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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I don't know how to make any sense of your description here - you're losing bits of new notes that you come back to after a period? And the missing content is in Note History? If you have subscribed for long enough to use Note History I can only suggest that you take the opportunity to submit your activity logs to Evernote so they can verify where (and whether) these issues are happening. In my experience its very rare for note content to go missing without some error from the user, and this behaviour is certainly not a repeating issue for many (if any) other users. If you're using Evernote for any sort of serious purpose, it makes sense to subscribe to get access to the History and Support features and the various extended limits. Free use is mainly intended for trial purposes and for very light use, and if it seems not to be suitable for some activities, it makes sense to find something else more applicable.
  2. Hi. There's no way to sort a checklist in the way you describe. In terms of finding out whether data is already in your list, there are various options: manually sort the list as you create it, use a note search to see whether keywords exist, or use another app to create the list and to sort random entries into alpha order.
  3. Hi. Make sure you're logged into the correct account. If that's not the issue, try uninstall / restart / reinstalling the app.
  4. Hi. Does this explain the issue? - Understanding the device limit
  5. Your Mac may be unique - everyone else is getting one update every couple of weeks. What version of Evernote does your copy claim to be?
  6. Hmmn. I'm not doing well with this forum. The @gbarry post was in the Linux Beta forum which was the correct place; but (I now realise) merging a general discussions thread with the forum thread gives me a longer general discussions thread. @Anju27 - please don't post the same issue more than once (I think you've mentioned this one three times so far) - and please backup your App Image files!
  7. Try the three dots menu at the top right of your initial post.
  8. Don't know if its better, but I'd go ahead and create all my notes as separate documents, with a common title keyword or tag; then search the keyword/ tag and copy the search results into your 'control' note. No need to open specific notes or copy individual links. If you have to create a new sub-link, try dragging and dropping the note onto your index - that also works to create a link. @sdadell - your caps lock seems to have stuck.
  9. Hi. More details please. What do you want to do with the tasks? Why do they need to sync with something else? The obvious connection would be to keep the detail of a task in Evernote and then get a link to that note so that you can access the detail from anwhere you have access to the internet and to your notes. Similarly if you need to action something elsewhere, you can embed a link to the app or the relevant file in your Evernote entry...
  10. Hi. You've not mentioned your device, OS or which Evernote version(s) you might have tried, whether you've reported this slowness to Support and what their reaction might have been. So yay you got my attention - but Evernote are already working on speeding things up from their end and it works fine for me and (AFAIK) many others here; and I'm just another user - if you want to have a conversation with Evernote, the Support or Feedback links are teh way to go...
  11. Sorry everyone - I was trying to move these posts to the correct forum, but found I could only move one - there's no way that I can see to merge the other two responses. I've asked Admin to fix this if they can. @tyoung77 - you still haven't said what your problem actually is, or whether you're using Mac or Windows - maybe give us a little more to go on?
  12. Hmmn. So I tried to move the last three comments to a new forum, but only succeeded in moving one - had to copy the two above, which are the ongoing replies. To follow this further, please go to Sorry for messing up the flow!
  13. I'm just being unreasonable. I have a subscription - why should I expend any effort to update my app? Surely Evernote should do that for me!!
  14. Hmmn. I'm also waiting for 10.48 with my current installation seeming happy that 10.47 is 'up to date' - I didn't initially have the time to go through the usual uninstall / reinstall routine, and now I'm mutinously holding out for the update. How long can it take to cycle through 250M or so users...???
  15. Yeah - most of my Evernote notes have attachments and Workflowy doesn't handle third party file storage very well either - theirs are not readable inline, and have to be downloaded to edit. But using WF as an 'index' mirroring my 300+ notebook names (with links back to the EN notes) and making quick notes in WF under that heading means I can use the best features of both. And because I can link and mirror from and to anywhere in WF, if I need an EN note to be in three places I can file it in all three places in WF to maximise the chance of my fading memory coming up with the correct names.
  16. I tend to apply the Rasczak Principle with apps "I'll use this until it either dies or I find something better". I'm still using Evernote (mostly) v10 because it's adequate for my needs, and it works. I use separate apps for things like email, word processing, 3D CAD, mind maps, image editing, relational databasing, VPN, plus Workflowy for listing - all of which refer back and/ or are linked to and from Evernote as necessary for working files, notes and background information. I try to use Evernote for as much as I can, but where it just doesn't (yet?) have the functionality I need, I'll find an app that does, and use it alongside, or instead of EN. I'm also of the general view that Evernote doesn't need to add (m)any more bells and whistles - it mainly just needs to do what it already does, only better and faster. We all have our own pet feature that we'd like to see as part of the package, but the problem with being so successful around the world is that thousands of features are being suggested for development. They have to prioritise so as not to have to recode the same part of the app again and again - or ignore any specific area. If you do need a feature that's not part of the current plan, it's likely that - sooner or later - Evernote will get around to it. But it's pointless throwing around offers of extra subscriptions or threatening to abandon ship - suggest by all means; explain why this feature is important to you - but find another app to work around its absence and stop with the "it's been 3 years..." comments. Evernote are a business, and they'll do whatever they think is best to advance their take up. That will probably include most of the requested features in time, but they don't usually commit to specifics, and you'll find out that something is available when it's released and not before. Meantime find a work around. Again I know it's a pain to use a different third party software; it interrupts workflows and adds keystrokes. But the choices are: get the job done by any means - use a different app. wait (indefinitely) for Evernote to (maybe) add that feature give up - which means there are no real choices. Just get on with it! Sorry for the rant, which is not aimed at any of the comments here particularly. I'm just sayin'!
  17. Hi. I assume you're not a Teams user, so you're in the wrong Forum. It would be nice to know what device, OS and Evernote version you have, as well as getting a better description of exactly what happens. I can copy and paste a link from one note to another, but "internal links" (linking back to another part of the same note) are not yet possible in Evernote. Maybe this will help - Create internal note links
  18. Hi. You have very specific needs for a specific type of device - while Evernote is consistently updating and upgrading its features, I doubt this is going to be high priority. Is there any third party software you could use to annotate these documents outside of Evernote? The latest Adobe reader seems to do a great deal in its latest version...
  19. Hi. You're mainly talking to other users here. If you are already a subscriber I'd suggest you raise this with Evernote Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Discounts aren't usually advertised in advance, but you can easily check on the Upgrade page for any app next time a nag screen annoys you.
  20. Hi. I have Windows 11 and Edge and can happily use the web version of Evernote. I also have the installed app, which is completely different software from the web version. The installed app will allow me to open multiple notes in their own window. I had not thought to try the same with a browser, but I'd be surprised if the third-party security around a browser-based app would allow that to happen easily. It's not a question whether Edge can open extra windows, but whether Evernote is able to do so in that environment.
  21. Hi. Any device which connects to your Evernote account is identified by the company - mostly accurately. Occasionally one device will register as more than one instance because of changes in software, access point, or network. As a free user you are allowed to have a maximum of two registered devices (as recorded by Evernote). Access through a browser also counts as a device. If you still have the opportunity you need to disconnect all devices except the one you are currently using. See below for more... Understanding the device limit
  22. Hi. Your Windows device appears not to have any software capable of opening an HEIC file. Evernote doesn't have a built-in image editor, it just uses whatever software is installed on the local device.
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