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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Sometimes an internet search can be a friend... and... Since you have PDF files, you might also consider an Import Folder to attach those files to notes where they would at least be legible. (Beware upload and note size limits though.) This would - obviously - not give you note titles or any other structure, but that's something you could deal with over time and as necessary. Create import folders Evernote system limits
  2. I agree that any serious effort to reduce the footprint of the database is pretty much wasted time - the upload has already happened, and as you say; a mobile device won't have to store any unnecessary large files. File size is sometimes useful for note comparisons and as a reminder not to get too close to the note limit. I'm assuming the OP's iPad reading was mainly temporary storage.
  3. Hi. There's a third-party freemium app called Filterize that I use to sort and tag my notes - it could also run a check on titles and (possibly) replace a missing or date-only title with something from the content. I've not looked into the replacement idea, but from what I already know it shouldn't be totally out of the question. And the developers are open to new ideas, and this one might appeal to them. Level up your productivity | Filterize
  4. If you have access to your account on desktop there are a few more tricks available - look at the Side List view, and right click the 'Title...' menu bar. There's a drop-down list of options you might enjoy...
  5. Go to the Notebooks page and check the three dots menu to the right. You should have an 'export notebook' option which will give you either ENEX or PDF files for the whole notebook.
  6. Hmmn. As you've probably found, uninstalling the app should clear off any saved data - your notes aren't stored on your iPad permanently, the 'reference' version of all notes is on the server. All you get on the iPad is work in progress - unless you set one or more notebooks to be available offline, when they would be saved to the device. 2GB does seem extreme for temporary data, but I don't use Apple stuff so I don't know whether that's an issue. Others around here are users, so you'll probably get more thoughts from them. Short term - easy fix - just uninstall / restart the tablet to clear the memory / reinstall - and check again. Unless it's causing another issue, you can probably forget about it. If you want to find notes with images / PDF files and the like, it is possible: you may need this. Use advanced search syntax
  7. Hi. Where's your 2GB footprint (which device, Evernote client) and how many notes does it report you have? Do you save a lot of images?
  8. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-supported Forum. You can get outage information here - https://status.evernote.com/ or via Support
  9. It's a fair point, but if Evernote designed this it should be an incremental backup, not a 'full' one each time it ran (provided the routine allowed for restoration of any or all of the database in case of need.) optional, by notebook because not everyone is as paranoid as @Metrodon (or me!} a 365/24/7 feed to spread the bandwidth used. All of which should vastly reduce the overall bandwidth cost of the operation - which, by the way, would also eliminate the current occasional requests for a full data download under the current system, and a flood of 'lost content' complaints over time. I'm currently relying on backupery-with-Legacy (still), but with no disrespect to them, it's a 98% solution because I'm not sure how up-to-date Legacy will be unless I use it daily, which I no longer do... Anyhow, it's MY data, so I want to be able to see and touch the backups... {my precious, oh my precious data....<in a creepy Gollum voice>}
  10. There's quite a lot about Templates in the help pages too... Use templates
  11. If you create nested tags and search for the parent tag you may want all notes with the child tag(s) as well as the parent. Or not.
  12. Just had a very strange experience with an apparently simple image capture. FYI this is a cautionary tale rather than a cry for help, but (as usual) any constructive comments are welcome... Running Win 11 / Evernote Desktop 10.45.18 and Android Galaxy S7 with Android 8.0 and 'old' EN 8.13 Image capture with the phone normally works perfectly; this one did not. Took an Android picture of a 'phone note in bad light. Very small note - less than 4" x 4" with pencil annotation. Saved as document. Synced to desktop. Note size <200Kb Later: opened note on desktop - saw image. Opened in my image-fixer of choice XNView. No file extension showed, but XNView assumed PNG, presumably from the format. Fixed white balance and cropped image. Attempted to save back to the note. Progress bar very slow. Saw that the image now showed as an attachment (still no extension visible) and the size in the note was going up... in MB! -60....80...100...180... "Unable to save - attachment too large..." There's a default I've not seen before that saves the attachment to your local hard drive (apparently) if it can't be uploaded. I clicked the link to open the location. 1 file showing @ 80MB. XNView is still trying to upload a file, so I closed the app to examine the image file in more detail. Except while I closed that app, I now have two image files... and then three... By the time I got to several files I had deleted the original note, emptied the trash folder and then deleted 750MB of image files from the "failed uploads" folder on my hard drive. And was breathing a little hard. Remembering that I do (despite appearances) have a life, I didn't try reporting this - I'd need lots of screenshots to demonstrate the process, plus most of the evidence was already deleted. I fished my original image out of the 'phone Gallery by way to Google Photos*, cropped it & fixed the white balance, then drag/dropped it into a new note (still no extension showing, but the file type according to Android and Google is PNG) and now I have a brand new working note with a total size of 66Kb. And back to work! PS Somewhere along the way there I tried to restore my note content from Note History - which also failed and dumped my image back in that 'failed upload' folder - multiple times. Maybe the original was corrupted, maybe Evernote imported or exported it badly. Maybe the Legacy > v10 transfer doesn't go well. Who knows? But - if you have any image issues like the above, let me know. All of this may be related to some image / duplication issues. I'll watch (and document) my next capture a little more carefully... * You may hate the organisation, but they do good work.
  13. As @PinkElephant - that is a really, REALLY bad idea. Dozens of free password manager applications exist that will sit on your phone, add to your browser and run on most platforms to generate new passwords with whatever length and complexity you desire. I use "Bitwarden" which (probably like most others) can generate and remember passwords including any or all of lowercase / uppercase / numbers / symbols from 5 to 128 characters long. I do my best to use a unique password for every login, and change them when / if I'm notified that my account provider has had a security issue (you can subscribe to various websites to notify if your email address is mentioned in a 'dark web' site.) NB I removed a post earlier in this thread from someone who posted a specific specialist site generating complex passwords. It's entirely possible that an enterprising hacker might offer something like that so as to collect email addresses that are known to be using a specific password... Be careful where you find your password help and advice!
  14. How does Evernote use my personal information and data? No snooping or training involved. Evernote take user data seriously. Using Legacy is very much a short term work-around to privacy concerns - you may lose the feature at some time 'soon'. Easier to keep the private data on a local hard drive and maintain an index in Evernote.
  15. I think the problem is that the information going out might not just be personal... some managements tend to be a little sensitive on the subject.
  16. Hi. If you're a subscriber - Use note history to view older versions of a note If you're not a subscriber it might be worth upgrading, even if only for a month, because Evernote keeps their server backups for all account levels.
  17. Hi. It's not an exact science, but if you 'print' to a PDF file and then look at the PDF print settings you should be able to get very close to the right size. If you still need help, can you be more specific about what the problem is? How big was the original, and what size is Evernote giving you on a print?
  18. Hi. This might help... Print notes
  19. Hi. If you are a subscriber, I'd suggest you send the email - Save emails into Evernote If you're a free user, then copy and paste or sharing the email might work
  20. Hi. If you have already spoken to Support, I'd suggest you go back to them - this forum is mainly supported by other users and we can't confirm any details of your account.
  21. Hi. It's not (yet) available as part of Evernote's standard package, but I also use something called Filterize to tag my notes and move them to an appropriate notebook. Filterize has (I believe) a 'free' level so you could at least try this out. You'd need some kind of a test to ID the fact that a note image comes from Helper, and then just add the tag. Every new note you save in that way would then be tagged automatically. https://filterize.net/
  22. Hi. If you could just dash off the code and send it to Evernote I'm sure they'd be grateful, but even if presented on a plate Evernote couldn't necessarily implement downloadable text immediately. They have 1,000 other feature suggestions from users who would all complain if their favourite feature were not implemented next; and they're probably already working on the next dozen or so features that will be implemented next and have no time to view this one. Meantime there are any number of online and free services already providing this feature which has probably moved it down Evernote's priorities. Plus this feature request has 90 votes as against hundreds for some other features they haven't gotten around to yet!
  23. Hi folks. Just for information - the three dots menu on each post allows you to report members of the Forum who do not take part in discussions in a constructive way. It used to be possible to 'block' someone too - you'd never see their comments again - but that no longer seems possible due to upgrades outside Evernote's control. If you see something that merits a report - please send one in. It's a big Forum and the admin staff can't watch everything. Again for information - As a Moderator I have the power to nuke posts if necessary. Please let's all play reasonably nicely, no matter how keen you are to complain about stuff...
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