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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Since the other thread was marked Resolved I deleted that duplicate post and left this one open. I think we need a lot more information to offer any advice on the issue. You "uploaded a new version" - of what? A note? Evernote? Please explain in much more detail what has happened here. Have you checked your account by signing in to Evernote.com? All notes are synced back to that server which is the parent copy relayed back to any device you sign in from. If your notes aren't there, then check the Trash notebook. If you still can't find your notes you may wish to contact Support (which is not us).
  2. Evernote have some suggestions about protective actions too - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487 Don't know if they mention it, but one of the possible means of access to subscriber accounts is your Evernote email address. If necessary it can be reset here - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  3. No solutions here - I agree with the other comments; I've been using Evernote since forever and I have 61,000 notes - the number is growing only very slowly now because I merge notes and delete many that no longer apply. I don't think I'll get to the 100,000 limit, but like you I am aware of it and I will take action to avoid reaching it. I'm sure software is available to help you store and analyse your material - you might like to look at https://infranodus.com which could help with analysis, but not storage. It could help you view compare information from two databases - but it too has limits on how much information it can process. You're talking to (mostly) other users here - you should certainly raise this with Evernote Support to see whether they can propose any other solutions, but I'm afraid we can't help you here. Support is here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  4. If you llterally have just updated - don't panic! - it takes a little while for the update to populate your app with a new layout...
  5. I'm only a humble Windows user so I might be missing something here - but the original question was: ...and the answer -as above- is to either export as PDF or to print it to PDF. I do understand that you may have a not that is not PDF to begin with, and therefore you would need to export / print to PDF and then replace the existing not-PDF note with an actual PDF... but why would you wish to? If the answer is: to send the note to someone else - then why not just send the PDF and forget about it? You have a perfectly good note that is not annoying anyone and which can be exported again if you wish. Why make extra work? Clearly, I'm a Windows user - I'm missing something; but I'm willing to learn...
  6. Evernote have never offered the feature you're looking for, nor have they claimed much other than notes or notebooks can be shared to others. What they do offer is working fine. It's unfortunate they don't go further, but that's not a failing.
  7. Hi. You're right. There isn't one. Stacks are a personal choice allowing users of individual notebooks to group them as they see fit. It's not (and never was) designed to be a way to provide shareable websites. Stacks can't be exported or downloaded - the only way to export from Evernote is to send each notebook to individual ENEX files. You could share the notebooks with your users, but that will require them to have Evernote accounts and to group the notebooks into their own stack. You could use a third party application - https://postach.io - to publish these notebooks as individual blogs, and - with some HTML expertise - you could provide a Home Page linking them together. I can't think of any other alternatives, but others might be able to help. At the end of the day, you were trying to use Evernote for something it was never designed or intended to do. Not Evernote's fault that they failed...
  8. I'll confess to using AI chatbots to help me phrase a good old-fashioned Google search better - they tend to come up with the right phrases and names for particular activities or processes. With a combination of AI-fu and searching I very quickly built a table of names and home page addresses for one project forinstance. I find their ability to ramble extremely annoying though - the legalese does not convey anything useful or informative, so I think authors will probably be safe for a while yet (but look out for GPT5!). Amusingly again (well I found it funny anyway...) GPT3 pointed me to two quotes - both saying similar things: "I apologize for the length of this letter; I didn't have time to write a short one." - George Bernard Shaw "I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter." - Blaise Pascal The point being that detailed explanations are easy. Short and informative briefings are a skill that I think requires some expertise that is not quite available yet.
  9. The operative word there is "suggested". If you don't like them, please feel free to ignore - but I don't quite see any glaringly obvious drawbacks. The third comment was an obviously failed attempt to inject some wry humor into the response. Sorry about that. I will try harder not to be humorous in future.
  10. Interestingly I tried to get ChatGPT3 & 4 plus the new Bard to comment on security issues when dealing with AI. All three of them took an unusually long time to think about it and had errors when producing a response. Bard got the furthest - it's concerns included: Data Protection: Ensuring that any data used to train an AI model is properly secured and protected against unauthorized access. Bias: Inappropriate bias in an AI model could lead to unfair outcomes. This can be avoided by regularly testing models for accuracy and fairness. Human-Machine Interaction: AI systems must be designed in such a way that humans can safely and productively interact with them. Privacy: AI systems can collect vast amounts of personal data from users and must be built with appropriate security and privacy measures in place. Explainability: As AI models become increasingly complex, it is important to be able to explain how and why the AI reached certain (Had to prompt it again to continue) conclusions. Without explainability, it’s impossible to troubleshoot the AI or make improvements. Transparency: AI systems must be transparent in the way they work and use data so that users can understand their impact and trust its decisions. Auditing: Regular auditing of AI systems is essential to make sure that the models are performing as expected and meeting ethical and legal requirements. Accountability: AI systems must be held accountable for their decisions, and organizations must ensure that the decision-making processes are fair and appropriate. Regulation: Governments and international organizations must establish regulations to ensure that AI systems are developed and used responsibly. 10 (Stopped without any further feedback) Not saying this is in any way an indication of a conspiracy by our AI soon-to-be Overlords but I for one welcome the new age of technology...
  11. Hi. Intermittent issues are often impossible to replicate or fix. If you're a subscriber, best report this to Evernote and supply your activity logs so that they can analyse further.
  12. https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6783457-chatgpt-general-faq 5: Who can view my conversations? As part of our commitment to safe and responsible AI, we review conversations to improve our systems and to ensure the content complies with our policies and safety requirements. AFAIK no live third parties are currently analysing or reading my notes...
  13. Hi. Please don't post the same issue twice. I deleted your other post. We're mainly users here - if you want help with this I'd suggest you tall to Evernote Support.
  14. My database is 34GB and last time I reinstalled I think it took about 3 days to catch up with all my notes. The app was available almost as soon as it was reinstalled, but I was down quite a few notes!! Everything worked, but I was careful to avoid using the installed app for that period. Good job the Web app is pretty good now. (Pro tip - you can now get some apps to open in their own browser window - just like an installed app - with their own shortcut to start.)
  15. Ways to remove the pop-up: 1: Make the title column wider - if you can see the full title you don't get a pop-up 2: Use a different view ("Top" list does the same as above by showing the full title) 3: Use shorter titles!
  16. Hi. I have nearly 61,000 notes and that folder is 34.4GB for me. Unless you have more notes, or many bigger attachments like large image files or video, I'd say 70GB is possibly an error. There's no way to 'limit' Evernote, but you should have a variety of options... 1: Sync Evernote up to date, then uninstall the app / restart and check that folder to see what (if anything) has been left behind. If there are leftovers, save them to a zipped desktop file and delete the originals. Then reinstall. Once Evernote is up and running again (which might take a little while) check that you have the content you'd expect. If so, delete the zipped content. 2: If the new folder still causes concern because of its size, check preferences and UNtick "keep a copy of my notes on this device..." OR 3: Look into "Symbolic Links" and move the content onto an external drive. (Evernote will still look to that folder, but you can redirect its queries.) OR 4: Start curating your database content and re-home image and other large files outside of Evernote to reduce the size.
  17. Hi. Have you tried creating a blank new note and copy/ pasting the content from old note to new? Duplicate seems like it would literally do exactly that, including whatever glitch is causing this issue. If all else fails and provided all changes are synced you could simply uninstall / restart / reinstall the app and rebuild this note from the server.
  18. Just for information - check your own IP address (try https://www.whatismyip.com in your browser) and compare with the Wilmington (or any other) access - I've had connections to my account listed from India (I'm in the UK) but the IP address was mine in each case... As noted above, IP addresses aren't necessarily an accurate guide to where the access comes from.
  19. Hi. Why? If you've seen on your access history that these attempts were made, it does not mean that any of them succeeded. Evernote are normally careful to notify anyone whose account appears to have been the subject of an attack that they should take a variety of precautions including 2-factor authentication and changing to a unique password. If you've not received any such alerts, then it doesn't sound like the company is aware of any serious threat. You can get most of that advice here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487 We're mostly users here in the Forums, and as a non-subscriber you don't have easy access to Evernote support. You could subscribe - even if only a month - to verify what happened here, or you can contact Evernote via Twitter @EvernoteHelps.
  20. Sounds like restarting the app or the device might fix things!
  21. Hi. The notebook limit is 250 for free users, 1,000 for subscribers. If you're a free user you may be locked out of the account - you need to contact Support (https://twitter.com/evernotehelps) or maybe subscribe (even if only for one month) to resolve the issue.
  22. Hi. It's working for me - have you tried another browser? Try clearing Chrome's caches.
  23. HI. Edits on your PC get synced to the server. When you open the app on your phone it needs to download the update from the server before you see the latest version.
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