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Everything posted by JMichaelTX

  1. John, sorry if I'm being dense here, but please clarify: Does the current version support incremental export (only new/modified notes), OR, are you referring to what is possible in a future version?
  2. John, looks like you've been doing some good work! Is it possible to backup/export ONLY those notes which have changed or been added since the last backup/export?
  3. If your script works for you, then that is great. However, I would caution others to be aware of some issues: Use of the "with timeout" may mean that the export does NOT complete. It appears that you are running BOTH an incremental and total export on Saturday. Not necessary and consumes extra storage space. You are exporting to BOTH HTML and ENEX -- not necessary IMO. Your statement for finding ALL notes is flawed: set theNotes to find notes ("updated:19900101") Neither your daily nor full exports do anything to identify the Notebook of the Notes. Your export location is hard coded, and will have to be changed by each user The name of your export file for full backup is fixed, and so it will be overwritten each week. You don't trap for any errors, so if there is one the user may not know what caused it.
  4. First of all, your reference is ONLY for Mac AppleScript. Second, that is a terrible AppleScript. I would never use it: It exports ALL notes without regard to Notebook It uses a very poor "find notes" statement, which can fail. set matches to find notes "created:19900101" It exports ALL notes without regard to date (last modified) I would share my script, but I do not have an AppleScript for daily export of ENEX, because I don't need it. As I stated above, I just use Mac Time Machine.
  5. We Mac users are very fortunate -- we have AppleScript that can do many things, with Evernote and other apps. I felt sorry for you Windows users, so I did a bit of research to find that you too may be able to script export of notes to ENEX files. REF: Evernote Windows Command LIne Tools Exporting Notes by Notebook Using Windows ENScript It looks possible to create a Windows script that will do a daily export to ENEX using the ENScript program, and some Windows batch file scripting. I haven't done this, and don't plan to, but it looks like to me that the following could be done: Schedule a Windows task to run each day, that runs: ENScript -- export list of Notebooks to text file. WinScriptHost -- Use this notebook list to build batch file with ENScript command lines for each Notebook to export Notes that have been changed/added to ENEX Run the batch file with the ENScript export command The ENScript exportNotes query parameter is the key. You could set both Notebook and Note Modified date. ENScript Commands listNotebooks Lists existing notebooks: - /t [local | synced] - Specifies whether local or synchronized notebooks are listed. If omitted, all notebooks are listed. exportNotes Export the set of notes to an Evernote export file (ENEX): - /q query - Specifies the query that selects the notes to be exported. The query string is formatted according to the search grammar. To show all notes, use "/q any:" - /f filename - Specifies the name of the file to export the notes to. If omitted, the ENEX is written to standard output. Any Windows scripters out there up for the challenge?
  6. You might be surprised at how many small-medium businesses have very poor IT management, often without even having a dedicated person to manage IT. If it were my company or client, I would recommend CrashPlan for backup. For details, see Backing Up Evernote with CrashPlan.
  7. Yes, I agree that is the simplest way to backup EN Win. You just need to be aware of the following: This could require a large amount of backup storage, since most backup systems have to backup the entire database, not just the changes to the database. If you have a large number of notes (say > 10,000) and/or very large notes (like with large PDFs), then the EN Win database could be fairly large, easily in the range of 10-15 GB, or more. If you are doing a daily backup that adds 10-15 GB, that will quickly consume your backup storage device. If you ever need to restore Notes from the .EXB file, then you will have to: Copy or rename current EXB file Restore selected EXB file from backup Export Notes of interest to ENEX Put the original (from #1) EXB file back in place Import the ENEX files As I mentioned above, I consider this less pain/effort than doing a daily export to ENEX, especially since I will rarely, if ever, need to restore note(s) from backup. My biggest concern with this process is #1 above -- large backup storage required.
  8. There are two major backup strategies that can be used with Evernote: Export to ENEX files Backup using traditional file-based backup systems Previously, I expressed a preference for #1, but I have now changed my mind back to #2, at least for EN Mac. Both are very good strategies. It just depends on where you want to do the work: On the front end, doing a very frequent export (at least daily) OR On the back end, ONLY when/if you need to do a restore. Exporting your Notes to ENEX files, one per Notebook, is a PITA, IMO. Restoring selected Notes from a backup system is also a PITA. So, the question comes down to which causes the least pain, and when do you want to encounter the pain? With #1, you have to either build or buy a tool to do the daily export to ENEX. Then, you have to also backup these files using #2. With #2, you don't have to do anything extra for Evernote until you need to do a restore. You just backup Evernote along with the other files on your PC/Mac. Then, only when you need to restore selected Notes, will you encounter significant manual pain to first restore the actual Evernote database, and then export the selected Notes to ENEX. But, you may not need to ever do #2, or only on a very rare basis. Personally, I have never needed to restore any Evernote Note from my personal backup. So, the decision is easy for me: Put off the pain until I have to do the work, i.e. use strategy #2. Since I need a traditional file-based backup system anyway, why not just rely on it for the Evernote backup? I do not backup my notes in EN Mac to ENEX for these reasons: It is a PITA to do so It is very unlikely that I will ever need the ENEX backup I use the Mac Time Machine (TM), which does a backup of changed files/notes every hour. So, even though it is a PITA to restore selected Notes via TM, I figure that I would only encounter that pain very rarely, if ever. So far I have never needed to restore a note from TM backup. My TM backups go to a NAS unit, which is a 3 TB RAID-1 (6 TB total) system. So I feel well covered. Potential Backup Issue for Evernote Windows EM Mac stores all of your Note contents in files/folders. So incremental file-based backup is easy. EN Windows stores everything in a SQLite database. If you have lots of Notes, let's say > 10,000, this database can be quite large, easily 10-15 GB. So the issue is when a backup system like Windows Backup does a normal, incremental (only files that have changed) backup, how does it handle the EN Win database? If your backup system has to backup the entire database every time, then that can quickly mount up to very large storage requirements for your backup system. This would also cause the time required for the backup to increase significantly. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that most backup systems (especially the free, low-end models) will have to backup the entire database. I say this based on my experience with Backup Exec, a very high-end system, which required a special module to incrementally backup databases. But this would be a question for the manufacturer of your backup system. Because of this issue with backup of the EN Win database, backup strategy #1 may be preferred, since the daily backup would only be for new notes and notes that have changed, and that you have exported to ENEX files. You would exclude the database from daily incremental backups, and include it only when you did a full backup (once a month?). I hope you guys find this helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions and/or challenge any of my statements/decisions.
  9. As of 2016-04-25, I have ~ 16,000 notes, growing steadily at about 10/day, sometimes more. For this Year (2016) Total Notes: 889 Max size: 85 MB Min size: 175 bytes Most < 1 MB Source of Notes (in order of note count, descending order) Web clipping EMail Encrypted PDFs PDF Ref documents Event Notes (meetings, phone calls, etc) Research Notes I like that idea. I achieve that now with the use of tags and note links in the related notes. How do you achieve the connection? It would be cool to: Select two notes, press a button/shortcut key, and a link to the other note is placed in each note Select a "master" note, and then as many other notes as you like, press a button, and: A link to the master note is put in each of the other notes Links to the related notes are put in the master note. This method is nothing new. It has long been used in relational databases, and apps that use them. It would be so cool if Evernote would give us a tab on each Note that is "Related Notes", and let us attach existing Notes, or create new Notes. In fact, I'd like to see both "Related Notes" tab and "Attachments" tab. And, BTW, there is no technical reason why each "related note" could not have multiple parent notes. Imagine the power of that.
  10. Since you put an emphasis on "simple", the easiest, simplest method to recover a prior version of your note is a temp, 1-month, upgrade to Evernote Premium, so you can access the Note History.
  11. This is one of the most frequently made requests, and has been for many years. Yet Evernote has given no sign that they will even consider such a request. For an example of these requests, see Nested notebook stacks? However, you can achieve most, if not all, of what you want to use Notebooks for, by using a system I call Pseudo Notebooks. These are actually tags, but you can use them in every way like you would a real notebook1, PLUS you can have a virtually unlimited number, and have as many sub-[pseudo Notebooks] as you like. See Using Tags as Pseudo Notebooks [1] The exception is that pseudo notebooks cannot be use for sharing or offline storage.
  12. Have you checked: EN Trash Note History If you can't find them quickly, then I highly recommend you contact Evernote Support Chat for immediate support: See Evernote Chat Support., available business days 7am-7pm US CT, but only for Premium or Business users. (Chat option appears AFTER you click “Continue” on initial “Evernote Support” page.) If you are not a Premium/Business user, it may be worth a temporary upgrade to Premium for 1 month ($5) to get full support, like Chat.
  13. AFAIK, none of us here is a qualified security consultant. I would not base any of my security decisions solely on what people say here. Each person needs to do his/her own research based on qualified documents and people. Having said that, document security is not something I would go cheap on, or use yesterday's technology. The issue/concern is very real, and the hackers get better every day. When you can get the best consumer-grade encryption (256-bit AES) for only $27, I'm not sure why anyone would look further. IMO, this is not a time to be "penny-wise and pound-foolish".
  14. That is incorrect. Mac Preview app provide ONLY 128-bit RC4, which is far inferior to 128-bit AES.
  15. Unfortunately, while the Preview app makes it easy to encrypt a PDF, it is not adequate, IMO. It only provides a 128-bit RC4 encryption and a user's password: User's Password -- aka Document Open Password Owner's Password -- aka Permissions Password I use Adobe Acrobat Pro XI to produce a 256-bit AES encryption, and assign BOTH a user's and owner's password. You can do some research to find a number of PDF tools for the Mac. I can't recommend any of them other that Adobe Acrobat Pro, which is admittedly expensive. But here is one PDF tool I found for $27: A-PDF Password Security for Mac You can download a trial version for evaluation.
  16. Not really if you have the right tools. There are PDF tools for both Mac and Windows that allow you to simply drag/drop one or more PDFs onto the app or folder, and the PDFs will be encrypted. From there you can import into Evernote as you normally would. But there is no question that it takes more effort, and makes it harder to use when you lock things up, whether that is a PDF, your car, your money, your valuables, etc. For me it is a no-brainer to encrypt any sensitive PDF that I'm going to put anywhere in the Cloud, Evernote or otherwise. BTW, IMO PDFs should be encrypted with at least 128-bit AES or preferably 256-bit AES. For more info see: PDF Password Encryption -- What you need to know
  17. Did you try using the workaround with Reminders that was posted above?
  18. Sorry, no attack intended. I really meant "loss", as in your loss by not using the tools Evernote provides. Too bad. Us cave men and women just unearthed a gold mine in the EN Win 6 Beta -- full tag inheritance. Probably coming to a Mac near you soon. But then you don't use tags . . .
  19. I'm not an " Evernote zealot", but I am a big user of Evernote and have learned how to take advantage of what it offers. Are you just whining because you can't get what you want, or have you actually tried using tags? Few things in life are perfect, and we most always have to adapt the tools available (or affordable) for our specific uses. Workarounds are NOT necessarily bad. Sometimes a "workaround" is just a clever way of using a product for other than its original intended use. Ignore the tools offered by Evernote at your own peril loss (bad choice of a word).
  20. That's a good assumption, IMO. I think a pretty easy workaround is to scan all of that stuff to a PDF, and then encrypt the PDF BEFORE attaching to Evernote. After you attach the encrypted PDF to an EN Note, then you may want to add some keywords and/or non-sensitive description to the Note body to make search easier. Of course, you can make good use of the Note Title and Tags for searching even though the PDF is encrypted.
  21. Because of the greater capability and flexibility of tags over notebooks, I would model your needs using tags, specifically Using Tags as Pseudo Notebooks .NB.Private .NB.Home other sub-categories as you like I have quite a few "Home." tags, probably more than most people It is totally up to you how broad or detailed you get with sub-categories Here's my list: (which will be more than most people want) .NB.Car I have a similar sub-cat tag list for my cars (which I call "Auto") .NB.Finance Loan .NB.Travel etc Just like you would always assign a Notebook to a Note, I would always assign at least one pseudo NB (those tags with a prefix of ".NB.") to a note. So in your diagram, all "private" notes would have a tag of ".NB.Private". For a note that is info about a loan, I would tag it like this: .NB.Private .NB.Finance Loan and then whichever other category applied, could be both: .NB.Home OR .NB.Car Now when you search for, say car loans, it would be: tag:.NB.Car tag:Loan If you want to browse through your home stuff, then click on the .NB.Private tag to expand, and then expand the .NB.Home tag. There you would see all of your "Home." tags, and click on whichever one you want to explore. If you want to see cross-cutting tags like "Loan", click on ".NB.Home" to filter the list for that tag. Then click on the Tags filter, and ADD "Loan". Now you see a list of notes related to loans for your home. I have one other tag hierarchy I call "MY STUFF". I use these tags to clearly identify notes about stuff that is actually mine, vs about the same subject, but is just information. For example, "MY.Books" are books that I actually own, whereas "Books" would include those as well as other books I may have some interest in, or that are reviews of, use as a reference, etc. You could use just one tag named "Mine", but I like having: MY.Books My.Doctor MY.History MY.House etc This has become a very long list, so it is probably better to to use one tag for "Mine" and then another tag that I already have, like "MED.Doctor" instead of also having "MY.Doctor", OR like "Mine" and "Books". You decide which way you like best. Please see my post on Using Tags as Pseudo Notebooks for more details and examples. Well, I hope this gives you some ideas. Please feel free to come back with questions.
  22. There is a real hierarchy, it just does not have full inheritance on the notes that have been assigned the tag. It is hierarchy of tags, but not of notes. Hierarchy simple means the data has a parent-child relationship. And that is true of Evernote tags. So, it turns out that it is more of an organizational tools for tags than for notes, unless the user ensures that all of a tags parents are also assigned to the same note. Having said all that, I still find using a tag hierarchy to be a useful tool to organize my notes. Yes, it would be better if tag hierarchy: Applied the parent-child relationship to the notes, so that if I only assign certain child tags to a note, then a search/filter using the Parent tag would include all notes that have its child tags I could use the same tag name in multiple tag hierarchies. However, one of the big issues is that tag hierarchies are NOT supported on mobile devices. EDIT: 2016-04-04 18:13 CT I should add that real tag inheritance *could* be coming soon to EN Mac. It is already in the New Evernote for Windows, v6.0 Beta
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