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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The script currently runs with: set theMessages to every note I haven't tested this but you should be able to: set theMessages to selection edited: I haven't followed up on this but there's a report that Selection is not valid for Apple Notes
  2. Just a quick look at the above script. It can be modified on the Apple Notes side to save the attachments from the Apple Note - save .... in ..... edited: problems are being reported with saving attachments On the Evernote side, the attachments can be imported - append ..... attachment ....
  3. Just to doublecheck the file name Right Click on the folder, hold down the option key, Click on Copy xxxx as pathname
  4. I changed the name of my folder tp TESTimportEN and it works for me Are you sure about MeTheUser One thing I should have mentioned - I download the Evernote app from Evernote There are reports the App Store version has issues
  5. Here's something I whipped up to get you started Import_Files.scpt I have not done extensive testing Download the file to your Mac double click the file to run Script Editor edit the folder name click on run tell application "Finder" set theFiles to files of folder POSIX file ("/Users/david/Desktop/test") <<< hard coded folder name repeat with theFile in theFiles if name of theFile as string is not ".DS_Store" then set theCreationDate to creation date of theFile set theFile to "/Users/david/Desktop/test/" & name of theFile <<< hard coded folder name tell application "Evernote" set theNote to create note from file theFile <<< create the note set creation date of theNote to theCreationDate <<< set the creation date end tell end if end repeat end tell
  6. Applescript to get the file and creation date from Finder, and import the file to Evernote When the note is created, attributes like creation date can be set
  7. Not sure what specific feature you're referring to. The current version has advanced search and tag picker features
  8. Never say Never but Evernote has not indicated an interest in implementing this feature
  9. These are your reminder notes, sorted into reminder date sequence
  10. Tags in shared notebooks is a different discussion Regarding your solution of duplicating the note; instead, you might create a new note that contains a link to the shared note
  11. I could question your estimate of the work required. The fact is, Evernote has never expressed an interest in becoming this type of application. imho Your best option is to look at dedicated list applications
  12. The discussion has been moved to the web forum No action on this yet, but there's a new web release in the works, so there's hope
  13. This seems to be a contradiction to the term "All" >>I don't want them surfacing in search. We've seen this request before, in regards to archived notes My solution is to apply a tag (archive), and use -tag:archive in my searches Unfortunately this doesn't work for notebooks; you can't use the search term -notebook:
  14. I just tested it, and the Note History was instantly deleted (after syncing)
  15. I updated my post with: Superior because of increased flexibility; it's hierarchical vs relational organization Notebooks provide a hiarchical organization - you can only assign one notebook to a note Tags allow a relational organization - you can assign multiple tags to a note I choose to make use of the increased flexibility offered by Tags I believe in knowing my tools and using the best method. I'm a zealot for this. >>What can be said is the capability of a union of truly hierarchical folders and the tag system provides a superset relative to the capability of the tag system alone. I see a problem with using two organizational systems at the same time. Even if this request is implemented, I would not be using hierarchical folders/folders
  16. Likewise, I use Notebooks for the purpose of Sharing, Local/Sync, Offline I also have an Inbox Notebook; its a GTD thing
  17. Warning: Note History is deleted when the note is expunged (deleted and emptied from the trash) edited: Note History is also deleted in the note is moved to a Local Notebook
  18. This is nothing wrong with user's posting a request; I see no harm with Evernote implementing Notebook hierarchy >>.It would make the notebook structure just as messy as every folder structure I have ever come across I agree. Notebook hierarchy is not a feature I'd use and I've posted many times on how tags are a superior form of organization edited: Superior because of increased flexibility; it's hierarchical vs relational organization Notebooks provide a hiarchical organization - you can only assign one notebook to a note Tags allow a relational organization - you can assign multiple tags to a note
  19. As per @gazumped, if the notes were on the server long enough to be backed up (runs several times a day), you will be able to retrieve them. The backups run all the time, for all account levels Note; you can subscribe for a single month
  20. This is a user discussion forum, and solutions have been presented to "archive" or "hide" the old stuff. I use an Archive tag Not sure why you need Evernote chiming in; they have not indicated any interest in archiving beyond the featureset in the delivered product. >>OneNote is looking better every minute Not to me. I have not seen a product that does a better job of storing my data However ymmv, Good Bye and Good Luck
  21. I thought Window user's had a temporary solution with "Demand Sync". Its not as good as "Selective Sync" but will buy some time until a better solution is implemented. The mobile platforms have always had Offline Notebooks, so storage space isn't an issue for them
  22. Everytime I use Scannable, my scans are stored in my default Notebook (@Inbox) Later, I process my @Inbox, assigning notebooks/tags/titles I'm not a big Notebook user, but I would prefix archived notebooks with "x" so they to the bottom out of the way
  23. The url in your shortcut can be a browser link or an in-apt link (evernote:///view...)
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