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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You might use numbers 10 20 30 .... It gives room to insert new notebooks into the sequence >>Poor design I see this repeated so much in the forums. "It's a poor design because Evernote doesn't have my feature." Its certainly a design decision, and it's a question of priorities if and when changes are implemented. Requests for changes can be posted in the feedback forums and users can vote as to the priority. It's a better process than tweeting the CEO.
  2. In the meantime, to make notes inaccessible, you can encrypt the text and pdf attachments.
  3. I don't understand the issue I retrieve the link using the share menu I paste the private link into a note - it pastes as a classic link To get the classic link - press on the link, then copy the classic link I agree it would be easier if the first dropdown included Classic Link.
  4. One approach I use is to share a master note that is a table of contents containing public links to the other notes in the collection. It requires setup, and each note contains a link back to the master note. The benefits are - easy sharing; it's just a link - you can organize the master list however you want it - recipients don't require Evernote to access the notes
  5. >>I just downloaded the trial version of that PDF encryption product, will see how that goes. I like how it lets you create inbox/outbox folders for drag and drop encrypting. Nice. Preference window is horrible. Unfortunately, the interface is just terrible. I hate that it gives me "low/medium/high" security options without telling me what those actually are. Lame. But the folder functionality makes it easy to encrypt this stuff, much simpler than using Preview. So I'll likely buy it when the trial period ends. Thanks for the recommendation. I agree and will be looking at adding this to my workflow. Thanks for the recommendation. I also will be using the "Hot Directory" setting and bypass the UI. I'm not enthused that the original pdf remains in the folder and has to be deleted manually.
  6. Thanks for pointing that out. I have removed the post until I can verify the facts (qualification for "Secret") To be honest, I worked in the corporate world and the highest level we had was Confidential. I was told it was equivalent to gov Secret, but there does seem to be a contradiction.
  7. afaik There is no read-only option Its been discussed in the forums. The workaround I use is to convert my note to pdf format.
  8. Its an idea discussed before in the forums. You might want to go this post in the product feedback area and up-vote it. https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/16567-collapsible-expandable-outlines-within-notes/?do=findComment&comment=82070 (voting buttons are at the top left corner)
  9. You are so right - there are many apps out there that handle table features better than Evernote Also other features, If that is of such a high importance to you, you should switch apps For myself, I'm staying with Evernote; I value the input options, multi-platform sync, organization features One way I handle table functions in IOS is to have templates set up. By copy/pasting I can create a table or add a row. Another alternative is to switch to the other app for the extended feature set, then store the output in Evernote
  10. I think you're looking at the wrong software. Evernote doesn't use a note folder methodology. I'd describe it more as a note label methodology. Its kind of the latest thing in organization. Even computer file systems are starting to use it by adding file tags
  11. Evernotes has notebooks/tags/searches as tools to fulfill user note collection requirements. I'm not sure what your requirements are but if you identify them first; I'm sure you'll see that there are tools for them. Its not a great process if you start your requirement definition by specifying a specific tool. Examples of requirements: - I need to identify all notes having xxxx in the text - I need to identify all notes that I classed as xxxxx - I need to share this collection of notes with other users - I need to keep this collection of notes local and not sync/d to the cloud
  12. For this purpose; a tag is just a tag, nothing else. There is no real hierarchy. You can have a combination search tag:Loan tag:Home tag:Private ..... however there is no hierarchy *** This may have changed in the recent Windows beta Regarding your chart. Evernote does not allow duplicate tag names. You can call your tags Private-Car-Loan Private-House-Loan or use multiple tags Private Car Loan Private House Loan My preference is to use multiple tags
  13. Are you aware of notebook stacks? I use a stack called Shared Notebooks to group notebooks. Still doesn't resolve the manual sorting, and its only one level of hierarchy.
  14. Thats a good reason for setting up a notebook. Another reason is to have a shared notebook. I guess one could set up two Tax notebooks; one cloud and one local. I'm still favouring tags for subject classification >>encrypt files with information in them that you don't want anyone to have. This would be my approach, I like to have by data sync'd to the cloud and my ipad, both for easier access and as part of my backup strategy. Evernote has a built in feature for text encryption, but I prefer encrypted pdfs. They are more encompasing and have better mobility.
  15. ok - then you won't have a problem But make sure you never create another notebook that might apply. I'm sorry, I just don't see 2016 Taxes as a notebook, but its a personal opinion
  16. Thats exactly the problem - a note can only have one notebook, even if it matches more than one notebook
  17. By using notebooks, you're creating a filing problem. That charity donation receipt can go into the Charities Notebook, Receipts Notebook, Charity A Notebook, etc My approach is put the receipt into a general notebook (I call mine "Filing" Tag it with "2016 Taxes", "Receipts", Charity A, etc At tax time, you can do a search on tag:2016 Taxes and find everything grouped together
  18. Kind of an extreme term, but it could also apply to the different platforms - the people on the web platform can also claim concious discrimination (there are features on the Windows platform not available on the web platform) etc >>developers to spend a week I think you are seriously under estimating the resources required to implement a new platform
  19. As @Frank.dg said, Evernote doesn't have a recurring task feature I'm not too thrilled with Evernote reminders and instead use dedicated apps (better notification features) If I were to use Evernote Reminders, I would either Reset the reminder date manually as part of my procedure Write a script to automatically reset the reminder I already run a daily script in the morning so it would be easy to add to it. I handle daily tasks by checkbox items permanently listed on my daily journal template. This is what I work from during the day.
  20. >> I need a unique note attribute that designates that it should always be on top I have notes I want quick access to, but I don't really want to see all the time at the top of my list. For these, I use a special tag (!Hot Notes) and include the tag in my shortcuts area. Per the original post of having one note (index) they always want at the top of the notes, I would look at my default search and modify the dates/title accordingly. I would not find this practical with dozens of notes. I find the Reminder section more useful for this. Sample below is one of my filtered lists - the note Table of Contents is always at the top
  21. I was thinking of Pocket as short term read-it-later, and Evernote as long term filing. This view was presented in this article combine-pocket-with-evernote-for-a-clutter-free-paperl There's definitely overlap in features.
  22. I always thought of mind-mapping as a different discussion than Evernote's information management. Foe example, I have a receipt which I may need in the future. I can stick physically put it in a filing cabinet; I can scan it and attach it to an Evernote note. How would you use mind-mapping to store a receipt? Yes, OneNote is prettier than Evernote. Can you describe how the receipt would be stored/retrieved in OneNote?
  23. Thanks - You're right, along with created and updated dates (sample below). Thats fantastic; it solves my problem with lost info in html exports. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><meta name="exporter-version" content="Evernote Mac 6.6 Beta 3 (453258)"/> <meta name="keywords" content="!Archive, !Journal"/> <meta name="created" content="2016-03-28 13:04:26 +0000"/> <meta name="updated" content="2016-03-28 13:04:27 +0000"/> <title>Journal-March 28, 2016 at 06:04AM</title> </head><body><div>March 28, 2016 at 06:04AM<br/> Today is: Sunny<br/> High: 53F (12C)<br/> Low: 42F (6C)<br/> Wind: 6 mph (10 kph) West<br/> Sunrise: March 28, 2016 at 06:57AM<br/> Sunset: March 28, 2016 at 07:38PM<br/> <br/> </div></body></html>
  24. Actually you're talking to other users, although Evernote employees do drop in occasionally. Regarding priorities, I encourage everone supporting this request to up-vote it (voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion). There's no guarantee, but it does provide an indication of the priorities from a user perspective. Currently the vote is......0
  25. Did you try the solution proposed above notebook-to-pdf For a large export - my solution would be to write a script for this and schedule it to run overnight. Here is a sample of code for Applescript from http://sealedabstract.com/lifehacking/exporting-an-entire-evernote-notebook-mac/ tell application "System Events" 18 keystroke "p" using command down 19 repeat until window "Print" of process "Evernote" exists 20 end repeat 21 tell process "Evernote" to click menu button "PDF" of window "Print" 22 tell process "Evernote" to click menu item "Save as PDF…" of menu "PDF" of menu button "PDF" of window "Print" 23 repeat until window "Save" of process "Evernote" exists 24 end repeat 25 keystroke i as text 26 keystroke (ASCII character 3) 27 repeat while window "Save" of process "Evernote" exists 28 end repeat 29 tell application "Evernote" to activate 30 keystroke (ASCII character 31) 31 end tell
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