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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Oh please. You've had 3 or 4 years to get used to the idea, and multiple comments over that time. - and you can export your notebooks equally well from v10 - on any desktop. ALL notes in any notebook are available.
  2. Less than 1% of Evernote's users are currently on Legacy, and the costly system overheads of keeping that small percentage happy with compatible syncing are being born by all of us. There are also security risks. There's no rational reason for refusing to use a more modern application that works perfectly well for everyone else - just person-up or move on.
  3. Sorry you didn't appreciate my attempts at wry humour. I do have more notes than the average user - - and my point was that even using that data file daily I don't have many problems. I am genuinely happy to help anyone (who doesn't insult me) try to get around their issues. You're clearly close-minded to anything but Legacy, so you have about 25 days to migrate elsewhere. Enjoy. (Oh - and the quote above? The lack of support, frequent reminders, red flags and flat-out statements over the past four years or so didn't give you any hints?)
  4. Hmmn. I think Bending Spoons - who are themselves IT heavy-hitters - decided to bring all operations close to their Italian base, so parted on good terms with all their experienced US staff. After all - how hard can it be for IT experts to support such a popular app? But losing US staff lit a fire under a lot of users who wanted explanations. Once 'Spoons got full access I don't think they were quite expecting the lashed-together series of old coded fixes that was Evernote a year ago - still they're actively fixing and modernising things. But deleting 7,000 lines (or was it 70,000? I forget..) of old code sometimes has repercussions you don't expect. Frequent buggy hiccups caused more tickets and departures. And then the price went up. Free apps got harder to use. Legacy got a definite end date. New v10 users (Legacy converts) find it hard to find some of the standard features that moved or now work differently Any one of those events (and I've probably missed a few) would cause a run on a Support team (trust me - I've managed one) - but 6 or more triggers in 12 months is more than enough to sink one. And we're not through yet - there are still users who haven't seen their new subscriptions, others who aren't (yet) aware that Legacy closes toward the end of March. Not looking forward to the Ides of March this year...
  5. Hi. Evernote finally lost patience after maintaining compatibility with the deprecated app for several years. Your account won't have been singled out - Evernote is working on servers, and everyone on Legacy and connected to your server will be having issues. Access may come back, but worst case - export your unsynced notes to one or more ENEX files and re-import via v10. If you've not yet installed v10 - go ahead and do that: it will convert your existing database (including unsynced notes) automatically.
  6. Exactly - seems like a single (and very final) point of failure. If you lose connection, not only is your only access to your notes on the server via v10, but any recent additions are locked in a database to which you may have no other access...
  7. Hi. Have you tried double-clicking the note title in a list, or using the three-dots menu in the note?
  8. Well folks, you have 25 days from now to convert or migrate. Your choice.
  9. Just wondered if you were shilling for someone else since you're fixed on complaining rather than bothering to ask for help with specific v10 issues. I can pretty much guarantee that my database is bigger than yours, and I'm using v10 (mostly) without problems. What are your specific issues?
  10. Hmmn. Sorry that didn't work for you. You're not doing anything differently that I can see. You could try signing out of Evernote and unticking 'save my data on this device', then power off and back on and sign back in to rebuild your search index, and/ or raise this with Support who may have other suggestions...
  11. And again - with just 6 derogatory posts... why are you here, and what note-taking software do you use?
  12. I have just short of 68,000 notes (and 400+ notebooks) and am able to use Evernote quite well thankyou. If you found something else you prefer, good luck to you for the future. I'm staying where I am....
  13. Wow. So incisive. So specific. So wrong. And in 6 posts to the Forums you've specifically (and only) pointed out how bad Evernote is... What app do you use for note-taking?
  14. Use that if it's all that is available - the list should scroll further, but if that's all you get...
  15. ...And I just got back to my mail and found a dozen alerts and warnings about password changes and new logins - from Chicago apparently. These reprobates were even using my IP address too! I think Evernote security had too much coffee.. EDIT: Final comment here - AND being knocked out oy my account crashed my backup!! Starting again now....
  16. Hmmn. "Less than 1%" ...of several million users is still a lot...
  17. An EXB file is a live database - AFAIK only readable by an Evernote Legacy application. There are options with the Legacy app to move that database if you need to do so, or if it is synced to the cloud you need only install a new copy of the app and log in - the database will be rebuilt by the server. Can you explain a little more about why you're looking to move things?
  18. Anyone with similar issues - my ticket# is: 3839662
  19. My turn to rant for a while... I'm happily logged in to and using my desktop app, but want to look at the web app too, in course of answering a question from @Duhtch. I kinda forgot I was on VPN, and that sometimes causes issues with logging into the web. Occasionally I get told the password is wrong. This time I get told: 🔹I found the email and clicked the link, which confirmed I could now log in 🔹I found myself at the standard login page and filled in my details 🔹I'm now told my existing login has been suspended and I must reset my password 🔹Following that link I get - - which suggests I could go back to my existing login because none of this was my idea! 🔹However in the interests of ensuring I am able to access my account I'll change my password and close all applications... 🔹which apparently works because my desktop app closes, but then I get - 🔹The initial password change window said my link was valid for 25 hours 🔹So I try to log in with my desktop app, and the new password works; BUT when I try to log into my Android app and it does not... Considering that I use a Password Manager and did not make any password errors, and would already have been logged in at my IP address on the desktop client while also trying to open the web client, and I now have to try uninstalling and reinstalling my tablet app, and all of that took over an hour to get through (actually 80 minutes and counting...) My Goodness Gracious I was upset. So I'll relay all this to Support now, and you lot can have fun at my expense... 😎
  20. OK - I went through everything I could think of and I still haven't been able to match your screen. This is as close as I could get - and the web view looks the same. Unless someone else comes up with something I missed I can only suggest you do the exit / delete local data / uninstall with Revo / power cycle / reinstall dance to see if that helps!
  21. There are quite a few Mac users out there who seem to find he app eminently usable, so I assume it's possible (I'm not one of them). Since your other access with be gone shortly, would it not be a good idea to install v10 and see what happens? - Please don't contribute to the 'I just installed the app and it doesn't work' nonsense; Evernote takes a while to download a new disk copy of the account and set up all the search indexes. Leave it running on your system for 24 hours before you start testing it. Even after that, newly opened notes take a little time (seconds) to one-off convert to the modern format. The next time you open them, access should be (more or less) instant.
  22. Evernote Web is a separate device and has been for a year or more. -And just to be clear; posting here doesn't get you singled out. Evernote is updating the server code so all customers on a node are going to have issues. My Android phone with Legacy stopped syncing several days ago now, but it was mainly used for taking pictures so I just uninstalled the app and I'll manage with Adobe Scan.
  23. Have you checked your incoming email client spam folder? These incoming "no-reply" emails are sometimes filtered out automatically.
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