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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Would you acknowlege that many users have voted for Evernote to focus on other issues than bug fixes. As someone pointed out, bugs are not a "crime against humanity"
  2. fwiw I have a set of templates tagged !Templates This tag is in my shortctcuts for easy access. The more important request is for the templates to be used when creating a note. Currently, I have this scripted on my Mac; which also has a Duplicate Note feature.
  3. Maybe a little. But it's also a serious comment on Evernote. They are not known for being great on the PR side for user complaints, suggestions or discussing future planning. I've come to accept the silence and just carry on.
  4. I wasn't aware of the extent of resources put into the Market, but you should be happy they decided to no longer continue that project. However, as has been pointed out before, it's not like they reassigned developers to knitting socks. Personally I ignored the Market project, but it does seem to have caused anguish for some users. I do applaud the attempt for alternate revenue streams; more palatable than user fees.
  5. Evernote is issuing software updates all the time. The focus seems to be the highest priority items, and you can influence this by up-voting requests in the feedback forums (voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion) This discussion currently has 10 votes.
  6. I think it depends on your purpose in using the product. If you intend to do word processing or spreadsheet activities - you have picked the wrong product; it's also not a great product for photo retouching I find it adequate for notes, and assembling attachments into a note; the additional editing features are a bonus
  7. Would it make you happier if Evernote responded - "they've taken note of your request and will give it consideration in future updates" Personally, I accept that there are limited resources and work is focused on the highest priority items I also appreciate that Evernote provides this forum to list requests and users can vote
  8. As a workaround, I make use of the Shortcuts area I also use a script on my Mac, documented here
  9. That bug has been reported in the beta testing - what version are you using?
  10. I'm not letting the PDF annotation issues slow me down. There are various dedicated apps to use; you can even use the built in Mac Preview app
  11. I think all platforms/accounts have Notebook Stacks However this discussion has evolved into requests for unlimited levels, similar to the tag hierarchy. Alternatively, there are requests for Evernote to add folders and a folder hierarchy.
  12. Would that be like the testers reviewing the current beta version? You might want to stay out of the beta program.
  13. Evernote has not implemented this feature - it's been requested. fwiw. I usually convert my notes to PDF format - it helps prevent accidental updates
  14. You haven't explained why you're using 2.1.1film instead of simply film I gather you want to maintain some sort of order other than alpha - but why? Regardless, on my Mac, I could make use of the taglist in my sidebar to locate tags if I had a complicated hierarchy
  15. That may be true, but as I said Evernote doesn't use a folder methodology, I'm referring to folder > sub-folder > sub-sub-folder ...... People will be disappointed if they equate folders and notebooks. In addition to the hierarchy issue, notebooks serve a different purpose. My impression is tha people are using the wrong product if they require a folder structure, although it can be emulated with tags.
  16. We have the same situation on the Mac platform: Direct Download or Store Download For the Store Download, Evernote had to make some changes to conform to Apple standards - database location - ? And of course there is a roll-out delay while the store version pending a review by Apple
  17. For me, consistent order means alpha - a random order seems like chaos even if assigned by me Not sure why your tag naming uses 2.1.film instead of simply film This would also confuse me Can you explain why film can't be simply film
  18. You can find your database location by launching Evernote Click on Evernote > About Evernote and press the Option key A link will appear for your database folder
  19. I'm not having a problem. I right-click on the pdf, select annotate I'm able to repeat this multiple times What are you seeing that's stopping you edited: As with other posts, I'm having problems with annotating beyond the first page
  20. My backup process runs on my Mac I do exports in both html and xml format Some people back up the actual database but the restore process is complicated
  21. Not addressing your assessment of the work required, did you take note that Evernote has a userid/password that controls access to your data. If the use cases you noted were a concern to me, I'd sign out of Evernote.
  22. Yes, another complaint is that Evernote doesn't use a folder methodology, but that's another topic
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