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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You also had an upgrade going on? I'm not aware of any database changes Can you post a screenshot of the folder contents you located. I think you double clicked on a .enml file - we may be able to work with that and convert it to a .html file (opens in a browser)
  2. Actually I meant search within Evernote. Its very unusual for an entire set of notes to disappear. They usually get hidden in the Notebook/Tag hierarchy >>I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "learn a lesson", but please note the implied accusation is not helpful or constructive. It was an attempt at humour, but also a warning that accessing Evernote data outside of the Evernote app is a risky process and should not be treated lightly I'm glad to hear you did not delete files from your Library folder >>I appreciate your suggestions to look up the database. What can I do once I have located that? I did not recognize the folders you listed from your search, but I know your search should have identified the same data in the database folder btw, Did you download the app from the App Store, or from Evernote - there are database location differences Can you post a screenshot of the folder contents you located. I think you double clicked on a .enml file - we may be able to work with that and convert it to a .html file
  3. Did you not learn a lesson from messing around in the Evernote file system? I don't know what those folders are, but Evernote (Mac) does maintain a folder for each note You can find the database folder by clicking on About Evernote and pressing the option key There's a folder called Purgatory (really) for recent departed notes
  4. Notebook/Notes don't usually just disappear. At worst, the notes would be moved to the Trash So, check your Trash folder to see if the notes can be located Also do a search on content that may turn up your notes and identify the current notebook >>2) I deleted files and made space on my hard-drive, then re-opened the Application. 3) Upon opening it, it game me a message that said something about needing to "Re-index", so I clicked ok. This may be a concern, and I have no idea how to recover from it
  5. The Windows/Mac platforms have an export feature, but only html/xml format The cloudHQ service has an export feature with conversion to pdf format
  6. To expand on this, you could do this with scripting Applescript on Macs ENScript on Windows (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enscript.php)
  7. Currently, Evernote offers a simple reminder date; no advance notice, no recurring reminders. My solution would be to use tags to specify recurring reminder and notification options. I'm using the Mac platform where Evernote offers extensive scripting. I would use scripting to set the reminder and options and notifications Another option is to use Cronofy Calendar Connector to sync reminders to your calendar app. You could then go into your calendar app entry to set your options I don't see Evernote as the tool for reminder notifications. For me, I start with an Evernote Note, but the notification is better handled by the calendar app
  8. You didn't identify your platform, but as a general answer - if Note History is the only backup you have, Yes You only need to subscribe for a single month >>if Evernote just randomly reverted back to a way old version of one of my notes, I'd be concerned about why this happened. Evernote doesn't retain old versions of your notes for reversion - usually this is caused by multiple installs of Evernote
  9. There are many solutions to having word processing features with data stored in Evernote. I think the consensus of people posting in this discussion is: they only want to use the Evernote editor and the features must be built in. The use of different editors and formats is not an acceptable solution My solution is to use the Word/Pages - what are the benefits of SUblime Text?
  10. You do realize you're posting in the Windows forum I thought editing on the web platform would be an entirely different discussion Good to know the native editor on the Mac is farily ok; how do you feel about the Windows editor? As I said, I find the editors satisfactory for editing a simple note
  11. This is how the document appears on my Mac and iPad Evernote has a built in viewer and I can scroll through the document I also have the option of displaying as an attachment Of course I can't edit in this window; it opens in a separate Pages window
  12. I actually don't import into the Evernote editor. When I create a word-processing/spreadsheet document, it exists as an attachment to a note.
  13. I use the words satisfactory for editing a simple note My expectation is; For a anything more complex than a simple note, I use a dedicated app like Notability or Pages (Apple person) I add my vote to requests for adding editing features, but I'm not obsessing at their absence
  14. Moved to the Feature Requests forum. Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner Currently, you can specify search terms like "intitle:", there could also be "intext:"
  15. Evernote is a digital filing cabinet. Evernote could do the job displaying the photos using card/thumbnail view but I would think a photo album app would do a better job for storing photos I'm not sure about the "get inspired" part
  16. OneNote seems to be an odd choice. I recommend Word for word processing, and Excel for spreadsheet. I even recommend Notability (IOS) for serious note taking. And I recommend importing the files into Evernote as an attachment to a note. Despite opinions in this and other discussions, I believe Evernote's core functionality is data filing and retrieval As such, I'm not concerned about Evernote's editor and formating. I find it adequate for notes
  17. I disagree with you on this point I find Evernote superiour to other products in the search and retrieval notes
  18. In my case (Mac and AppleScript) I'm using Evernote and it's commands. The actual statement is of the form tell application "Evernote" to set reminder time of theNote to date theReminderDate The Evernote application does all the heavy lifting
  19. Not clear why you want to make this request specific to Windows - you're posting in the General forum You can add your vote here
  20. My personal opinion is that the Note History Backup feature is just business, not a "terrible, terrible thing" As users, we can always implement our own backup process - I do
  21. fwiw I create a new note (sub-note) and include a link in the master note The navigation arrows allow me to move back and forth For example: Project: aaaaaaaaaa (master note) Project: aaaaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbbbb (sub-note) If Evernote had a $ for every user that said .......
  22. Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion
  23. The master copy of your notes is maintained on the Evernote servers. You do not have to use a PC app to transfer notes between mobile devices. Copies of notes are not maintained on mobile devices (exception for Offline Notebooks) You should just be able to log in and access your account's notes
  24. There is no device limit on paid subscriptions The limit is on simultaneous devices.
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