...with arbitrary data tables (not excel like spreadsheets) with the ability...
Spreadsheet has a lot of restrictions since it is optimized for handling formulas and numbers, not arbitrary data, so it is not convenient to use them. To name some:
Most of them have horizontal scroll restrictions (scroll by table column, not smooth scrolling). So if you add a lot of wide data like pictures / diagrams into the cell - scrolling becomes a pain.
They handle some typed symbols (like equality symbol "=") as formula start, which is inconvenient for arbitrary typing.
They handle the "enter" key inside a cell as a "complete" action, not a "new line", which is, again, not suitable for typing a formula / number, but data containing several lines. (hitting alt+enter instead of enter all the time is a bad user experience).
And more
So, unfortunately, spreadsheets do not solve the problem. I've tried dozens of them and none of them is configurable enough to make it into table editing software.