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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. One thing Evernote definitely doesn't do is preview pipelines. I would hope and imagine there's more to come on reminders, but meantime...
  2. There's also FollowUp.cc - pretty much the same service as far as I can see; you can email reminders to your Evernote address (if you set it up) so you get a correctly dated note for each repeated event. CC your own email address for a direct headsup.
  3. ..Not necessarily if you have to take apart an existing product to shoehorn the code in somewhere... but it would be kinda nice. Wikitext also has this option to show / hide lists. I miss Wikis.
  4. I'll +1 that - it has been suggested before, with variations; and I'm not sure how Evernote would engineer that (please don't tell me how they could..) but I can see it would be a bit of added protection for public use when a user might click the wrong notebook and open up something unexpected. Against that there's the fact that you can lock your screen when you are away from your desk / keep a separate free account for private stuff and switch to/from it easily from Premium / or password protect note contents in a word-processor file to prevent accidental display. Still, the devs do read these posts...
  5. I'm sure you;re not, but it's also not a routine issue. First thought is Revo uninstall and reinstall (with backups) - see the forums for more detail on that if you need it. Second thought would be - Support Ticket.
  6. Actually I just updated an XP machine - no icon issues; and I'm running a Vista laptop that's being chugging along for ages (through three hard drives so far) and neither has had this icon issue. Not saying it doesn't exist, but AFAIK it's not consistent, and it's not a recognised bug. I'd suggest you raise a support ticket -see below- (if you haven't already) to let someone have a look at this in more detail.
  7. I know it's picky, but if something is advertised to work in a particular way and doesn't - that's a bug. That's bad and needs to be fixed as a priority. Other stuff that doesn't work as you expect but there were no promises ahead of time - that's something that got forgotten about in the grand scheme of things and will get added as soon as possible.
  8. Depends what and where you're pasting I think. c-a-v will pop up a 'Paste Special' menu in some apps so you can choose how to show your content. I think we need the OP to tell us a little more about the OS and use case here..
  9. In my Windows Evernote 5.x there's a right-click option to 'paste as plain text'.
  10. It was kind've an implied "if its not in the knowledge base instructions then it's probably not possible" on the setting a time issue.. since the developers read the threads here, they might take it on board for a future update. Meantime Evernote does many things, but not, at present, this.
  11. http://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#/article/23480523
  12. Hi. Evernote does OCR images so they're searchable, but the text is not extractable from the image. OneNote is better for that specific use case - the text (or the best approximation of it) is available in a separate window to be copied and pasted elsewhere. Voice to text is part of Evernote, though you'd need to use one of the specialist pen inputs if you want to choose specific parts of the text to hear again.
  13. Hi - welcome to the forums. Evernote doesn't have weird little problems like this - at least not in my Windows Vista / 7 / 8-64bit experience. I can only suggest you Revo uninstall and reinstall your version of Evernote - backup your database first and search the forums for more specific instructions if you need them. If that fails - see the support ticket link below.
  14. I'd suggest Evernote would have done something if 1) it were as easy as you think and 2) if they were prepared to change their philosophy.
  15. You realise there's a fourth device? Each one of your devices has to sync back to the Evernote server to get the latest version of a note, allow you to make changes, then sync again to send those changes to the server. Once that device has synced, your other devices will be able to sync and get that version of the note so that you can view or edit it. Using Evernote isn't like receiving the same channel on your TV screen and your laptop - you have to send back any changes you make so the server can send them out to your other devices.
  16. Helps to know which Evernote client you're using, and whether you mean "not saving" in terms of losing the content from the original device, or not being able to see it on another...
  17. Had a browse through the Evernote App Center (see below) - formerly known as Trunk. There's a link to Tusktools in there who do have a folder hierarchy thingy - Treeliner - that looks as if it might be interesting...
  18. Hi - welcome to the forums. If you do find a better alternative please let us know here - there's no bar to using apps with or instead of Evernote if they do a better job. PS - I now know I lied in a previous post. Inter-note links are 'portable' (though I'm not sure they're universally so) in that they use a UID which will find your note in any Evernote client including the web version.
  19. I have the latest beta on my W8 desktop and just deleted the shortcut without a murmur - it's a bit overkill, but if all else fails I can only suggest Revo uninstall and reinstall (but read up on the details first, there are a few health warnings..) On the other hand you could try deleting the icon and hitting F5 (or right-click and 'Refresh') because sometimes the desktop doesn't update properly...
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