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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Evernote needs to index or OCR a new PDF. Either task is done on the server and takes a little time. Subscribers get precedence in priority.
  2. Moved to the correct Forum. Please check Tools > Options > General and scroll to the bottom of the pop-up for the location of the Evernote database. If that is C:\Users\<you>\Evernote, then your data is stored in the correct place. If it's anything else, then Evernote must have been asked at some point to store the data somewhere other than in its own default location. You could change back from here if you wish.
  3. ...And please don't post the same issue twice. It tends to make us user advisers cranky and it's against Forum rules. Please stick to commenting on -
  4. Hi (again). As already mentioned - 8.13 is the 'old' version of Evernote, currently working fine for me on Android 6 and Android 8. Sadly Android seemed to change the rules around their v10 so that the 8.13 APK has problems loading. Evernote won't help you with that, and none of us can - we're all users, not Support staff. You could try your service provider, or even Google to see whether they can suggest some way to avoid the apparent conflict between the two.
  5. Yeah - too many accounts here! Support should be able to help you decide what options are available to you...
  6. We're not Evernote. And 6 of those years were a different app. Just sayin'.
  7. Hi. All is not well. You've posted personal information in a public forum. Please delete your email address and your IP. The 'old' Android is no longer supported, though the APK still works. If it will not load in your phone, this is an Android 10 issue, but there will be no support. Some similar issues have been reported, but I don't know if any have been resolved - someone may post more here in due course.
  8. If everyone suffering from this issue contacts Support they'll be able to examine logs and work out what (if anything) is going wrong...
  9. As @agsteele suggested, if you let that one go back to a free account, your existing notes won't be affected, you'll just be subject to all the limits of a free account in adding to or editing your content. You can share all the information (notebook by notebook) with your 'other' account, and copy notes over into that account if you want to do something needing higher account limits. At the end of each month you could use up any remaining upload limits on your paid account by transferring notebooks over - create new stacks if you need them, then just copy the notebook across..
  10. Hi. Evernote don't usually go in for teaser leaks. If /when it's ready, we'll know about it...
  11. Hi. If you truly have a business (now called teams) account, it should be easy to switch between one and the other - the point of a Teams subscription is to have a central library of notebooks which is available to several colleagues or employees, all of whom have individual subscriptions for their drafting and private use. If you do want to combine the two accounts, I'd suggest you downgrade the Teams account to Personal (or Professional) and go from there; again it's easy to switch between two accounts, but if you wish to combine them, just share one set of notebooks with the other account. To avoid two subscriptions you could gradually move content across on a notebook-by-notebook basis. Regardless I'd suggest you run all this by Support who may have other suggestions, but I can't think of anything other than sharing or export/ importing as options...
  12. Not that I'm aware of - you'd have to contact Support to find out exactly what's happening with your connection and get some direct feedback. As to 'word processors', I tend to have Workflowy open as a text editor, which is only one click away. And 'more than one copy' doesn't mean you can't run several devices - just don't have Evernote open and syncing on all of them at once. And those are only possibilities alongside local conflicts, general traffic and possible system limits - hence the referral to Support.
  13. Hi. You're posting in a forum thread for the 'old' version of the Windows client. Are you still using that? Also was your note typed in the installed client or the web version? I know of no reason why the content of your note should have completely disappeared - I'd suggest you contact Support.
  14. No problem for the help - Legacy installs alongside v10, not instead of it; so you could install / wait for the database to be recreated / extract your files from the note, and then uninstall Legacy again - all without disturbing your use of v10 (though with some extra fiddling around). However I agree - someone else might have a better idea. Best wait a while for more comment.
  15. Hmmn. Have you tried Legacy yet? You should also have access to 'save attachments'. I'm not a Mac user, so don't really have any more useful ideas, but there should be more comments in due course. -We're a mainly user-supported Forum, so reactions tend to be a bit sporadic...
  16. Hi. If you have a number of PDFs in one note it may be that you are getting close to the maximum note size for your subscription. It may help - if it is practical to do so - if you right-click each PDF window as it starts to load and choose 'show as attachment'. Otherwise you may have to experiment with the web version and export (or copy/ paste) your files from there and/ or the Legacy app which (AFAIK) still allows attachments as a default.
  17. Hi. Any of this help? Manage calendar event notifications from Evernote
  18. It doesn't cost you anything to vote, and there's always the chance that Evernote have some master plan that they'll reveal in due time. They don't usually share their short or long terms intentions, so who knows?
  19. Sounds like you have a conflict in Chrome - do you have the desktop version installed? Have you tried using that?
  20. Full instructions are on the link supplied by @Boot17 who's perfectly correct - if export was available on the web, that page would give more details. You need a desktop for most export options, though if you're looking to send individual notes to anyone it might be easier to share them, or print to PDF and send the file.
  21. Hi. Various operating systems and devices have been mentioned in this random (and very old) thread. Why not re-post your query in the correct forum with more detail? We're not aware of any issue affecting users generally...
  22. Hi. It doesn't seem like the worst issue Evernote users have to deal with, but you have 449 votes and 8 pages of agreement. However this isn't a democracy, and (AFAICS) Evernote aren't amazingly stupid - they're not obliged to honour requests here, but they normally try to accommodate users where they can. If they can add thumbnail choices, they'll do it when the task fits their schedule. Meantime - if you didn't already - please vote at the top left of this page...
  23. Happy to help - if you hit any other major speed bumps in using Evernote, please feel free to ask. To help you along the way, there's a good database of "How To" information from Evernote here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us These User Forums will (usually) answer any questions you might have about the best way to do something (though there may be different opinions to choose from!) Some companies offer 'quick guides' like these... https://www.harmonenterprises.com/evernote-v10 https://access.wearethegreywave.com/eqs-2021/
  24. The app is exactly the same on all devices - the same restrictions apply. Presentation mode has never been available in v10. I also use Adobe and it will happily export PDF pages to images - check Adobe's help for your version. Most operating systems have the 'open with' option - I don't use iPad, but maybe @PinkElephant can advise on that more. As above - you should be able to output to PDF and use Adobe to export to images Hope that helps...
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