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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It's been discussed in the forums, but we've seen nothing from Evernote. My process has been to apply an !Archive tag to notes, and use -tag:!Archive in searches to exclude my archives. There have been other suggestions but while I want to identify notes as archived, I also want to keep them at hand.
  2. As previously mentioned - reinstall Evernote and the notes will be downloaded. Its been done many times to resolve problems. Actually you could just delete your database folder, and it would do the same, however refreshing the app is a good practice. Warning: This does not include local notebooks You might want to look into setting up backup processes.
  3. There are ways to make a request that reflect a higher level of politeness. I see this request has a voting level of ....2 this doesn't reflect a high level of user interest. For those supporting this request, please up vote it, using the controls at the upper left corner of this discussion.
  4. That's odd. Does Command+Click work outside Evernote? How about Shift+Click to select a range?
  5. I up voted this - and the vote is now at ....2 The voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion
  6. You +1ers might think about up voting the request. The voting control is in the upper left corner of this discussion.
  7. >>when I deleted a reminder from my calendar the corresponding reminder in EN was cleared, not marked as done. It means you get date and time sync'd You don't get a "done" indicator
  8. My impression was that this was restricted to calendar date and time. They only used reminders as an interface for those attributes.
  9. I don't know about the danger of disconnecting, I'm still a happy user of this service, but I found some quirks: + My experience is with a daily appointment, where the time changed each day. I go into my note and change the reminder date and time. Looking at my calendar, I see the appointment with the new date and time. +or- And the old appointment; its disappeared from the calendar. If I really thought about it, this is the way it has to be. +or- I was using the Evernote "classic" link in my calendar entries. Now instead, there is a unique Cronofy url. Clicking it gets me my Evernote entry in the browser. I wouldn't expect this url to be live after disconnecting. + You can go into the calendar and make an entry recurring. It seems to work ok - but it creates complications; I'd avoid doing this
  10. I up-voted (top right corner of this discussion) and the vote is .....1 I encourage anyone supporting this request to vote. Also - I posted a device agnostic feature request at
  11. I share your concern about poking yet another hole in my security. In my view the limitation has to do with having the external app integrated with Evernote. You can still encrypt your confidential data and store it in Evernote. An example would be a pdf file. Encrypt it outside of Evernote before you attach it to a note.
  12. You click on the up arrow to up vote a request. The theory is it increases the attention Evernote will give the request.
  13. OK, you found my other problem; after cut and paste I can't remember shortcuts. Don't laugh - you too will get old.
  14. Its right here. You found it. Windows Desktop Product Feedback I picked that to honour the platform of the original poster, even though its a multi-platform request, and I'm a Mac user. I've been told we'll be a multi-platform feedback queue, but until then - this is it.
  15. I don't have that many searches so the Shortcuts area is adequate for me. If not, and not using PhaseExpress or similar, I would just have the search in a note and simply copy it to paste into the search box.
  16. I wasn't aware of that. I'll hold off on future moves. Most of the requests apply to all platforms.
  17. No plans that I've heard of. Which platform do you use? I'd like to move this to the product feedback forum so it can be voted on.
  18. Yes - it works fine on my iPad. I think it connects via an internal note id that remains constant across platforms. >>Yeah, but that moves me back to manual adding to calendar. At one time I was using an AppleScript to create the calendar event. It worked well, created the link and set event title correctly.
  19. For those interested in adding a sort function to Evernote, you might be interested in this discussion https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/24043-how-to-sort-the-text-within-a-note/?do=findComment&comment=397677 Mac Platform Solution
  20. You reported this problem for the Windows platform. Are you able to check the same notes on the web platform to identify if it's a data problem, or specific to Windows?
  21. You might be right, but my feeling is that it's better for a product to stick to its core function. This is my preference for Evernote also. An example is if I want to do some serious writing, I use a Word Processing app instead of ranting about features that EN should add. Likewise with calendar and reminder functions.
  22. This is a level of maturity and intelligence we don't often see in these forums. It doesn't inspire me to look at any videos you post. We are users like yourself. It is not our app. Was there a specific problem we could assist you on?
  23. It's been much discussed in the forum. You're using the external link, and you want the internal link, also called the classic link. On my Mac, I can retrieve the classic link by holding down the option key when I copy a link.
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