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About Sayashr

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  1. I gave up for a while. It's a year later now, and Paste to Evernote is not working. Even while Evernote is Open. Even while I'm immediately within the active Evernote window. Changing the shortcut has not made a difference. I have various other apps, clipboard manager, etc. and things and those and their shortcuts all work fine. (Disabling any of those has no apparent impact on any other app, Evernote included. Anyway, there should be no interference.) The only way I'm able to get things into Evernote now is to open Evernote, create a new note, and paste content there. I've used Evernote a LOT less as a result. And I'm sad about the whole thing. Also, for a paid app, the lack of access to service is disturbing.
  2. My previous computer that had Evernote installed and global shortcut for paste working, was also running Windows 11 Pro🤷🏻‍♀️ (I like Greenshot for screenshotting 😊)
  3. Windows Evernote 10.42.7 (3561). I used CTRL+ALT+V ALL the time so that I could be working in another app and paste info into Evernote, and it was pretty reliable. Now I'm on a new computer, everything is working beautifully EXCEPT I cannot paste into evernote with CTRL+ALT+V (I can paste by manually pulling up the Evernote window and pasting directly into a note). Help please? This has been a problem for months now no uninstalling/reinstalling, restarting has solved it. I don't believe I have any conflicting shortcuts --though if someone can advise me how to check, I will do so). I've never had it working on this computer (everything else, all my other apps, shortcuts, etc., work beautifully.). Thank you in advance for help on this.
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