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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You can install an original version alongside v10 if you wish... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. Contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, or use the help/ feedback link from one of the mobile apps.
  3. Hi. Clipper works the same for all levels of subscription, so it's more likely due to the way the web pages are contructed. You should have a screen shot option your could use if that helps, or sometimes printing to a PDF file will provide full details.
  4. You might have to give us a little more detail to get a coherent reply...
  5. Hi. I'm sure everyone here will do all they can to help, but Evernote does have one drawback - it's not possible to 'import' a whole system; you need to set up notebooks and tags, create the calendar entries and establish lots of links manually to set something up. So it's very 'hands on' to start. I think it would be very valuable for you if there were some local Evernote expertise - do you know of any? Without giving away any personal information - what city and country do you live in? We're a community of users spread around the world so maybe someone has come up with a sort of enhanced diary / appointment system to cover some parts of what you need - we'll have to wait and see what suggestions come up. Personally I use a 'daily diary' system to jot down what I'm doing in any given day, and add future appointments and dates to my diary pages (with Google repeats where necessary) so I'm sure not to miss any. I can see where you might want to add a medical diary so you have a separate history of treatments or ailments as they occur. If both of you are using one account and logging in with the same users details, you do need to make sure that you don't alter the same entry. As far as Evernote is aware you're the same person - using two separate screens maybe, but still one person - altering the entries; and if you both change the same one, one set of information will overwrite the other. I do recommend that, being unfamiliar with all this stuff, you should probably set up one process at a time - a daily diary for both of you forinstance - and get used to using that. When you're happy things are working out, add another system. It's better to do things that way than introduce 5 new things at the same time, and start to forget to do some of them... Don't be afraid to experiment, and if you get stuck - let us know. We're (mostly) friendly, and willing to help all we can. 🙂
  6. Hi. I'm not a Mac user, but AFAIK all ScanSnaps are compatible with most systems. Find one that will scan to multiple locations and allows sharing (none of which are Evernote functions) and you should be covered...
  7. There's a comparison here, but I don't see anything in Professional that I'd especially want... https://evernote.com/compare-plans
  8. Hi. Why not just go back to Legacy for the time being? This version runs alongside v10 but gives you back all the original features and performance. It's 'no longer supported' and might go away in the coming months and years, but it does mean you can continue as before without added stress. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Hi. Welcome to IT, which is the quickest way to get to the next road block in your life... Browsers issue updates every day these days, and it's possible that Fx's latest version is not compatible with the current Clipper. If that's the case Evernote will catch up shortly. Meantime if you've closed the browser down and restarted, and removed the extension and reloaded, there's nothing much more to do in Firefox. Meanwhile it is possible to print web pages to PDF, and copy/ paste content into notes. You could make sure Evernote is aware of this by connecting with https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, or use the help/ feedback link from one of the mobile apps.
  10. You're right to want to back up your data - it's your data, but you're relying on someone else's computer system to hold it. I get daily backups of my database too. Not expecting any failures, but if I get a corrupted note or a missing attachment, I'd be able to find the note in my backups and replace the damaged version. Best way to get a local backup is to install the Legacy version of Evernote, which does have an accessible local folder - which you can relocate to another drive if you wish. It works alongside v10 and receives the same updates for note content.
  11. See my previous comment. Boolean searches help to find more complex options, but you could still use the standard search terms to do what you need. It might take two searches, rather than one (depending on your exact needs) but it's pretty comprehensive. If you prefer to upgrade, then knock yourself out...
  12. If Boolean search is the only thing attracting you, then I wouldn't bother. Unless you're going in for complicated conditional scenarios you can do most things with standard search as @PinkElephant has shown.
  13. Don't think so - I still have that connection active, and none of the linked notes were in a blog notebook, or created around the same time.
  14. Hi. Check the IP address(es) of these attempted connections - if you don't recognise the address, then it could be a problem. Follow Evernote's instructions and you will be safe... https://help.evernote.com/hc/it
  15. Hi. How did you create a 'usage goal' in the first place? I searched here and couldn't find any mention of them... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  16. Hi. You haven't said which version of Evernote we're talking about, but in general that's a catastrophically bad idea! Evernote installs itself and its data to where it absolutely wants them to be. When you create or edit notes, they're saved to Evernote's cloud servers as well as being available to you locally. If anything bad happened to your local device, you'd be able to download all your notes from the server and start over. Sign in to Evernote.com to see the online database.
  17. Hi. Thanks for the tips! Similar age and experience over here - I use "x" to indicate a keyword - as in xReceipt - and "|" to indicate 'notebook' - as in |Amazon. I have a LOT of notes in Evernote and while I've gone through various ways to manage the volume, I'm now using something that Roam was probably based on: Workflowy - as outliner / lister / quick look-up table and temporary notes host. I tab between WF and Evernote when I need to, and this is where the "|Amazon" searches come into their own because I can get to a bullet 'parent' very quickly if I need to find or save some content. Maybe we can attract some others to post tips and tricks here - I only hang around the forums because every so often someone comes up with a comment that makes me think... ✨ (couldn't find a lightbulb...)
  18. Hi. Short answer - no. What you see is what you got. Evernote Business would probably have more internal usage stats, but that's overkill for less than several users. URL shorteners like bit.ly offer stats on how often their links are used, and there may be blog-related services that track usage. (There's a third-party service Postach.io that converts an Evernote notebook into an online blog). You may be able to find some services that work with public shares, but if you're adding in others by email address I don't know whether external counters would work. It's not some thing that Evernote is designed to include... EDIT: -and please don't post the same query twice. I zapped your other post on this.
  19. You'd need to ask Forte labs for details, but I believe this is just a way of scheduling random views of notes directly from your own database. The app doesn't need to view the content, it just needs a link. I don't use the service myself and it's not an Evernote feature.
  20. Hi. I'd be more concerned with what's happening to your account. As a subscriber you have access to Support who presumably helped you reset your log in details. If you still have an email address and ticket reference, I'd suggest raising this with them; otherwise see https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Meantime you'll have access to your account via Evernote.com, and if you haven't already installed the Legacy app, that may be the way to get back to what I assume is a password protected file attached to a notebook. "a log in/PW protected folder within evernote" doesn't make any sense to me. Legacy is here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote You're the first user to have password and login issues in this way after an update - mostly folks find an 'empty' account, because it seems a little easy to set up a brand new one by mistake. -And as you now know, while Evernote is secure and generally accessible everywhere, it's not a great idea to use it for passwords. I use Bitwarden as a password vault - there are several reliable free options around.
  21. Yep - the usual Windows tango: Log out and back in Log out, restart and back in Uninstall, restart and reload.. ...And if all else fails it's pretty easy to create a manual entry in the startup folder in Windows - do an internet search for step-by-step instructions! .
  22. I'm flattered that you revisited a year-old thread to insult me, but I thought we were talking about clipping where, if the original request hangs or fails you generally get a note with an error message - that note also showing the original URL of the intended clip. It is one tap to go back to the original using that link and re-clip the page. As to 'flexibility', the choices are: moan about it to the Forums, or find another way to acquire that web content. There are several options...
  23. I've seen that message a couple of times in the last few months - not enough to annoy me yet...
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