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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Sorry that was a wild goose chase. I'll add your apps to my Android and see what happens. (More later....)
  2. Hi. I think this is more an Android question that Evernote. If you check your apps via Application Manager and look for the Launch by Default button - do Skitch / Kingsoft have that option set for PDF files? If so, de-select it. If that's not the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling one of the additional apps to see if it will then appear in your list.
  3. It sounds easier to set up a work-around for confidential notes than it would be for Evernote to reschedule their pre-planned development for the next x months to get this fix out there - if they've even decided it would be cost-effective to do anything at all...
  4. It'd annoy the spit out of me every time I checked my shopping list though..
  5. Happy to confirm we still don't have this feature.
  6. My point was that there are probably also a lot of people who're happy with current setup...
  7. Don't think there's a technical problem as such: just how many of the other 99,999,999+ people using Evernote might want to sort their notebooks by different methods...
  8. Hmmn - just for general information I tried MS Office Lens (MSOL) and was impressed that a white outline immediately appeared around the document I was about to photograph, then less impressed that it then jumped to appear around the mat that the document sat on, then switched rapdily between the two.. and the resolution on the document when I held it still long enough to take the shot was pretty bad too... the Android version of this is a beta, but I think they have a ways to go....
  9. Hmmn... interesting - Microsoft Office Lens Scans Notes and Documents into Office Format By Eric Ravenscraft on 04 Apr 2015 at 8:00PMDocument and note scanning is nothing new. However, Microsoft has decided to enter the game with an advantage only it can offer: excellent Office integration. (The video didn;t make it...)Office Lens, as the new app is called, can scan documents “from any angle” (though you should still probably aim for a head-on image) and automatically fix its perspective, crop it, and clean it up. It can also do other typical OCR tricks like pulling contact info off a business card. Office Lens can export your notes in a variety of formats including JPEG, PDF, and Office filetypes like Word or Powerpoint. The latter comes with some extra tricks. For example, if you save a note in Powerpoint format, the app will make hand-drawn images and text into objects you can arrange separately. All scans can also be exported directly to OneNote or OneDrive. http://www.lifehacker.co.uk/2015/04/04/microsoft-office-lens-scans-notes-documents-office-format
  10. Hate to be smug, but Ctrl-Z seems to work fine for me - I mainly use it when editing text, but just tested a few pastes from web pages and they disappeared on first click.
  11. Hmmn. Let's not mix the Scannable queries with the Evernote Business Card scanner queries, because they're different (though related) apps, and I'm not sure to what extent they overlap. (I'm a Windows'n Android user, so no scannable yet... hint.) Does it help to make extra notes in a separate note and either use the same title or merge the notes?
  12. Hi. Are you adding notes in the actual window where it says "Add Notes?" - The card isn't editable as such; it just allows you to add text in one specific area. If that field is not working, try the 'merging notes' suggestion earlier.
  13. Thanks for the update - odd that a theoretically more powerful OS is less effective at audio, but it's very useful to know there's a difference!
  14. Nope, sorry - notebooks (and notes) share, stacks don't; though you can share the individual notebooks and the recipient can reassemble the stack at their end...
  15. Highlight the text again and hit the highlight button to switch on or off...
  16. Good point @Wordsgood (no pun intended..) - @ bucko; are you editing in the desktop app and then going to the mobile immediately to see your changes?
  17. Sadly "Accio Evernote" still doesn't work no matter how much expression you put into it...
  18. I can imagine that the audio quality might have been dropped to speed up loading and syncing audio notes on mobile devices, but I have no information one way or the other. If and when you get something from Support, please let us know!
  19. Hmmn. It may be worth it to you to go premium for a month to resolve this (if you;re not already there) - you'd need to raise a support request and/ or chat to someone in support to find out that sort of detail. I wasn't aware that the quality had dropped, but then I always use another app to record and attach the files anyway. Your interest is a bit specialised. The KB entry about 100MB notes isn't significant - I'm sure the decision to drop quality (if that's what it was) would have been taken independently from the writer of the 'how to record' section...
  20. If you scan and save a business card using Scannable or a phone and Evernote's card camera, the format of the note is fixed. There's a small area for 'notes', but most of the content is not editable if you wish to maintain the layout. If you're not using one of those two features, I'm less sure what's happening - taking a normal camera picture of a note should just give you a text note plus a picture which should be fully editable. Standard suggestion for 'uneditable' notes - don't add to the existing note, make a new one and merge the two, or link with tags or titles...
  21. Nope, sorry - the last point here is from the KB entry... https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/28606837 Tips Warning: If your audio recording surpasses the total note size, then your audio note will not sync to EvernoteYou can type inside Evernote as audio is recordingOn mobile devices, you can also record short voice memos and transcribe it into textIf you have a prerecorded audio file, you can drag the file right into Evernote to create a new note, or drop it into an existing noteIf you want full control over the audio file size or recording quality, you might want to record on a different program to adjust and edit, and then attach it to a note
  22. Yeah, read that. Linux and Apple users rejoice... and if you're "afraid of downloading huge setup files"..."a good reason to avoid Evernote..."? Really?
  23. Couldn't be bothered to read through all of it, but as @Frank said - best I can tell there were no "official folks" here - any sarcasm you see is a feature (not a bug) of us users, and pretty much goes with the territory. In general I fully agree with using whatever software you need to get the job done, and Evernote isn't always the best choice. If/ when they see it in their best interests to update things, maybe that will change.
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