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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. To be clear - you have not updated your "account" You have updated the software on your device The master copy of our data is stored on the servers, and not affected by the software on our devices (in theory)
  2. Likewise, EN Legacy is my choice I'm well aware of the alternatives pro & con, but have no need for switching (at present)
  3. I am seeing serious problems with the Version 10 product but I know Evernote is rolling out fixes (slowly) It's a question of priorities It seems users consider their issues to be higher priority, and Evernote should fix them first; as per your "brakes and steering" I'm content with letting Evernote set priorities I'll continue to use the Legacy product until I'm satisfied with Version 10
  4. Confirmed; one notebook at a time Personally, I use an applescript on my Mac which cycles through stacks/notebooks Again, this is only supported by the Evernote Legacy product
  5. Why don't you reinstall the legacy product (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote)
  6. When inserting a keyword in text (like _NameOfPerson) we can text search for all notes with that keyword Warning: special characters are ignored in search indexing (except for _)
  7. Your concerns apply equally to notebooks and tags Notebooks/Tags are good and bad at the same time, if you look for efficiency / productivity When you use notebooks/tags it is difficult to minimize the amount for notebooks/tags. You need to choose your notebooks/tags wisely else you end up with 100+ Notebooks/tags.And than the struggle begins:- You create a new note.. which notebook/tag to use? Did I already had one? Or is there a need for a new one.- The time spent in searching for the right notebook/tag (often multiple tags are used for 1 note), organizing the hierarchy, and maintaining correct spelling and removing unused notebooks/tags takes time (Lots of time over a month).
  8. Access the Tags panel by clicking the Tag icon in the sidebar Right-click a tag
  9. I moved the discussion to the Requests forums This is not currently a feature in Evernote As per @gazumped, my solution is to encrypt my sensitive data
  10. Notebooks and Tags are two fields in the note's metadata There's also notebook/tag trees in the sidebar The two fields are can be used interchangeably Can you explain your preference for using Notebooks I prefer using tags - tags can be organized in a hierarchy (unlimited levels) -multiple tags can be assigned to a note
  11. Can you be more explicit as to which "username" you're trying to change afaik It's an easy update in the account settings
  12. Confirmed - that's a limitation of Evernote search Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  13. Yes, both Legacy and Version 10 can be installed and run side-by-side They use the same master data source on the Evernote servers and different local data storage The official Legacy product can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote It's already named Evernote Legacy, and doesn't auto-upgrade
  14. Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313328-Share-a-copy-of-a-note-via-email Note: You must have Evernote Premium or Evernote Business to share a copy of a note via email.
  15. Use web access on the computers - (edit) only counted as one device
  16. Have you thought of embedding a spreadsheet in the Evernote note On my Mac, the data is displayed inline
  17. Evernote uses .enml format; basically html, with a few extra components (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php)
  18. A basic table inverts nicely to a spreadsheet Things get complicated when a note as text, multiple tables, merged rows/columns .... fwiw Copy/paste works for me to transfer table data to a spreadsheet (Legacy on a Mac)
  19. Using the Evernote Legacy product, specific notebooks can be designated as "Local" i.e. data is not uploaded from the home computer Using the Evernote Version 10 product, there's an option in Preferences for no offline data i.e. data is not downloaded to the computer
  20. What process did you use to "delete" your Evernote account? If this is a simple password problem, there's a forgot password icon on the login screen
  21. I'm not sure the html base format can support "free locate" My solution is to create a table with multiple columns and rows I enhance the layout by merging columns and rows The attached is the layout for my journal/dashboard note
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