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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Same here on a couple of random tries - if you need cleanup, any of the AI services offer something similar - just copy/ paste content across and experiment whether you want "note-style / bullet points / 100 words or less" type prompts. Since I always have a browser open on desktop it's easy to swop between the two...
  2. Free Account Limits and Subscription changes There are too many new messages to respond individually. This should cover the main points. See links at the end for more information. 1. Please don't rant and rave. The Forums are mainly other users, not Evernote staff. Given the number of posts and the time of year, anything posted here probably won't be seen by employees for weeks or months. 2. Change is never welcome, and most posts are shock-reacting to price increases (the first in 6 years) or the new limits on what's available in the free services. Like my Avatar says: "Don't Panic!" - it may not be as bad as you think. Get more information before you have a melt down. 3. Subscribers have options. 1. If the service is worth it to you - continue your subscription 2. If not, change the account to 'free' at the very bottom of this web page - https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action - you'll probably be offered a one-year discount to ease the change-over. Your choice whether or not to accept. 3. If you recently paid but don't want to continue - contact Support for a refund. It'll take a while, but you will usually get your money back if you apply soon after the due date. 4. Free users with more than 50 notes 1. You still have access to all your notes - you just can't create any new ones in Evernote. 2. Options are to leave the notes where they are and start a new account elsewhere, or to export everything (via desktop) or use an import service from a new provider. 3. Feedback for Evernote can go via the email link below 5. Payment or Upgrade issues - contact Support. Again: time of year and the number of reactions means that any responses will be very s-l-o-w. -And yes; this could have gone better, but the situation is what it is. Evernote is working on improvements to back-end services for speed and reliability and don't have time to develop a lower-cost product that might or might not be more popular. If they had not taken action to limit the drain on their resources from free accounts the company might have closed and taken everyone's notes down forever. Beware that there will be a frenzy of clickbait headlines commenting on how catastrophic these changes are and how everyone should leave the company as soon as possible -your choice whether you take any notice of that. Plus Evernote's competitors will all pile in to sell their own products as being the best - just make sure that if you do save your notes somewhere, you can get them out again as easily... Links Price Rise: https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update/ Free account limits: https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-free-note-limits Feedback: feedback@evernote.com Support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Export your notes: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557 Other note services: https://noteapps.info/ or https://toolfinder.co/
  3. I was responding to your post - mainly to point out that you were making wholly unsupported speculations or were just flat wrong in every case - but hey, that's just my opinion. If I was in any way unclear that I disagree with you in every respect, (except for the common-sense need to make sensible decisions about any expenditure, and to always have a backup and an escape plan) then I do apologise.
  4. Hmmnn. I must have missed the memo on that one. Where are all these offended users commenting again? And what trick was that exactly?...
  5. <Sigh> No one knows what Evernote's financial status is or was - they have never shared accounting detail. They were initially funded to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars but probably getting to the end of their investors' patience with no clear way forward. Evernote, who's CEO is and was a fan, decided he liked the product so much he bought the company - much like everyone dreams of from time to time. Like any commercial operator with competitors, Evernote have never provided a Roadmap and Bending Spoons have no reason to do so either. Bending Spoons have improved the speed and reliability of the product, added a BETA AI service, improved the code base and increased prices - which had not changed for some years before that. BS also dropped a completely free service that was being abused by some users BS have acquired a reputation - supported by no evidence I've seen yet - of asset-stripping and price gouging. I'd be interested to see actual proof. Evernote customers are not "trapped" - if anyone needs detailed instruction on how to leave I'll be glad to supply them. I will charge a large fee, because all of it is available online - do your own research. If you're not look at what subscription services you use and deciding whether or not they are worth the cost I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Notes, folder and tags are all available on backup - again, pay me a huge fee or look it up. If you're not prepared to put in the 'additionnal effort and cost' of protecting your own data, then you probably shouldn't store it online. Backups are essentail! Please can we go back to talking about actual facts instead of shaky opinions soon?
  6. There are a few. Try searching. Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML Export notes as a PDF https://www.wikihow.com/Migrate-from-Evernote-to-OneNote https://www.notion.so/evernote
  7. Having once run a Support team at an ISP which ran into the year 2000 bug I can testify that no matter how good a company you are, no matter how good the staff, bad things can happen out of the blue that take ages to dig out from under. The only thing you can ask for at that time is a supportive group of users who will stand behind you with patience and confidence that you will get out of the mire as quickly as possible and put things back to rights, and not just snipe at every real or imagined slip. Hope Evernote finds such a group soon...
  8. It's also a waste of space, because all those files are also replicated in your Evernote database and (theoretically) only if files in the folder are altered will any changes get sent to Evernote when your OS updates the file information. If you change the information in Evernote by opening a file from within a note, any changes are synced directly back to the note and the folder copy does not get changed to match. It's not a good idea to have two potentially live copies of the same information. Better to backup the database to ensure the embedded copy is safe. For some reason I had the same experience several months ago with my Import Folder where 20 or so files were imported two or three times before I realised what had happened. It only happened those few times and I have no clue why. However I now clear it after each import session - by moving the files to another archive folder on an external hard drive.
  9. Part of the joy of posting in a public forum - when you're right, you're right; when you're wrong, people tend to be abrasive. As long as they don't get too personal or abrasive....
  10. Everyday is a learning day... I logged into an old test account and immediately got image 1 - but there was a clear link to image 2 (where apparently they think I'm in Los Angeles, but my VPN and Whois says London) and it was easy to dump one device (image 3) and get to my notes... and hilarious that the marketing department builds a 25%. then a 40% discount into the process automatically! Bad news that there's still (apparently) a Device Limit - but no-one (also apparently) needs to pay $129.99 in their first year - it should be $77 & change! 1 2 3
  11. While I sympathise with the annoyances of a computer system / web process that does not do what you want, Evernote is not going to change the cards they accept for one user. Find a different option or use a different application. Plus a blow by blow account of how incompetent the management of Evernote appears is not the purpose of this forum. Please play nice.
  12. Glad for you - but please just post the once in future?
  13. Hey! There's being supportive, and there's being carried away - lets not get too ambitious!
  14. HI. Bad news - that's an absolute limit unless you subscribe. There is no reset.
  15. Hi. Help are under a bit of pressure, and we're now into the holiday season when lots of people want time off... good luck with the query - you just need to be patient for a while...
  16. I don't believe the Plus plan is still available, but we're other users here - no access to money issues; you need to contact support. It'll take a while - they're already under pressure, and its the holiday season. Good luck! Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" - or go via Settings in the mobile app. -
  17. To fix occasional errors with installs or updates on laptops or desktops - plus issues with speed or lag 1 - Make sure your notes are synced up to date 2 - Exit Evernote (if you can) / delete data from device 3 - Uninstall app with Appcleaner (Mac) or Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) 4 - Power device off / allow 10 seconds / power back on 5 - Download latest Evernote from Evernote.com 6 - Reinstall. It will take a little while for the app to be fully operational Additional Checks: Verify Evernote's Hardware Acceleration is set to ON - go to Tools > Settings > Preferences > Application and scroll to the bottom. The "hardware acceleration disabled" box should be UNticked, but if you're having issues change that setting and restart the device. (Come back and change it again if that doesn't help!) If you have any issues deleting Evernote data, see: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004231762-Remove-Evernote-data-from-your-Mac-or-Windows-device
  18. To fix occasional errors with installs or updates on laptops or desktops - plus issues with speed or lag 1 - Make sure your notes are synced up to date 2 - Exit Evernote (if you can) / delete data from device 3 - Uninstall app with Appcleaner (Mac) or Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) 4 - Power device off / allow 10 seconds / power back on 5 - Download latest Evernote from Evernote.com 6 - Reinstall. It will take a little while for the app to be fully operational Additional Checks: Verify Evernote's Hardware Acceleration is set to ON - go to Tools > Settings > Preferences > Application and scroll to the bottom. The "hardware acceleration disabled" box should be UNticked, but if you're having issues change that setting and restart the device. (Come back and change it again if that doesn't help!) If you have any issues deleting Evernote data, see: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004231762-Remove-Evernote-data-from-your-Mac-or-Windows-device
  19. Hi. If you tripped that particular warning, I'm afraid the two options are: wait or subscribe (even if only for a month). Support seem to be taking around 14 days to respond to queries, so you'll likely get past the reset date before Support could comment on this anyway.
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