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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Can you confirm your OS details and Evernote version? Please let us know exactly what happens when you try to copy and paste an image between notes.
  2. Would it be possible to create your note in Word (or wherever), or at least write your initial thoughts in Evernote but copy/ paste the basic text into Word for the detailed layout, then attach your Word file to the note for possible future editing? If you need to feed the search index you could copy/ paste the content from Word to Evernote, but that's only for search or quick reference purposes - the layout is not then important. Alternatively I use an add-in called Postachio http://postach.io/ which converts an Evernote notebook to a blog. Markdown is supported for blog pages, but I haven't used that widely yet. I use the service - here's my oddly-named take on that - https://cliffeactual.postach.io (password protected sites are available)
  3. "at some point" - not exactly an imminent deadline... I'm working on the basis of using Legacy occasionally when I need to do so, but if it stops... I'll find something else!
  4. While that may be true, there is no magic available to give Evernote a similar feature overnight - or even in the short term. Your request has been made, and Evernote will consider it, but whether or when they might introduce the option will remain unknown until they do...
  5. Just for the record, that is correct. I'm still using Legacy on one laptop - because the tech resources there are not great and v10 tends to freeze. Also on my Android 'phone which is not the latest model. I use them when I need to and see no great difference in performance. Each one has features that are not available on the other. In the case of v10 (hopefully) it will catch up. Legacy, not so much...
  6. Hi. Can your code be saved to a native file type? If so, you could attach that file to a Note and open / edit it from there. If you need the content for Evernote's search index you could copy/ paste the file content into the note body without worrying especially whether the formatting is maintained. I imagine Evernote's issue is that in normal circumstances we don't want random spaces or line breaks in text, but in this instance you do want the 'mistakes' in layout to be maintained. The note is part of your normal database, so goes through conversions that (presumably) have some error corrections that are messing up your code. The situation is not going to change anytime soon, so embrace the work-arounds or look elsewhere for a code library.
  7. Hi Mr Customer. You're quoting comments more than a year ago and I have no clue what point you're making. We were talking about the differences between Legacy and v10, which seem gradually to have been reduced over time. Is v10 still not working for you? If not, can you explain why not?
  8. Hi Dave. There was no real "irritation", but as you will know this forum is supported mainly by other users like me, with a small number of us acting as moderators. We have enhanced powers to edit threads, report or delete dubious posts and generally keep things in order. The guidelines quoted above somewhere do include "no self promotion" which (with all due respect), yours seem to be - in this case you're not responding to requests for more information, or queries about, or issues that involve, clipper. I watch a lot of YouTube (sadly) and I'm aware that several individuals with or without qualification provide similar content about Evernote and note-taking in general. I would hate the forums to have posts from influencers drowning out actual questions, feature requests, or general rants from users - and (selfish interest incoming) meaning that we have to trawl through even more new posts to find ones that we can actually respond to. Having said all of which I did raise this question with Evernote who haven't responded, so I guess they're not unhappy with the current situation (or a bit busy with their buy-out). Unless and until you hear different, I'd suggest you continue as you are. As a favour, if you could title them something like "New Video - The Evernote Web Clipper" or even just "Video..." I can get from the headline that I don't need to watch the content. It would mean a little less work for us 'more experienced users'. -And if you just happen to notice a query where you can suggest a work-around or a fix from time to time...
  9. Hmmn. Can't really help I'm afraid. I'm on W11 / EN10.52 but although I set up a note, added pictures, then tried to change them around several times both Evernote-Evernote and Desktop-Evernote, I can't seem to find any error. This one is for Support I think...
  10. Hi. We're mainly other users here. If you're currently a subscriber, best way to express concern is to contact Support directly.
  11. Hi. Device / OS / EN Version? I'm using the latest Windows version and everything is working for me...
  12. Thanks! Missed that so far - didn't realise it applied to images / PDFs / Google Drive / Youtube entries too! Some playing required to see the changes I made...
  13. Hi. I thought that if you pasted a note link in an Evernote note it showed up as the title. If you post elsewhere, whatever complicated magic works out what the link should look like then defaults to the URL. To shorten the process I started pasting a note link into its own note, then copying that link from the note into Google or my email. It then shows up as a properly formatted link with the note title as the link. This may be another of the joys of Windows. (One drawback to this process - the 'parent' note to that link also then has a backlink to itself... )
  14. Hi. What's your device plus Windows and Evernote versions? How many images are in your note and how big is that note in total? And how are you replacing the image(s) in question? Clipping / drag-n-drop ?
  15. ? Wrong (again) - I gave more help in my post 2-3 days ago than you just did, without hijacking the thread to call people names (again). I'm not angry, just keen to be able to help someone who's willing to listen rather than just gripe.
  16. All you new users - I've been here since June 2008 apparently...
  17. Evernote do not usually respond to Forum posts, but they do reply to Support requests.
  18. ? Maybe create a new note, copy text from original to text-only editor, then copy / paste to new note and try again?
  19. Hi. Personally, no - we're mainly all other users here. You could try Support... but it's not going to change things soon. There are various other ways to capture all or part of web pages - try a web search for options.
  20. I knew I was special, but please - you didn't have to...
  21. I'm on Edge Clipper v29 which has the new Tasks option - I understand Firefox is also on that version, while others have got 7.30. In my case I'd confirm that even the new clipper still doesn't work on that page (or at least mine won't load). I can only suggest you find an alternative way to copy the page, or talk to Support again... If you do find a way around this, please let us know!
  22. Hi. Please check the other threads on this - a few solutions have been offered, from reinstalling and rebuilding the current database, to opting out of spell-checking (or something along those lines). Evernote are (apparently) aware of, and are looking into the issue - if you can find an acceptable work-around, normall service should resume soon...
  23. Hi. There are at least four separate threads containing various solutions which can be found by typing the letters "battery" in the search box at the top of the Forum pages. For information, the forums are mostly supported by other users and we do not normally offer a "can we search for that for you?" service.
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