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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I have no problem copying a simple table and sorting in a spreadsheet Merged cells do cause a sorting problem If you post an enex export of your note, we can test it further
  2. You're welcome to add your vote to this request. The vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion and there are currently user votes. For my use, a format painter is more of a word processing tool, than a note tool. If it's something you need, a work-around is the Evertool utility >>and the reason why I left Evernote And yet you're still here. How can we miss you if you won't go away
  3. I understand switching to a full screen window on a Mac I switch to full sceen using the green button; return by pressing escape How do you get multiple instances of full-screen windows?
  4. This is the current process on my iPad. Also, the taglist is filtered as I add tags to the filter
  5. This isn't supposed to be a general requests discussion Skitch is a Mac app; Photo/pdf annotation is an Evernote feature (except for the web platform) https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005587-How-to-annotate-images-and-PDFs-in-Evernote
  6. You're posting here as a premium account Contact Support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action You can start a chat session or submit a support ticket
  7. I use Evernote to store my accounting records (receipts etc) I export this data to a spreadsheet for number crunching
  8. This also happens on my Mac (no hierarchy when selecting tags as filters) My work-around is to prefix my tagnames so they sort correctly with/without hierarchy. For example in your @Who hierarchy all the tagnames would be prefixed with @ Even so, I'm looking forward to having access to tag hierarchy with my IOS devices
  9. You're welcome I hope you're not disenchanted with Applescript. It's a useful tool and I use many scripts to automate tasks in Evernote and other apps
  10. The error occurs on set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook myfolder tags ["Imported from Notes"] It looks valid, but there may be some hidden characters in your code I was able to clear the error by retyping with text
  11. I got your script working with the following changes set myfolder to container of thisMessage change to set mycontainer to container of thisMessage set myfolder to name of mycontainer as string tell application "Evernote" added if (not (notebook named myfolder exists)) then create notebook myfolder set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook "Imported Notes" tags ["Imported from Notes"] change to set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook myfolder tags ["Imported from Notes"] set the notebook of myNote to myfolder omit - the notebook is set when the note is created
  12. I merged your post with the existing discussion for this feature No, there is no "pin" feature for notebooks You can force the note to sort at the top of the list by manipulating the note title and dates
  13. If you use a table, the image is constrained to the cell dimensions
  14. No one is insisting this feature is not needed; I require this feature often The work-arounds are being suggested for users who need this feature today >>It really isn't enough that Evernote can OCR notes in the background so that they show in a search. That's great but it doesn't enable you to copy and paste the text elsewhere. There is a feature request posted at the top of the discussions. You're welcome to indicate your support using the voting button at the top left corner. The current user vote count is
  15. ... another app that creates an OCR'd pdf ...
  16. To indicate your support use the vote button in the upper left corner of the discussion. Currently the request has vote
  17. The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers. You can check your data using the web platform at www.evernote.com
  18. Yes, the script can be modified to retrieve the notes folder and assign an Evernote Notebook Something like set myfolder to container of thisMessage set the notebook of myNote to myfolder
  19. >>Adding Web Content to Notes in the Evernote Editor Currently, I find it works better to keep web content separate from note content. Screenshots copy/paste with no issues. I'll review this when the new editor is available. I'm clear about using the Evernote editor for basic notes. I can get quite fancy, within the enml/html format limits. When it comes to web content, I use a web browser app (Safari on my Mac/iPad). I don't edit the web content One option is to save web pages in web archive format, stored as attachments to a note. I just have to figure out how to use a web archive file on my iPad. It seems to be browser/platform specific.
  20. Welcome to the forums. Evernote's a favourite tool for me. I use it to store/organize all my documents.
  21. One factor in priority is user interest. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button in the top left corner of the discussion. There are currently votes >>My best solution for mathy content is to use a LaTeX document and sync it via cloud Yes to using a LaTex supported document. Add it to a note as a file attachment
  22. There's a vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. This request has votes
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