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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You need a text expander like Phrase Express - Evernote won't do that for you.
  2. I've had two support requests dealt with recently. Try this link https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true and use the issue type "Account" If you don't manage to complete your report please give us full details of your device / OS / Evernote version and explain in some detail why and how things are going wrong?
  3. Hi all - please make sure you're on the latest version for whatever device you're on and if the issue persists report it in one of the release threads. Desktop - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148712-rolling-out-desktop-1066/ Mobile - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148619-rolling-out-mobile-1058/
  4. I've seen no evidence for this. Evernote had a price pause for years, and Bending Spoons needed to spend some serious money to update and upgrade the backend systems; hence a major one-off adjustment to get prices back on the same level as the rest of the market. While there's a lot of protest out there from users who apparently liked the feature set, but weren't prepared to pay a reasonable rate for it - there are a lot of users like me who appreciate the value and flexibility of the service and are willing to give them another year to make good. This not being my first rodeo I'm using the interim to make sure I have a secure exit strategy in case that doesn't happen - but all the signs are that things are getting much better than they were. Users trash talk isn't likely to change Evernote's strategy to -finally- close Legacy down, control 'Free' access more closely and give us a much better overall experience. If you don't like the options or the cost, please do find an alternative - the most pressure you can exert will come from actually migrating away.
  5. At one stage Evernote had more users than most countries have people, so confirmation emails would have flooded the network - plus every user gets online access to manage their own account and can see what their status is at all times, so I wouldn't expect anything more unless users clearly state their preferences for confirmations. We're mainly users here, so you'd need to feed that back to Evernote directly.
  6. ...and please note that there is apparently a move to convert as many legacy users as possible to v10, so 'older' versions of the web service might get retired without notice, and may give you anomalous results with note numbers and editing. It's -probably- OK to use that as a short term work-around but I'd strongly recommend migrating to v10 (or another provider) for the longer term.
  7. Hi. If you share a notebook, the restrictions that apply are at your account level, not the free one. Best if you work through the sharing with her though - you need an email address which will generate an offer by email, so check any spam folders. Once the offer is accepted there will be options to set up a new free account to view the notebook. Not sure what alternatives there will be to that - maybe a web view (?) Only main drawback is that as you are the owner of the notebook she will be unable to create new tags. She can use existing ones though, so maybe if necessary create a note with all possible tags already applied...
  8. Hi. No clue. Where did you get the idea that tagging an item with Taskclone would move things to Toodledo? Sounds like your best query would be there...
  9. It was just a thought - contact Support (and please let us know what you find out!)
  10. Hi. Sadly the 'Legacy' clients are out of date as of 2020 and are no longer supported. I have two old Android devices that still have that installed, and I'm aware of syncing issues because the new v10 of the app uses a different format than the legacy clients and things have to be translated backwards and forwards. If you're not planning to update your device, you would be best off using v10 on the desktop or finding another note-taking app. Legacy may stop working at all soon.
  11. That is a standard reply to ask you to carry out various checks - if you still have an issue, please go back to them for more help! You should be able to see your report and reply here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  12. Hi. If you are genuinely a Teams user, then please contact Support - you should get priority help, especially for (apparently) corrupted data. Please let us know what reaction you get. One thing to try if/ when you get another 'unnamed attachment' - rename it to DOCX or whatever format it should have.
  13. Hi. Support are the people you really need to talk to - we are mainly other users. What version of Device / OS and Evernote do you have, and what did Support suggest?
  14. Hi. Glad you're finding things better. On the search front - just search for words; on desktop you'll see a list of hits, and if the search word is in the title it will be highlighted. Fancier searches are possible with Filters. As to prices, they were unchanged for 6 years - the latest uplift is to get them back into contention. Further increases (if any for a while) will be inflation related. EDIT: forgot the pic..
  15. Henry Ford (allegedly): If I asked customers what they really wanted, they'd've said "faster horses"...
  16. OK I'll flag it - but don't expect a quick response; Support seem to be averaging several days before following up...
  17. Evernote has paying customers around the world and (I would imagine) tens of thousands of issues and features requests to deal with. If you've been told "we're aware", Evernote are dealing with it. Each "have you fixed it yet?" is a waste of both your and their resources. (Plus contacting the boss direct...) If this is something to do with Firefox - a famously secure and protective browser - it may not be in Evernote's power to fix things anyway I can understand your frustration, but Evernote have many other calls on their time. Find a work around you can use and live with it for a while...
  18. Well... a quick test with Clipper tells me that in my browser it's not possible to use the extension. You could report all of the above to Support and they may look into it, but any Clipper revisions will (I suspect) be several months in development and that's assuming Microsoft are minded to help folks copy their output. I generally have Evernote in standby, so 2 clicks on 'New' opens a new note and copy/paste from my browser adds each answer to my note. I could set up a template for answers and add them to a table so I can include comments later.
  19. You didn't mention multi-select before... Individual answers can be copied as below. I'm using Thorium (browser) and am logged in via my Microsoft account. I hate Edge. NB - I was asking about book content and quotes yesterday and it got every question wrong.
  20. Pointless to guess, but the price rise is still going through with -judging by the traffic here- lots of reactions and some requests for refunds where folks didn't receive prior warning. Evernote may have underestimated the volumes and be struggling to catch up. They are (they say) working on improving that part of the service too, so we should hear more (I hope) soon...
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