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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I'm no expert, but I'd guess that's a yes and no answer. Evernote notes are ENML so yes, in theory, properly formatted ENML will 'appear' as a note. But without the correct headers and footers to identify it as such, you're more likely to corrupt the database than add to it.
  2. Hi. Are you using Yinxiang Biji? If not and you're a direct Evernote customer you should be able to go to Evernote.com and download the latest version for your device.
  3. Hi. You are referring to 'marks' which I think is a translation error - from what you describe it should be quite easy to have tags for all the specializations, and if you need to find all the doctors who are orthopaedic specialists, you simply search for the tag "Ortho". Organize with tags
  4. Except there's a specific caveat requiring Window 10... As above - try the web version / legacy / report to Support.
  5. You get used to tags (not that I use them a lot...) but there are tips and tricks... like: If you need to add a series of tags to a note, try setting up a 'template' note you can have open on screen to copy and paste from. Add all your tags to that note, then just copy and paste individual tags to a note. If you need to add a string of tags, set up your template with commas as in: tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4 - copy and paste the string and Evernote -usually- parses it into individual tags. (I've had some epic failures with that in v10 - so just check that it does work as expected before you go mad...) Speaking of Templates - set up a template notebook and create some example tagged notes which you can copy or duplicate; or use Evernote's template system and set up your tags within the note body to be copied and pasted into the tag field as the template is activated. (Evernote doesn't create tagged notes from templates). Tags aren't Notebooks - they're just different ways to achieve the same thing.
  6. Belated Hi from me - I'm a late conversion to v10; I actually got into it 'properly' a few months ago, and now I use it daily for.. well, everything. I built a 'system' around my own particular (and fairly diverse) needs which involve photography, mapping, books and tech (amongst other things) - mainly by trying things out and being flexible enough to try Plan B if Plan A didn't work out. I still drop back to Legacy for a few things, but that's maybe a once a day use. As to online resources, there's a ton of information in YouTube with various presenters including Steve Dotto and Stacey Harmon who both have a ton of stuff online. Stacey's https://www.harmonenterprises.com/evernote-v10 might be a good start. (Word to the wise - don't get sidetracked in YouTube; I've lost many hours of my life to shiny-looking presentations!)
  7. Not how I'd like to be remembered... - but its pretty simple: tags (unlike notebooks) can be nested, so you create your 1st generation tag "Sport" and then add the 2nd gen below that, and expand the tree as necessary. Looking on the tags 'pane' you'll see the layout, and clicking a tag will (depending on your client) give you a list of the tagged content. It's a kind of 'virtual folder' system. Kinda.
  8. There's a third-party Freemium app Filterize which can process notes and run various matches - I use it to refresh a 'to-do' list (created before Evernote had a home-grown version). I created Table of contents lists where the contents were 'any uncompleted tasks with a due date in the next 7 days'. Filterize runs that search for me on a daily basis, adding and removing tasks as the note details change. You may be able to set up your basic list within the free options... https://filterize.net/
  9. Hmmn. Since they're both on the same subject I merged these two threads - but badly; sorry. The first post started out under: Two Factor Authentication - Nothing happens when I click on 'Send Verification Email' during setup Looks like there may have been a glitch in the process - maybe try again to check? If things are still broke - contact Support. (Which is not us.)
  10. Hi. Check your spam folder / send us a screenshot of the last screen you see / confirm your device and Evernote version / contact Support for more.
  11. Hi. If a third-party login method (Apple or Google) isn't working, you can set up - or remind yourself of - an Evernote password for direct access. Go to this web page and complete the details: https://www.evernote.com/ForgotPassword.action Check your inbox for an email to set up an Evernote password. Creating an Evernote password will not affect your other login. Once you have the password you can change the email address.
  12. Hi. Sorry - I don't understand. If you're using Legacy, why and how did you manage to create a shortcut on Win 10 desktop? Legacy does not support tasks, so you should not (AFAIK) be able to connect the two at all.... ???
  13. I think you have the right attitude there - I tried clipping that site and failed, as I have every so often on other sites and clips - usually with paywalls involved. I'm pretty certain the sites see Evernote leaning in to copy any content as a different user to whatever access you might be on - and the full weight of site security gets dropped on the connection. I fail from time to time and just use a different method to obtain the content I need - even if it comes down to printing the site as a PDF and pasting that file into a note!
  14. It should do. No guarantees, but there is a very good chance - buy a month or two of Personal cover to check. As a subscriber you also get to talk to Support who may be able to help...
  15. Various tagging issues are mentioned throughout the Forum. You can't add tags to notes in an account owned by someone else, but you should be able to see them - can you explain in more detail when, why and how you need to see tag changes? If it's just a question of adding a tag to a note, then that might not sync. Maybe more editing is required? If either of you is a subscriber, you might try reaching out to Support on this... (we're not them.)
  16. Hi. If you're copying from the web, is there a reason you're not using the Clipper app? And can you give us a URL for a page with images which illustrates this issue?
  17. Accepted - but it still means that you have multiple copies of the same file. Much safer to delete the original and work with the note-based copy!
  18. Hi. Where were you trying to create your own profile picture? If it's in the Forums where you so far have 1 post, then being a newbie is the reason you don't have that permission yet. (The forums, by the way, are managed by a third-party and not under Evernote's control anyway...)
  19. Hi. Evernote may have changed the coding so that this sort of paste will no longer work. Short term I'd suggest using another document type - DOCX or some such - so that the equations show up correctly. Plus you could raise this with Evernote as a feature request - maybe the exclusion was a mistake.
  20. Hi. You're correct that the files are incorporated into the database, and the folder holding the originals is just redundant space. It's also a potential hazard in that if you change a file in that folder, it will NOT change the imported file. Best to delete the files once imported. Evernote were planning to improve the process to make such deletions automatic, but obviously didn't get around to it yet.
  21. Hi. You're posting in a public forum mainly supported by other users. I'd suggest you edit your post to remove personal details, otherwise you may have a lot of new friends. There's no earthly reason Evernote is responsible for your web access being an issue, so we're back to basics; have you tried closing your browser down and restarting it? Doing the same with your device? Whatever you had in Evernote prior to this episode will still be there when you sign back in with your usual details - though you could contact Support to check your account details...subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option in the mobile client).
  22. Hi. You're referencing a 2-year old thread on the Legacy version of Evernote for iOS and talking about a file extension that isn't related to Evernote. Have you tried contacting Awesome Notes?
  23. According to one video I watched recently, OneNote has (or had) multiple versions active, which are being brought together with a new (?) update based on OneNote 2016. Some significant feature differences, and a sync / speed issue need to be resolved. All of which serves to emphasise that import/ export between different note platforms might not be as easy as you might think it should be...
  24. Hmmn. Corruption = notes present but damaged. Lost = nothing there at all. Either way you really could make use of some Evernote support to try and find out why this is happening (and what the issue actually is!) - and if you're a subscriber to get access to Support - even if only for a month or two while this gets sorted out - you would have access to Note History which can restore damaged notes to their former glory... (The Forums here aren't full support - we're mainly experienced users who -in most cases- have been there, done that, and gotten t-shirts. We also have suggestions. Usually...)
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