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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you were printing from an installed Evernote app, you should have an option to include attachments in the print; which (I haven't tried it lately) should - I think - give you the whole attached document. For reasons of download speeds and browser functions, the web version doesn't work the same way and all you print is what you can currently see in the note window - which is either an icon or one page of any attachments.
  2. You could add this as a feature request in the General thread to get it onto a list, but Evernote don't normally comment on when or whether any given feature is likely to be added or released.
  3. Don't know if this is relevant, but... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006097
  4. Not exactly a lot of action on this thread - it's been quiet for 2 years; guess everyone either gave up, moved on or found a work-around. Evernote's revised apps due out later this year may include something more on text styles, but they're still working on that. Meantime we have colour and styles for tags and notebook names (In Windows anyway...) so there has been some slight movement...
  5. If you find the issue still exists, reach out to Support and send your log files so they can -hopefully- track down the reason this is happening...
  6. Hi. This seems not to be the case on any of the apps I use - open the app, click an 'edit' icon and you're potentially live. Regardless of the importance of the feature to many users, it simply isn't part of Evernote's apps at present, and would have to be engineered in at (I imagine) a fairly low level. Evernote are (they say) in process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog), so they may have already included some upgrades. But they don't preview details, so we'll probably have to wait until the new versions hit the streets to see what new features exist.
  7. I think in this case it may be Chrome who updated and left Evernote to catch up, but they will soon. Meantime - workarounds or bookmarks!
  8. Sorry to hear that. You could try restarting your Android, and even uninstall the app / restart the device / reinstall the app; but if that doesn't fix it I don't have any other ideas....
  9. OK, but are these files you have created/ scanned, or files acquired from a third party or website? If you're asking me to have a look at the file, then no. I'm just another user with no special PDF knowledge. "text that cannot be removed..." are you looking to display this file or remove it?
  10. Hi. There are various ages and formats of PDF - maybe this one isn't accessible for Evernote. I've not seen your issue before - did you create both these PDFs or is one / are both downloads from email or a website? If you have a PDF editor it may help to open the PDF and re-save it. PDF's do come with a variety of security levels - maybe this one is set to restrict copying and that disables Evernote's display. If so you probably won't be able to edit it.
  11. Hi. Is this all clips, or just one specific site? Have you tried a different browser? I have the exact same system setup as you on Brave (Chrome based browser) and its working fine.
  12. Hi. You presumably have a URL in the note and that image may be related. Is there a problem with just leaving it there? The rules on thumbnails are to do with the 'smallest large dimension' of an image - it always seems too much hassle to try to manipulate image sizes to create a preferred choice...
  13. More of an Android issue than Evernote I think... there's some mysterious voodoo that goes with the Android 'default app' linkage which - apparently - in your case doesn't pick up Adobe as the default for editing PDFs from Evernote. I use Xodo which pops up all the time for my Evernote PDFs. If you want to reset the link I think a re-install will resolve it - sync Evernote for safety, uninstall, restart the device, re-download and reinstall.
  14. Hmmn. Not sure what else to suggest. I'm not a Mac user, so maybe one of my colleagues here will have something to contribute... 🤫
  15. ...What @CalS said. The Forum has some feature request threads - there isn't one for templates as such, but you could post in the general feature request area. Also - if you design your own you could submit it for an example of what might be useful... maybe.
  16. I'm far lazier than anything here. I tend to have a notebook for "Tech" which holds all the clips for hints tips and add-ons I've looked at for my devices. Anything I eventually install gets a tag "installed" (subtle, huh..). All major tasks and projects get their own notebook. Definitely not rocket science.
  17. Hi. Thanks for posting that - I wasn't aware that backticks would trigger a code block! Sadly when I use that trick the text is exactly the same size as the non-backticked text - in my case 16pt for both, which seems reasonable. I don't see there being an overwhelming call for smaller text in every case... and Possibly not, but Evernote's in the middle of a major project and has priorities of its own. Difficulty may not be the problem...
  18. Hi. I split your comment into a new topic since it's both web and linux related and the original thread was not. Evernote's web clients don't have any sort of theme to apply, but Chrome's web store has both a dark theme and a 'dark mode' that (apparently) affects all pages. Firefox may have something similar...
  19. Hi. You didn't mention what OS's you were working in, but my Android has an 'Add to to Home Screen' option under the three dots menu, along with an 'add to shortcuts' (That's Evernote shortcuts, but hey.) ...And the Evernote Android Widget has an option to show 'recently updated notes' right off your home screen too. That's all checked on my own notes - don't know if different rules apply to shared versions...
  20. With apologies to Evernote, I'd probably say 'Google Docs' off the bat. Sharing there is pretty transparent and updates are saved back to the server immediately. With Evernote you have the complication that if you edit a note, your changes will sync back to the server over the next several minutes (depending on how your account is set up) and if someone else changes that note in the meantime you could wind up with one set of changes being overwritten or both sets being saved as 'conflicting changes'. It's not usually much of a problem, but if you're dealing with others, it helps not to create any potential traps to fall into. Evernote has a connection with Google - How to attach Google Drive files to notes - so it should be fairly easy to create a note listing all the files for a project. If you copy the public share link for that page and send it to your contacts, they'll always have the most up to date list of files available to them. There's a slight security hole there - anyone with that URL can see the page. You may want to password-protect your files individually to avoid mischief. Evernote notes are not searchable by public search engines unless you actively promote them as such, so the note won't be found by casual searching, but the access is there for anyone with the URL. Hope that helps...
  21. Hi. Can you see these notes as titles in your 'All Notes' listing? As a pure (and completely untested) suggestion, is it possible to export the notes to an ENEX file and re-import them into Evernote Windows? (Use a couple of notes for a test before attacking all of them!)
  22. My database is somewhere north of 20GB. I don't have that much space on my phone. What I do have is a notebook that I designated as offline storage on the Android that I can use to hold travel documentation and 'work in progress' notes. Given that most folks don't have too much free space available I think defaulting everything to offline storage would not be feasible. User management required...
  23. Well I was (today) years old when I found out! Darn that's cool! And I really didn't realise "note body zoom" meant that... thankyou!
  24. Hi. When you get the green circle on screen that shows the share is happening, tap the circle and check the options there. You can choose either the full image or just the URL. If full images aren't working, try the URL option and check back later on a desktop to complete the clip. Some web pages are 'unhelpful' with clips - especially pay-walled sites - because the share looks like another access to the site, which prompts the log-in or cookie messages to show up all over again. Evernote (currently) seems not to distinguish between admin messages and actual content, so grabs whatever pops up however it can...
  25. Fair point - I should have said provide a carbon copy or something; the point being that a re-saved document is not going to look exactly the same as the original, and if you wanted to re 'import' a notebook from Google a great deal of work would be involved. Enex files for all their limitations (and there are a few...) are good enough for me at the moment.
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