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Everything posted by EdH

  1. still absurd you cannot do this in the search query.
  2. Technically, there is no such thing as "a stack." It is just a visual representation for you of how you want to view notebooks. It is not like a folder, then sub folders on your PC/Mac, which are all real folders. I suppose they could do this by looping through each notebook in the stack and sharing them one at a time, but then it becomes difficult to unshare a stack if you've tweaked individual notebooks in the stack with other permissions. Not impossible, but that is why you cannot share a stack today - there is really no such thing.
  3. FWIW, the Windows client has Find & Replace, and it is hilarious to watch. Most apps I've seen just do it. Evernote moved to every "find" and you can watch it quickly do the "replace" so it is very slow. I had a checklist for a reading plan with 365 entries, and I did a find/replace for each one. It took about 15 seconds to do it. I think it was just tossed in there years ago and never really looked at. I know everyone thinks Evernote was created in 2008 or something, but the Windows client was created in 2003 and it was very much a Windows program back then with no cross-platform thinking in it, and the current version still has stuff from way back then. F&R may be one of those features.
  4. Yup. I found this out over the weekend. I had to wait until I fired up my Windows PC to do this as the Windows client has it. Unfortunately, unless you have a Windows version of Evernote, I don't think you can. iOS and the web version of EN cannot do it either. I am not sure about Android, but doubt it.
  5. See this thread. But first I recommend you figure out your user ID because you keep posting stuff under the @lborcoll and @nontury IDs, and that means you have multiple Evernote accounts, and that is possibly where some of your confusion is. Just pick one account and stick with that.
  6. Are you using a recent version? EN 6.x supports HDPI monitors and I cannot tell the difference in how Evernote looks on my HDPI Surface Pro 4 screen vs an older 21" "low res" monitor that it is attached to. By default, my SP4 is set to 150% DPI in the settings for the built in screen. But EN scales well and looks comparable to Outlook, Excel, Chrome, and other apps. Not smaller or larger.
  7. But this is a pain. But yeah, you can effectively "undo" the mess. I am fortunate I also use the Windows client and I save all my merges for that platform. It is unbelievable that macOS still cannot do this.
  8. The -tag:archive in the search will do this easily. What you propose will make it more cumbersome to do a full search of notes and probably increase the support calls to Evernote for people that would archive stuff then wonder why it didn't show up in search results. Moving everything to an archive notebook or stack of archived notebooks and adding the "archive" tag to all of them solves this. Just include -tag:archive in your searches.
  9. You could export it then delete it. The export file is XML, so in a pinch, you could open in a text editor to scan for info, or if you really needed something from it, just import it back into Evernote.
  10. Yes, a "Paste Format" option would be nice. I use EN and ON daily and much prefer Evernote, but OneNote definitely has the upper hand in rich formatting.
  11. Thanks. I am sure there are many more I've missed too. Keep the list going...
  12. what feedback forum? The Windows feedback, or mac feedback?
  13. I personally would love it if the next round of upgrades was to get feature parity among the desktop platforms. For example: Things Windows has but macOS doesn't Indent/Outdent icons on the toolbar (even this web forum has those!) Import folders Ability to merge notes in the order selected instead of the order last modified. 3 Reminder fields to add in List View Ability to put shortcuts across the top where they are always visible instead of the left pane where they can vanish off screen Things macOS has but Windows doesn't easy access to saved searches in the search bar Easily create saved search from the search bar after executing a search Ability to show hits in PDF files (I know the reason for this, but I am say'n it anyway! :-) ) Ability to copy files from Windows Explorer and Paste with a shortcut key Ability to remove tags with the cursor key when in the tag area of a note without having to grab the mouse and hit that teeny tiny x next to the tag. A rock'n database that never forces the UI to stop responding Ability to see reminder notes in List view I am sure there are others, but the key is, these are two insanely powerful platforms and there is no reason (other than the PDF thing above) both cannot both do everything the other can, even if the UI might be a bit different in how it is executed. Not asking for any of this on iOS or Android - I fully get those platforms are different - though they should be roughly equivalent to each other) I don't know about anyone else, but I'd prefer these be addressed before one. single. new. feature. is released.
  14. There is no reason to go to 64 bit unless memory is an issue. Microsoft, for example, will tell you up front don't bother with Office 64 bit unless you specifically need a ton of RAM for really large Excel spreadsheets. It does nothing for the other apps and can introduce issues with plugins which may not work right or at all with the 64bit version. I don't think Evernote's freezing problem has anything to do with 32bit vs 64bit. It has to do with it shoving everything in that one database file. The Mac client is much faster and I think that is because every note is multiple files in a massive folder structure - one file for the text, one for images, attachments, etc. Then the EN client puts them together on the fly. In Windows everything is in a single database and it requires maintenance and updates, so editing and saving a 100KB note can cause your machine to freeze while 50MB or more of disk activity happens. I have a screaming fast Surface Pro 4 with a 512GB SSD and 16GB of RAm and EN still routinely freezes. I have an anemic Macbook at home (1.2GHz Core M processor) and 8GB of RAM and it never freezes. Same data. Over 16,000 notes and 8GB of data.
  15. This has been brought up numerous times, and honestly, that still isn't enough. I recently messed up a merging on the Mac and got tired of fooling with it, restored my notes from teh trash and merged them on Windows because that merges in the order selected. Evernote, please show us Mac users some love here!
  16. No, but it isn't as big of a deal. Few people delete text with the delete key on Windows. We use backspace when typing. Using the delete key is a very deliberate keystroke in edit mode. On the Mac, the delete key is used for backspace and is very commonly used, and way to easy to delete an entire note. It would be like deleting notes in the Windows version with the Backspace key. That would be bad. And, [DELETE] alone is how you delete files in Windows, so it is consistent.
  17. Yes. That was a deliberate change in the latest build to mimic how you delete files on the Mac - CTRL-Delete. EN was apparently getting a LOT of support issues with people thinking they were deleting characters and if the focus was wrong, notes started vanishing.
  18. I understand what you are saying @JMichaelTX, but I've done this at least 3 times where teh support thread/adventure lasted 3-5 weeks, and ended with a "yup. thanks for the input, we'll keep working on it." and nothing. It is exhausting and I don't have the time to waste on it anymore. I will happily devote HOURS to it every week if I have a direct line past the front line support, because that is useless for this. But I am not jumping on that treadmill again. It isn't productive. I know this from experience.
  19. You are 100% right - this is a pure I/O issue with the disk. CPU usage is non-existent during this process, and RAM usage is unaffected.
  20. Doesn't help. Delete and redownload is a more comprehensive version of this, and that doesn't help either. I've done both. Multiple times. I am not sure what the "optimize database" function does - perhaps redoes the search index and a few other fixes. It just does nothing for the freeze problem. I am convinced it is the .exb file format. This issue doesn't exist on OS X where every note and attachment is a separate file, so if you need to modify one note, it modifies one file. WIth Windows, it has to tear into a 7GB database (in my case) which causes the freeze. I can repro this instantly too. Annotate a PDF and click Save. EN will freeze for 2-3 minutes while it makes room in the database for the edits. Many other things cause it, like, you know, typing, but the annotate is a sure-fire way to cause it.
  21. That may be the issue. I have a wide WIDE variety of notes. From dozens (hundreds?) of 116 byte files that are nothing more than a title (a task in my GTD system) to nearly 1,000 notes with attachments over 1MB (excel, pdf, images, word, encrypted archives, etc.) totalling over 15,500 notes and 7.5GB in size. I routinely use EN for small writing tasks, like blogs, bible study notes, etc. 100-4,000 words. It is a joy to use on my Mac, and decent on my iPad, especially with a BT keyboard. It is decent to use on the web too. I cannot use it on WIndows though. It is unusable, and has been for YEARS - ever since EN 5 came out in 2012, and maybe some before that. I don't want to lay this all at EN5's feet as I don't think the database changed much. Submitting bug reports via the bug reporting channel get me nowhere. "Send me your sync log." Sync log doesn't report this because syncing isn't involved. I can be offline and it still happens. Deleting and redownloading doesn't help either. I've done that dozens of times, usually out of necessity with a new machine. I'd gladly assist if I could be assured EN was taking very seriously and I had a direct line to someone in or near the development team working on it. I am not working with their front-line support people that rarely read the entire response and often give info little better than "you should uninstall and reinstall and see if that fixes it."
  22. Ive done that. Many times. I've submitted video, special crash and performance logs from a build that spit out a higher level of diagnostics. Sadly, the answer is always the same after a while. Thanks for the valuable data, we are making progress. two years later since my last bit with this, no improvement.
  23. I hope that continues for you. I've had EN 5.x on an SSD and hybrid drive and the UI would still freeze often enough that it wasn't an effective note-taking tool. Sort of sad, but often I would type stuff up in Textpad then copy|paste it into Evernote. No such problems on iOS or OS X.
  24. It isn't your machine. Adding RAM and more CPU only masks the problem. My Macbook with a pathetic 1.2GHz processor never has this problem. It is the WIndows EN database file and the way EN is constanatly trying to update it. When this locks go to your database folder and you'll see a journal file that is created while EN does its housekeeping. 99% of the time, this housekeeping will lock up the UI until it is done. I've witnessed this with an HDD, SDD, and hybrid drive. EN is really useless to me for typing and editing large notes. I'd rather use my iPad or Macbook which let me work uninterrupted for as long as I want than WIndows. I wish the team would take this seriously. I think what needs to be done is the EN database for Windows needs to be eliminated and do it like the OS X version, which is essentially one note per file vs one monolithic file for every note, or move to a different technology for the database for WIndows. I've worked with the team for specific troubleshooting on this for 3 years and while it has gotten better, it has really moved from "sucks" to "sucks less" and is still insanely frustrating to use. By the way, I am here on this board typing this right now while I am waiting for the UI in Evernote to come back to me so I can continue filing notes. I see. If I can give my idea, I think maybe it would be better to: - use a file storage strategy where a number of fixed-sized files contains the DB. Otherwise, if one note is 10 Gb, this one note will be unmanageable (just a guess). But this means notes would be split over different files. Maybe there's a better plan. - perform the "housekeeping" on notes on which the user is not working/when the computer is inactive (If I'm not wrong I think Windows does this as a defragmentation strategy). Just wild guesses. I think many of us EN users are pretty skilled in programming /software architecture. It would be awesome if someone from EN would set up a poll to ask us what could work best. M Honestly I think the programmers at EN are eminently qualified. The problem is the Windows database goes back to version 3, and has roots in an app written in 2004, before Evernote acknowledges it existed. It would be a massive undertaking to rewrite, and a second massive undertaking to handle the migration on the user's end. For me, I'd just as soon blow away my database and let it redownload in a new structure, but that is a lot of bandwidth for some people (some well over 50GB!). Doing a straight copy will temporarily double your EN disk usage, and that might not be feasible for some people that are nearing their HD size, so the third option is to migrate some, then compact the current database, then migrate some, then compact, etc. That is MASSIVE disk churning and I could see it taking an hour per GB or two to migrate, so defintely an overnight or weekend process. In any event, all I know for sure is the current database sucks on Windows. iOS and OS X have it right. Hello, I am currently using EverNote 5.9.6 and apparently the problem has been mitigated. I will continue to give feedbacks on the usage. As a clarification: suggesting the poll I was misunderstood. I did not imply that EN programmers are not qualified, nor they need users advice to create a good piece of software. I think EN is a great and useful program, and I'm pretty sure programmers working on it are doing great. I too am on Evernote and an staring at Evernote's window saying "Not Responding" while a big journal file is being messed with, so it isn't mitigated here.
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