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Evernote Web v6.17 released

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Well I noticed two things, or my cache has been stale and this didn't appear before so someone can call me unobservant. Reminders now have their own list. And Find/Replace is an option. The Find/Replaced is in the ellipse menu called Find within note...



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Also it looks as though when you set a sort order for notes and close the web interface and reopen it, the sort order is remembered from the last setting used , before this release it always defaulted to sorting by recently updated. 

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Aww now. I still seem to be stuck on 5.33 on this account,  though I just switched over to a Basic account I use for testing and that gets me web 6.17.  Is this still a phased roll-out with only certain areas (or alphabetic user ranges) getting the latest latest version???  I'm beginning to feel version-scriminated against!

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Aww now. I still seem to be stuck on 5.33 on this account,  though I just switched over to a Basic account I use for testing and that gets me web 6.17.  Is this still a phased roll-out with only certain areas (or alphabetic user ranges) getting the latest latest version???  I'm beginning to feel version-scriminated against!

On my iMac, it is browser dependent - Safari gets 5.33, Chrome gets 6.17. Which is weird, since Safari is the default browser for the Mac.

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

Aww now. I still seem to be stuck on 5.33 on this account,  though I just switched over to a Basic account I use for testing and that gets me web 6.17.  Is this still a phased roll-out with only certain areas (or alphabetic user ranges) getting the latest latest version???  I'm beginning to feel version-scriminated against!

Ditto, no access via main account but do get access with test basic account.  Interface looks the same as last time I looked, meta data all over the page and multiple added clicks to get basic stuff done.  I do hope this UI does not bleed into the desktop version.  That would be a major PITA.

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43 minutes ago, CalS said:

Ditto, no access via main account but do get access with test basic account.  Interface looks the same as last time I looked, meta data all over the page and multiple added clicks to get basic stuff done.  I do hope this UI does not bleed into the desktop version.  That would be a major PITA.

The Preview apps, which will eventually become the default desktop apps, apparently look identical to the web. What do you find takes more clicks with the new interface? Now is the time for specific feedback so that EN can incorporate improvements.

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3 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Good catches, folks. I think Find and Replace has been around for a couple of versions. @ianfm, would you mind replying to this thread WRT the remembered sort order--a number of people have been waiting for that:


Got it, yes I have replied to that thread

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6 minutes ago, Paul A. said:

The Preview apps, which will eventually become the default desktop apps, apparently look identical to the web. What do you find takes more clicks with the new interface? Now is the time for specific feedback so that EN can incorporate improvements.

I posted my issues some time back in these forums and with DMs to some of the folks at EN.  So from memory, two things that have been addressed are moving a note via a Notebook dropdown and adding reminders.  Well kind of for reminders, it still takes two clicks on the web to close the reminder.  Otherwise most everything is hidden under the three dots, so an additional click every time you want to check info, delete a note, print a note.  No shortcuts on the top either so another click anytime you want to access a "shortcut". 

From a visual basis so much wasted space, huge fonts, etc.  I use a 10 font on Windows desktop, so not that small.  It appears that the font on the web is a 12 or so though it says 16 in the header.  It's all the other spacing as well.  What I really don't understand is the moving of tags and reminders to the bottom of the page.  Old version your eyes travel horizontally for the "meta" data (Title, tags, reminder, created or updated all in the same rectangle), now they travel horizontally and vertically (Title up, reminder and tags down, created/updated hidden), weird design change in my view.  Why?  If we are going for uniformity iPhone has Title and reminder at the top, tags and created/updated hidden.  No side list view so that in conjunction with all the air the most you can display is five or six notes at a time.  And side list is great as the display for reminder searches.  No giant leap forward in productivity with any of this.

Sure, I've been using EN since 2009, have become paperless in the process, am pushing 49,000 notes, am 10 years older, and am no doubt grumpier and stuck in my ways.  If an incarnation of this software arrives on the desktop this will be a stop watch slower piece of software.  Not emotion or change aversion, just how it will be.  Both from interface usage and accessing stuff for my use case.  Performing my usual tasks tells me so.  

I will no doubt ride 6.25.1 to the sunset.  Hopefully some productivity enhancements will occur in the meantime. Or better yet the short term.  :)

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4 hours ago, gazumped said:

Aww now. I still seem to be stuck on 5.33 on this account,  though I just switched over to a Basic account I use for testing and that gets me web 6.17.  Is this still a phased roll-out with only certain areas (or alphabetic user ranges) getting the latest latest version???  I'm beginning to feel version-scriminated against!

May be a note count thing?

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Update on speed.  Turns out I can get to the new 6.17 with my test account (5), my archive project account (5800) and my wife's account (2200), note counts in parentheses.  For these smaller accounts the responsiveness is good web responsiveness, not desktop. but quick enough you don't start gazing at butterflies waiting.  Better than the last time I tried with the wife's account for sure. 

So take speed off the list pending being able to test with my main account.  Which previously has just crashed and burned.  So progress. :)

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1 hour ago, CalS said:

I posted my issues some time back in these forums and with DMs to some of the folks at EN.  So from memory, two things that have been addressed are moving a note via a Notebook dropdown and adding reminders.  Well kind of for reminders, it still takes two clicks on the web to close the reminder. 

You'll be pleased to learn that setting a reminder with a date is faster and takes fewer clicks on the Preview app than on the current/old Mac app.

1 hour ago, CalS said:

Otherwise most everything is hidden under the three dots, so an additional click every time you want to check info, delete a note, print a note.  No shortcuts on the top either so another click anytime you want to access a "shortcut". 

On Mac, the current/old app also hides things behind a three-dot menu, so the Preview app is no change there. I take it on Windows the old/current app has some kind of toolbar at the top of notes? Both the Preview and the old apps allow you to right-click on a note to access various functions, including note info and delete note. Print is available via keyboard shortcut (and the top-level menu), as is Note info and other functions.

1 hour ago, CalS said:

From a visual basis so much wasted space, huge fonts, etc.  I use a 10 font on Windows desktop, so not that small.  It appears that the font on the web is a 12 or so though it says 16 in the header.  It's all the other spacing as well.

Have you tried using browser zoom (Cmd or Ctrl -/=) to zoom out so that the text is a better size for you? Similarly, the new Preview apps allow zooming in and out to reduce or increase text size.

1 hour ago, CalS said:

  What I really don't understand is the moving of tags and reminders to the bottom of the page.

I'm still getting used to this myself, but it's not so bad after a while. I think they covered this design decision in one of their behind-the-scenes videos. They had some justification for it but I don't recall what it was. 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Paul A. said:

You'll be pleased to learn that setting a reminder with a date is faster and takes fewer clicks on the Preview app than on the current/old Mac app.

If only I used a Mac.  ;)

1 hour ago, Paul A. said:

On Mac, the current/old app also hides things behind a three-dot menu, so the Preview app is no change there. I take it on Windows the old/current app has some kind of toolbar at the top of notes? Both the Preview and the old apps allow you to right-click on a note to access various functions, including note info and delete note. Print is available via keyboard shortcut (and the top-level menu), as is Note info and other functions.

Yeah, Windows definitely better with this stuff.  Added clicks is all I can say.  Fact.

1 hour ago, Paul A. said:

Have you tried using browser zoom (Cmd or Ctrl -/=) to zoom out so that the text is a better size for you? Similarly, the new Preview apps allow zooming in and out to reduce or increase text size.

Not a bad idea other than the font on the note list is close to normal font but the note font is much larger.  And not having a side list view is problematic for me.

1 hour ago, Paul A. said:

I'm still getting used to this myself, but it's not so bad after a while. I think they covered this design decision in one of their behind-the-scenes videos. They had some justification for it but I don't recall what it was. 🤷‍♂️

Going to take some amber liquid to get used to this one.  I really enjoy having my eyes dart around a screen.  I think it's a mistake.  Anyway, horses for courses. 

My version of a productive desktop below on a 24 inch monitor for perspective.  All notes view though I'm typically only there to start a search.  I use PhraseExpress for hotkeys to simplify some of the existing multi click operations, reminders in particular.  EN is always open on the right panel of a two monitor set up.  To be clear, I don't mind workarounds for things that don't exist, I do mind workarounds to recover something functional that is removed.  Pretty is great but why can't we have pretty and productive.  All said,  will continue using EN daily through all of this.  :)


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20 hours ago, Paul A. said:

The Preview apps, which will eventually become the default desktop apps, apparently look identical to the web. What do you find takes more clicks with the new interface? Now is the time for specific feedback so that EN can incorporate improvements.

Paul, where can we see these Preview apps? Are they the betas? I'm particularly interested in the Windows desktop. Does it still have the note merge feature and the various note list views?

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2 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Paul, where can we see these Preview apps? Are they the betas? I'm particularly interested in the Windows desktop. Does it still have the note merge feature and the various note list views?

Take a look at the Evernote subreddit on Reddit for more discussion. They are considered "pre-Betas." Presumably Evernote is eventually going to open them up to everyone as a Beta at some point. It's taking them much longer than expected but they seem to be making steady progress, so soon, maybe? 🤷‍♂️

As for note merge, they JUST added it. Only tested it once and worked fine. It actually includes an optional feature of keeping a copy of the original notes. Haven't tested that, but could be useful when you're merging multiple notes and not sure if the format is going to get messed up. (Right now I might duplicate a note first and then test the merge, this option would remove the need to do that.)

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Thanks for the info. I don't spend time on Reddit, but might be worth a look. I've seen some anxiety that the merge function might by be lost from the Windows app when cross-platform compatibility increases. I didn't think it was likely they'd be taking stuff away, but it's good to be sure.

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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Thanks for the info. I don't spend time on Reddit, but might be worth a look. I've seen some anxiety that the merge function might by be lost from the Windows app when cross-platform compatibility increases. I didn't think it was likely they'd be taking stuff away, but it's good to be sure.

I'm sure some minor stuff won't make it for launch (and possibly not ever), but they seem to be working hard to get all the core functionality in. Biggest remaining missing items that I've noticed are presentation mode, the ability to control what notes and notebooks get synced locally, work chat, and some usability issues with tags.

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6 hours ago, BasieBand said:

Evernote Business is also stuck at version 5.33.0.  Makes no sense.


? How many notes do you have?  My (much) smaller Basic accounts seem to get the new versions,  while my HUGE main account does not.  I can wait until the roll-out gets this far...

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Something else I noticed with 6.17. I had both the web version and desktop version up and was looking at my inbox when I noticed they did not match. Several notes available in the desktop version I had recently added, did not show up in the web version. I switched to the previous version in the web, and those notes appear. Switch to the new version and they did  not appear again. Annoying.

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To update my last post, its a Chrome issue. I loaded the 6.17 in Edge and its correctly showing all notes. Chrome seems to be causing a few issues under the new version, including creating new notes.

Under Edge I also noticed a new feature in 6.17, the New Note drop down appears to have templates in them, but I don't see how to update it to use my preferred templates.


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12 hours ago, charlieedstrom said:

To update my last post, its a Chrome issue. I loaded the 6.17 in Edge and its correctly showing all notes. Chrome seems to be causing a few issues under the new version, including creating new notes.

Under Edge I also noticed a new feature in 6.17, the New Note drop down appears to have templates in them, but I don't see how to update it to use my preferred templates.

The missing-notes issue in Chrome has been identified in earlier threads, I think. Very strange. WRT templates, good catch! I don't use them yet myself, but I do see the same drop-down in v. 6.17 in Opera.

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There's some buzz online that Evernote has shut down the "Preview" program and started up a "Beta" program in its stead. Apparently they released private Beta versions of their desktop apps this week. Possibly this is simply a change in nomenclature from "Preview" to "Beta", but was curious whether anyone knew anything more?

Regardless, this is a hopeful sign. I would guess that the beta testing pool will be much larger than the Preview testing pool, so hopefully most or even all people who have indicated an interest by signing up will be invited in, at least eventually. Evernote seems to be proceeding very cautiously, so I'm sure they'll start with a small group and increase over time. Hopefully it won't take too long...

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