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Everything posted by eric99

  1. EN data is just encrypted at rest, it can still be accessed by Evernote employees. Obsidian or joplin employees can not access your data due to full E2EE with your own private password.
  2. Yes, very frustrating. I'll further check Obsidian and Joplin in more detail. Both have full E2EE AES 256 encryption, a big plus.
  3. Yes, race conditions bugs are hard to pinpoint because these are very difficult to reproduce. Actually, race conditions should have been handled in the early design and not as an afterthought. That's the only way to get rid of it.
  4. Yeah, but this might be the result of taking over a monolitic code base: you turn one ***** to fix a specific problem, and suddenly an unexpected side effect occurs in a completely different piece of the code base. Therefore, before changing anything, much more (unit) tests should be written to verify that the behavior hasn't been changed after refactoring.
  5. V10.59.5 should be roll backed or fixed urgently as this version is useless without proper search and with unpredictable behavior / crashes
  6. Hmm, I wouldn't advice that, v10.59 is very unstable:
  7. Yes, I'm also going back to 10.58.8. I don't trust 10.59.5 anymore, very unpredictable! SQA should test more thoroughly, especially now that they completely took over the software...
  8. I logged out (cleared all data), reinstalled and still the same problem. It looks like the GUI gets in some endless (recursive?) loop after a search, refreshing every 2 seconds for a while. This confirms the React error 185 "Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops." edit: sometimes a global search does return a result list, but then after just waiting 10 seconds, it spontaneously starts repeating the search at regular intervals of 4 seconds forever.
  9. @Federico Simionato The most recent windows client 10.59.5 (5236) seems to have serious regression now: searching in a notebook is denied with the pop-up message: "Permissions lost, you can no longer access notebook XYZ" sometimes global search in all notes returns the full note list instead of the filtered one. deleting a note by pressing the delete button doesn't always respond the note menu is sometimes completely grayed-out for some notes when scrolling to the bottom of a result list with length > 128 ( 2^7 ), it always jumps back automatically to the top of the list. So the notes at the end of the list are unreachable sometimes a global search does return a result list, but then after just waiting 10 seconds, it spontaneously starts repeating the search at regular intervals of 4 seconds forever. Edit: I found out that the global search oscillation is caused by the sort order of the result list which was default set to 'relevant' . Apparently it's trying endlessly to find the most relevant order. When I set the sort order to 'update time', the global search seems to work normally. The other problems I mentioned before are still there. Edit: here a complete crash by just clicking the notes button in the left side bar after the search oscillation (probably related)! Error: Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at hi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:92504) at Lo (app://evernote/4448.js:2:64442) at app://evernote/6034.js:1314:10409 at Ui (app://evernote/4448.js:2:104192) at n.unstable_runWithPriority (app://evernote/4448.js:2:121861) at $l (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44842) at Fi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:103655) at bi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:95183) at app://evernote/4448.js:2:45065 at n.unstable_runWithPriority (app://evernote/4448.js:2:121861) at $l (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44842) at Yl (app://evernote/4448.js:2:45010) at Kl (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44945) at Ui (app://evernote/4448.js:2:104378) at n.unstable_runWithPriority (app://evernote/4448.js:2:121861) at $l (app://evernote/4448.js:2:44842) at Fi (app://evernote/4448.js:2:103655) at app://evernote/4448.js:2:103566 at I (app://evernote/4448.js:2:120921) at w.port1.onmessage (app://evernote/4448.js:2:119644)
  10. I hope not, they've had over 2 years to get V10 right...
  11. Yes, but they want to get rid of V6 without fixing these issues first. So this forces people to leave evernote before legacy stops 😕
  12. weird, in my windows client it also occurs with a simple word search (but only when I select the notebook in the left sidebar) Have you already created a ticket or are they reading it in this thread?
  13. Unfortunately attachment links in V10 HTML are broken. I reported this bug more than 2 years ago, EN can fix it by just adding a single line of HTML to the attachment icon: <a href="my files/john doe.pdf" style="text-decoration: none;"> They promised me several times that they would fix it, but for some reason they refuse to do it. Today's data loss issues make a working HTML archive more urgent than ever. I'm willing to keep paying for Evernote, but they have to deliver what they promise in their feature list.
  14. yep, exactly like that, on windows client, same version as well... edit: no problem if I select a notebook via filters
  15. Is this a known regression? When I select a notebook, searching within it is denied with the pop-up message: "Permissions lost, you can no longer access notebook XYZ" (my translation...) It's only a search problem because I can still visit all the notes in the selected notebook without any problem. Also, a global search will still return all expected notes
  16. Perhaps AI cleanup is intentionally disabled until all data loss issues are resolved (to rule out possible data loss due to AI) ?
  17. This hangup can be reproduced by quickly typing a few minutes into the Windows client. You will see that the Android client's RTE sync slows down and suddenly stops altogether. As mentioned earlier, changes made in the Android client will remain synced in the Windows client. It never recovers until you reopen the note in the Android client.
  18. Sometimes android v10.52.1 RTE sync still blocks in one direction: edits on android client are still synced to windows and web client, but not in the other direction. After waiting for 5 minutes, closing the note and reopening it in the android client solves the problem. No data loss.
  19. In the mean time, I further investigated Obsidian in more detail. Import: I successfully imported a notebook of 3000 notes without data loss. Attachment links do work properly and what's more, even internal note links are imported properly (probably recovered from the note title because ENEX still doesn't save the note-id) security: Different from most note apps, Obsidian encrypts the vault on your device with a custom encryption key before it's sent to Obsidian's servers. This guarantees that no one—not even the Obsidian team—can access your notes search: your notes are searched offline since the server can't do it due to the encryption. The search is OK, it can even search for a substring inside a word, something EN can't do. Search inside PDF is not supported by obsidian yet, but there is a super search community plugin that can handle pdf and OCR. Other nice features: code syntax coloring canvas graph 1023 plugins, written by a very active community Export: since notes are stored as markdown files, it can be edited with any editor and it should be readable by any markdown viewer. With Pandoc you can convert the markdown to other formats. I need to further investigate this. Conclusion: overall I'm impressed and I agree Obsidian is a viable alternative indeed...
  20. Yep, slimming down by relocating to Europe entirely is the only way to compete with indie developers of other popular note-taking apps, preventing further price escalation for existing users. I still don't understand why it took hundreds of Evernote employees to create a note-taking app, when I compare it to Obsidian or Joplin developed by only a few developers.
  21. If markdown would be a real standard, it should be readable by any markdown reader, but unfortunately each notetaking app seams to have it's own markdown dialect 🙄
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