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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Losing track of how many people are involved in this conversation now. Are we all clear that notes taken on one client device - a tablet or a phone or a PC - will not be changed on another, unless you sync successfully on the first device after making any changes, and then again on the second device before trying to edit? If you are doing that, and the changes aren't making it to the second device, then you need to find out which one is having trouble syncing. If the changes make it through to the second device but you can't edit some or all of the content, then that might be due to conflicts in formatting from one device to another. Try to access the note in another client - like the web version - to see whether you can make changes that stick there. If you are making changes to a note but they just won't save, then again try a different client - do any changes to this note save correctly? That might still be down to the note formatting, or to some sort of data corruption in that note. Try simplifying or removing formatting, copying the content to another new note, or exporting that note to ENEX and re-importing it as a 'new' note. (NB the export/ import may compromise any note links you have set up involving that note) Do submit a support ticket if you're having issues - it helps to keep Evernote in the loop. Hope that covers everyone's queries - if not, and you're not the OP, please start a new thread so we can look at issues individually...
  2. It can take a while to get used to a flat filing system, but it's no less flexible than any other - just different. You could use a randomly generated password as a title/tag (©BnF) - my LastPass just gave me "pP3lVOa1" - so your hierarchy runs - <pP3lVOa1> <19c> <presidents> <pP3lVOa1 - chapter 01> <pP3lVOa1 - chapter 02> etc.. And by using the TOC feature (in some - all?? - clients) you can create an index of chapters / sections with direct links to those notes.
  3. Cwb - a few threads have degenerated into name-calling, but by and large most contributors here are as polite and helpful as they can be bearing in mind that no-one gets paid to do this (apart from those happy souls wearing Evernote Employee shirts). Snarking at someone who took the time to make any kind of a comment is pretty much the same as disrespecting someone who pulls over to offer help when you're flat tyred at the side of the road because they don't have the right can of oil. Your time isn't more valuable than theirs, and your sensibilities won't be damaged beyond all repair by getting a non-helpful response. (I get those all the time from most sales assistants..) Common courtesy is a talent it behooves everyone to cultivate as best they can...
  4. OK we know what client - but really? You make changes and sync, and the note is just the same as it started out ???
  5. I suppose you tested a single note link? This should stay to work. But you can no more generate a public link for a _notebook_. If you still have a link of an old public notebook it could work furthmore, but I think there are no new public notebooks. My bad - I tested a single note link, and an already shared notebook. But trying to share a new notebook I have no option to make it public - I have to specify email addresses. So let's see: SIngle notes can still be shared by URL, but notebooks have to be shared by email address. Now I think I have this straight. Maybe..
  6. I just saved a note URL and accessed it from a different IP address without problems, and I used a Google+ link to look at someone else's 'public' notebook without being invited - I'm now confused as to what's going on here. Any suggestions, Evernote peeps?
  7. Hi - your iPhone doesn't load all your notes by default, just an index so it can find and download the necessary content when you search for it. You can opt to have notes downloaded - set a notebook to 'offline searching' - now many notes you can see being dependent on how much spare storage you have. Notes you've already viewed or edited on the phone will stay in temporary storage, but aren't guaranteed to be available - that's just a matter of luck. If you didn't have a network connection when you arrived at your concert, and hadn't set the notebook to offline searchable, then that's why your note disappeared. As to downloading notes - it shouldn't take long, as above it's downloading an index, not (necessarily) the whole notebook. I'd suggest you uninstall and reinstall the app on your phone, and - subject to how relevant the comments above are - make sure you have a photo of your ticket rather than just an Evernote next time. This is a user board, so I can't tell you when/ if any changes might be made to make this process easier, but the developers will have read your post.
  8. Why exactly do you need to extract the OCR from an image to paste it back into Evernote? A pasted image will be OCR'd and therefore searchable. No extra software or pasting required...
  9. You'll note we're not expecting anything soon.. meantime the suggestions above may help.
  10. Yup, that's pretty much exactly how a Wiki link works. This has been requested for some time, and possibly even figures in Evernote's route map for releases in the next 12 months. Until it hits the streets however we won't know whether Evernote will even consider it.
  11. I prefer the current version - tapping EDIT is only a fingertwitch, and everything defaults to safe unless you take a specific action to change it.
  12. It appeared in Android because some users had a rant about how unrealistic it was to show notes in an editable state - because that led to accidentally altered and deleted notes. Of course there are now the rants about how long it takes to edit a note given that extra keypress...
  13. That already exists in Android - there's an Edit button for those who (like me) tend to hit random keys while trying not to drop the phone. Don't see it's necessary on desktop clients - don't know about iOS.
  14. I heart WIkis. Surprising as it may seem (Doh! <Facepalm>) I never realised before that Win+A (clip selection) would actually work within Evernote so creating a spin-off note is as simple as write (or find) the link text, highlight the link, Win+A, start typing in your new note... OK 'simple as' is a little over the top, since you then have to Copy Note Link and Ctrl-K it back over the original link text, and maybe do a return link in the target page, but hey... Short term, a bit of AHK may automate most of that for me, longer term.. how about it Oh Mighty Evernote Dev Persons? There's about 150 shopping days to Xmas and that would be a nice present... Edit: And sorry - thanks @millert; good shout!
  15. I sit corrected - check out the menu bar for keyboard shortcuts to this and several other actions!
  16. AFAIK there isn't one - choose your text, click the highlighter and that's it.
  17. I suggest you uninstall and reinstall the app - make sure you have no unsynced notes on the Android. If it's still a problem, please submit a support ticket (see below).
  18. You obviously already appreciate that your Android must sync to allow the reminder information to move from the server to the phone. I've never seen a reference to 'device master syncing' before - can you re-enable it?
  19. Don't believe so - unless you can use a desktop Win or Mac machine to access your account and export the notes, then move that file somewhere else...
  20. Hi - at the moment there isn't one. You can create a style in another word processor (like MS Word) and copy/ paste into a note, and/ or you can embed the file into the note to allow for future editing. There's an expectation that the Evernote editor is being upgraded 'soon', but don't hold your breath..
  21. Just a thought - if you paste the shared page into your email with another utility and add your Evernote email address as a BCC field you can probably save some keystrokes...
  22. -and as to "low number of users" I believe the current total is somewhere between 80 and 90. Million. According to Wikipedia that makes Evernote's user population bigger than France or Germany.
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