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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. As you probably know Firefox and Chrome effectively represent separate operating systems from Mac or Windows, and in the browsers case are updated on a more or less daily basis. It's entirely possible that Evernote was caught by surprise by a change somewhere. Since these two are pretty popular browsers, you can bet that if the staff didn't pick up on this themselves, quite a few people have now alerted them. Short term - use alternative ways to clip a page. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon.
  2. Hi. When you view the original note in Evernote Windows or Web, can you see the full content? Is the note fully synced before you try to email it?
  3. Hi. This thread is about issues with private windows and has only been live for a few days. I clipped PDFs in Firefox today with no problem. Please start a new thread for your issue, and let us know your OS, Evernote version and exactly what you see when trying to add a PDF to your notes.
  4. Hi. A bunch of other people seem to be having this sort of problem at the moment - follow the other thread in the Forums for more on this...
  5. Also: there are integrations around... https://www.integromat.com/en/integrations/dapulse/evernote/ifttt
  6. It'll be interesting to see if they do offer a technical explanation, but lets not forget this isn't a request service. Every software company takes their own commercial decisions to join and leave markets. If that means the service no longer suits your needs, you look for alternatives. Atlas went years ago, just as other mapping services were taking off - and I'd guess that Evernote either decided keeping their app competitive with the rest of the mapping market was just too difficult or expensive; or maybe if they were buying in the service, the prices just went up as new features were added.
  7. Sounds like your Beta was simply upgraded to the public version when it was released. There are no public Betas (AFAIK) at the moment - there are some private beta tests going on but that had a separate application process.
  8. Hi. Are you on the current new Evernote web client? Should be around 6.17 or something I believe - I'm still on 5.33 at the moment - don't know why (winge). Anyhoo. The web client is in process of being upgraded, and has jumped several levels in the past few weeks. There's still a lot more to add to it, so the embarassment quotient should go down somewhat later this year. However I don't believe Evernote has any plans to compete with Spotify or Youtube to become an entertainment hub. It's meant to be an all-purpose storage for all types of file where users can locate and process them when and if necessary. The web experience will get better, but I don't think it's going to DJ for you.
  9. Don't know how easy it would be to allow multiple selections from different parts (including maybe differently-coded parts) of a web page to be extracted into a single note. My current work-around is to use old-fashioned copynpaste for text or images grabbed with a selective screen-shotter like Nimbus. Sounds like it might be technically challenging, therefore expensive to do - likely not cost effective for Evernote unless a lot more people are looking for the same thing... On the good side there were rumours of a Linux client (I'm using Mint as I sit here..) and there's a major current project to update all the apps which might include features like this. Maybe...
  10. Hi. IIRC that's resolved by setting the correct window size, then quitting out of Evernote (forcing a sync) and logging back in...
  11. Hi. Clipping on Chrome in Windows 64 is working for me. Maybe try clearing your cache and restarting your system / removing & restarting the extension again?
  12. Hi. Sorry to hear about your issues. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum, and you really need to be talking to Customer Services to verify payment of the renewal if that is the reason for your being locked out. Steps to take... > Check which bank account should have been paying the subscription and verify whether it was actually taken. If not, confirm there are enough funds there to pay when necessary. > DM @Shane D., who's the senior forum admin around here to confirm the situation. Hopefully that will resolve the matter!
  13. Hi. What Beta version were you on? The current public version is 8.13.3
  14. Yup - same experience as above happening here: are your notes images / PDFs / handwriting / Text? There are different processes for each, plus as noted your new notes have to sync to the server and then get back to the phone before they can even be added.
  15. ? I just searched my Android for the word 'ingredients' and got hits on several cook books, so I'd say they're indexed fine. As a subscriber you're still able to request email support - sounds like you should maybe try that?
  16. I think you can assume that apart from a few masochists that have moved on from Evernote, and are mainly hanging around to see if anything new and interesting happens, everyone here is still an Evernote user. In several cases, from the posts they've made, people have tried other services; but they have sooner or later come back to Evernote because it is - despite a few obvious flaws - the most effective solution. This is entirely the wrong place to look for endorsements of the Acme Note-Taking App, because we're mostly here to talk about Evernote. Now any internet search is going to give you a lengthy list of possible options, and the best way to find out if any of them suit your needs is probably to start using one. If that doesn't work, for you try another; but your solution is likely going to be different from anyone else's. IME the only guaranteed, fail safe, infinitely reliable note-taking device is a paper notebook!
  17. Evernote is fairly well served by a host of external automators from IFTT to Zapier that will link it to other apps, and by Filterize which offers extensive manipulation of notes subject to rules you specify. Sadly none of them will (AFAIK) help you - this is not a use case anyone has thought of yet. There are a number of 'create an app without code' websites including this one that's fuelled by a Google Sheets document - https://www.glideapps.com It might be feasible to extract the URLs of your notes and then use the note to jump to the referenced web page, and maybe even clip the full content of each page to a new note; but I think you'd spend a lot of time developing the process, and dealing with failed clips. It would probably just be more effective to clip individual pages if and when you need them...
  18. Hmmn. Also on 8.13.3 but Android 6 (Old Samsung!) and I have never seen this message. Do you use your Evernote app often? Don't know if I've ever gone 3 days without opening it for something, and I'd bet it's never been a whole week - but on the basis that the mobile app doesn't store anything on your device other than recent notes, why not just uninstall it until you next need it? A Sync / uninstall / restart / reinstall might actually cure the problem anyway. (I know Evernote comes pre-installed on some devices - if so, uninstalling may not be feasible; but you may have the option to deactivate which should be just as good.)
  19. ... For Firefox to impose a restriction via regulation or code to ensure that private browsing remains completely untraceable...? Nobody around here knows, but maybe if any subscribers suffering from the issue raise it with Evernote, it will get explained or even fixed?
  20. Hi. OS? Device? Browser? Or just all clients? It is possible to highlight text and clip selection several times, then merge the notes into one; but I don't know of any other workarounds. Implementing this might be a little hard on small mobile screens...
  21. Hi. I might have oversold it a little with 'seamlessly', but if you take an in depth look into Workflowy (Youtube searches will probably take you to Frank Degenaar's Workflowy Academy), you may find that it has a heap more functionality that at first appears. If you check out those nice bullets at any level, you'll find they all have their own individual URL (you have to click on the bullet, not the words, and copy from the browser address bar). I have a current 'to do' list there forinstance, which is browser-accessible directly from a link in my Evernote daily dashboard. If I add a new item to my list in WF, it's almost always got an Evernote note behind it, to which I can jump from Workflowy. And all the Evernote to-do notes are linked directly back to the individual URL of the Workflowy entry, so changes at either end are easy to make. Plus Workflowy has a killer search feature, so when finding projects it's often quicker (sorry Evernote) to jump to the entry in Workflowy and then back into Evernote. There's a Chrome extension (WFx for WorkFlowy) which adds a ton of further flexibility including the keyboard shortcut Alt+W (Option-W) to jump directly to Workflowy or to open another web page from a shortcut like 'EN' to go to EB Web. There is a lot in there! You could write a book about the options... Oh yeah Frank did that already... I believe he might mention it in passing here somewhere > https://www.productivitymashup.com/workflowy-academy (You did ask....) - and for the record I have no commercial connection with Mr D or Workflowy other than the fact I subscribe there too!
  22. Hi. OS? Device? How big are the PDF files?
  23. Hi that issue was 3 years ago, and the package has updated several times since. What's your OS / browser / device?
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