goodbye my beloved "sort by tags"-feature 😢). At least the so-called new Evernote 10.0 doesn't have any lag issues. However, when I click on an Evernote-link from another application then the link doesn't open the Evernote-note in full screen (expanded note), but only part of my note combined with the notes overview and left task bar. This is a deal-breaker for me. For instance, I start my morning in my calendar where I click on a link to Evernote to do my morning ritual. In Evernote Legacy the link opened just the note in a full expanded window. Now when I click on the link from my calendar, the link only shows my half of the note (see my attached photo) together with note overview and task bar. Question: how do I force Evernote 10 to open Evernote-links (accessed from outside Evernote) to always open in a full, expanded window ? THANKS! 🙏🏼
  8. How can such a core feature as "sort by tags" still be missing after more than a year? We ain't gonna pay Premium sub. for the Legacy version forever, Evernote. Hustle up and re-implement sort by tags, thanks!!
  9. Same here ! I've been waiting for the ⌘ + J (Jump) to be re-implemented for months now!!
  10. Hello gazumped. I forgot to tell that I'm not using a mouse, but the trackpad. Nothing happens when I try ALT + Doubleclick, but when I do CONTROL + click on the link, then I can select "open note in a new window".
  11. It frustrates me there is no option under settings to select "Open note in new window". I'd prefer that every time I click on an internal Evernote-link, then a new window, containing that note, would pop up (which I then could shut down fast and easily with the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + W when I'm done with the note). Any suggestions for a work-around? PS: I'm aware that I can mouse-right-click on a link and select "open note in a new window", but that is too annoying and time consuming and totally destroys my workflow.
  12. This request has been made many times before and I told myself: the fact this on-going request since the early beginning hasn't yet been implemented must have to do with a technical issue. However, after I realized that adding new or already existing tags to a Quick Note in the Drafts App was a piece of cake (see attached screenshot), then I wonder once again: why hasn't this much needed feature been implemented in Evernote by now? Make it a premium feature so new users on the free version have an extra incentive to upgrade. Thanks ! 😀
  13. Any update on this matter? Now it's 2018 and still you can't (on a Mac) set a separate sorting preferences per notebook!? Evernote, please fix this glitch!
  14. Evernote!! Don't treat your paying customers like garbage. Remove this totally workflow-destroying message ASAP!
  15. Agree! I'm also a Premium-member and I find it frustrating that I can't attach some of my PDFs in an Evernote-note as a result of the low 200-MB note size. Please fix this!
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