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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You could try rebuilding the index for spotlight Hold down the option key, click on on Help > Troubleshooting > Recreate Spotlight Index >>If you needed to use the local EN files on your hard drive because the web was down, are there instructions on how to do that? Or would they be available automatically just by running Evernote? Evernote works fine on Macs without internet; just make sure you don't log out These are not files the average user would access >>Also, does being able to access your 'notes' outside of Evernote require first converting them using some other app's native conversion methods, or are there other ways -- at least just to get to all of the 'text' in your notes (without first having to have them converted by OneNote, etc.). This is part of my backup process Evernote has an export feature. Select the notes, then File > Export Notes There are two formats for export XML (.enex): This is used to import back into Evernote HTML: This is the format to be used if you want to view your notes outside of Evernote Give it a try with some sample notes.
  2. To locate the database folder On My Mac, I click on About Evernote, and press the option key A link to the database appears The database folder is named as a numer nnnnnnn >>I've always assumed that with both 'web' and 'local' EN active, what's in one location should duplicate what's in the other. Macs have a complete copy of your notes, including Local Notebooks The Evernote Servers (web) don't include Local Notebooks
  3. Not on Windows; we were discussing a Mac feature that users would like to see implemented in Windows @csihilling posted this description: The notes that we believe are most relevant to your search, based on a variety of parameters, will appear first. I still don't have an idea of what "variety of parameters" means
  4. No tools I just use individual notes tagged with .Event_Personal or .Event_Historical Using the tags, I produce a list of events
  5. You're right about the tag hierarchy missing on the iPhone/iPad I'm forever hopeful that it will by implemented someday And if nested notebooks get implemented, I hope the hierarchy gets shown on the IOS platform I make use of the tag hierarchy on my Mac I only have to remember the broad general category or find it in a short list of tags at the top level Then I navigate through easily browsable lists at each level
  6. Yes it would be nice, and we're seeing evidence that Evernote working towards a common UI
  7. I didn't mean to reopen the tag vs notebook debate. The fact is, you've selected a product that uses nested tags for organization But getting into it, I can turn your Tag comments around and say the same thing about Notebooks. - you have to recall your specific notebook from memory - or go to a specific place to remember the notebook structure .... You could also mention a notebook is a container and a tag is a label but the reality is that both are just fields assigned to a note My comments do not invalidate the posting of a Nesting Notebook Request I just mean to counter your Tag response
  8. As @gazumped said, you should not be tacking on to this discussion Start a discussion of your own, and I'd be happy to discuss your points
  9. I think this would be very device dependent - what platforms do you use? On my Mac, I can print to pdf, and have the pdf file created in my Import Folder
  10. You can have as many accounts as you want - the request is for easy switching between your accounts No response from Evernote on this - it doesn't seem a priority for IOS; Mac has the feature One idea is to use your Personal Account for access to all accounts You can share notebooks from your Business Accounts to give you access in your Personal Account
  11. Note - this is a user discussion forum and we're all users Its not my software Evernote employees do pop in occasionally; they are clearly identified in the sidebar under their picture You can contact Evernote support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  12. Just to be clear, local notebooks are not created "after the monthly limit" Local Notebooks are created by the user The default is a synced notebook (Image is from my Mac)
  13. Are these figures from the web platfom? It's been reported that the information doesn't get updated correctly on the devices
  14. There isn't a problem; This is a request for a feature Never say never, but it does seem clear that this feature is not available in Evernote. Instead, Evernote has a Tag feature with unlimited hierarchy
  15. Are you still on the topic of "What happens when you reach your upload limit?" As per previous posts, you can continue to add/change notes in Local Notebooks If you're at your limit, you should not make changes to notes in any synced notebooks. Best advice is to never get close to your limit when using synced notebooks If you need this upload limit - subscribe to a paid account
  16. omg I was an Ecco fan back in the day, I have fond memories of it. But when it died I gave it a decent burial and moved on. I don't think Evernote, or this request in the same tool class as Ecco Thanks for the recollection though, even if your use seems Norman Bates-ish
  17. I'm +1 on the benefits of an outline and I'll achieve those benefits without dumping Evernote Yes, the outline feature is not offered by the Evernote editor (hence this request), but I have no problem using alternate editors. For example Word/Pages attachments work well in EN
  18. Currently, there is no offline feature for the Mac platform, but it's in the works. Demand sync was just implemented in Windows, and Evernote said Selective Sync is being looked at My process would be to sort my notes by size and clean up the large notes. Delete duplicates Delete the attachments if you don't need them move the attachments to offsite storage, and insert a link in your note To sort into note size, use top list view. Add a size column, and double click on the header
  19. Are you saying empty notes are created in your Local Notebook? >>May be I should start to make copies from Evernote data files Backing up your data is always a good idea, particularly so with Local Notebooks In your case though, won't you just be backing up empty notes?
  20. With the help of EN Support I got this working. The solution was to sign out of Evernote, and reboot my device
  21. You could always log out of your Evernote account. It's password protected
  22. Well they obviously don't have your skills and insight I'm seeing this same UI design on recently delivered iMac and iPad versions Rumour has it there's a new web version on the way so I wouldn't expect big changes Yes there's a lot of blank screen space, but that works better in scaling down to a phone screen size
  23. No hints, we can only post requests and indicate our support by voting >>b. We better forget it. Personally, I carry on and work out how I can use features like "text collapse" My approach is to switch to dedicated word processing apps that offer the feature. I continue to file the documents in EN.
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