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Everything posted by ehrt74

  1. Updating widgets or apps in the background is a solved problem. Speaking of Android, the way to do this is to use the Google infrastructure to send a message to an Android phone telling it to wake up a process and deal with a push notification. I imagine iOS devices have something similar. (Of course this means that Apple knows exactly what apps are being used on your iphone just like the Google infrastructure knows exactly what app is being told to wake up on an Android phone.) -- off-topic stuff -- This is also the reason why "degoogling" an Android phone is difficult. We expect modern phones to be connected to a resilient push-notification infrastructure (we want to get our instant messaging notifications quickly without the phone's battery dying after 2 hours due to ten different apps polling ten different servers every 5 seconds). Any attempt to "degoogle" a consumer Android device requires building this infrastructure---a stupendously expensive endeavor, and convincing software companies writers to also support your infrastructure with their backend services.
  2. Hi everybody! Just thought i'd write a quick message about why i think Evernote is a really, really good tool. At work we use the Microsoft office 365 product suite. This means outlook (for emails and meetings), onenote (for, well, notes), microsoft ToDo (for tasks) and we have our own internal Wiki and we have an application for organising user-stories/features (the whole agile stuff). The result is, that the information actually needed to work is spread across 5 different systems. Emails cannot be forwarded to onenote nor to our agile-management application, nor to the Wiki. ToDo cannot be used to attach tasks to anything else, as far as i can see. Outlook supports labels, but doesn't have a label view, just a folder view. There are times when i find this less than ideal. Evernote would be really useful here. Yeah, sure, it doesn't provide the features of a custom agile-process-management software (you'd have to use templates and stuff to do that and you'd have no ability to generate reports for management), but everything i'd need to work would be in one app and viewable with just a search for the right label. Unfortunately there's no way i'll convince the company to move 😕
  3. For me Evernote is not a typing application (not actually sure what one of those is). it is storage and retrieval software for content of all types. One of the types it supports is simple text. The question is, how simple? If you use a text editing software (like open office writer or microsoft word) you will find a lot of functionality that Evernote doesn't have. So what subset of this functionality would it be best to support? What is the minimum subset that would annoy the smallest number of users? Evernote has decided that indenting the first line just isn't important enough for most users to justify working on it. From my point of view this was a good decision - it's a functionality that i don't use. I'm happy to just press <ENTER> twice at the end of a paragraph. If you had said "i'd like a way to change the spacing between paragraphs", then i would have been all with you
  4. You could do the search things at the client level. That wouldn't be technically impossible. the problem would be synchronizing information between devices.
  5. You can encode parts of notes if you wish. -- slightly off-topic rant -- I'm not a fan of E2E encryption for most things because it just makes life more complicated. for example i recently got a new phone and transferring the history of the 15 chat apps we all use nowadays was a pain. Apart from google chat of course, because that doesn't have E2E (and it has a total history of all the chat messages i've sent using the Google messaging service going back to 2006. Just log on in the new phone and everything JUST WORKS (TM)). I think services can offer E2E for people who want it, just don't come crying when things which used to be easy are suddenly very difficult (sharing a note with somebody else for example).
  6. @pgjlemmens You'll need to sign up to the filterize service: https://filterize.net/ There you can define tables of contents (for example: the titles of all notes which contain a certain tag) and then insert a keyword in another note. filterize will then replace this keyword with the table of contents.
  7. @ctsr Could you open a bug report about this issue? This is a user forum and nobody here can fix anything 😕
  8. It may be worth mentioning that filterize is still available if you'd like to have tables of contents that are automatically updated.
  9. Just got an answer from Evernote support. They are aware of this issue and working on a fix.
  10. I think one of the driving needs behind the V10 clients was to standardize font handling across all clients. This means that Evernote is limited to a small number of core fonts, where you can be sure that these are available on all platforms. If you added text in a new font to a note, what should be displayed on another device if you open this note? Should the entire font be embedded in the note so the other device can open it? What happens if the font is in a format that the other client doesn't support? What happens if the font has a safety bug? (Quite possible with Unicode fonts) that the virus checker on one platform detects but not another etc. etc.
  11. It's possible there's a security reason for this behavior. I don't know how browsers parse image data, but a malicious actor might be able to do something nefarious here. Let's wait and see what support says
  12. What is the current Linux Beta version? my current web version info: version 10.28.3 282 Éditeur : v 138.1.17456 Service : v 1.45.0
  13. Mm, strange. I just checked the behaviour of the web clipper on my system (Chrome/Linux) and images get saved as files to an Evernote shard, not encoded in base64. Can you try clipping something from chrome to see if there's an inconsistency between Chrome and Edge? Could you paste a link to the site in question? Maybe it depends on how the site is serving the images itself. -- edit -- just tried it out on the w3schools page for base64 in image tags. I have the same problem. maybe the string is being quoted for some security reason? could you reach out to evernote support about this?
  14. And I've applied at least five times to get on the beta program 😭 If anybody from Evernote is reading this, can you mention this to whoever decides Linux beta testing stuff? 😀
  15. Could you check to see if the images are really what they claim to be? Evernote had a bug a while back that images where being saved as imagename.jpg while they were actually png images (or some similar problem). That confused some clients which then tried to display the image thinking it was a jpg when actually it was a png. To test this, try downloading the image file on a desktop computer and then looking at the image properties.
  16. Hi everybody! I sometimes flash an old Android phone with lineageOS. Getting Evernote on to the device is a bit of a chore. Could you offer a download for the latest Evernote version for Android as well as offering it in the Play Store? (or does the app use the Google infrastructure for things like work chat or informing the client that changes have been made to a note?) --- I've just found out that the evernote client doesn't work on Android without play services, so i imagine it uses services for chat or pinging the client to get it to wake up. Offering the client for direct download on evernote.com therefore wouldn't make much sense 😕 (if android devices need google services to run evernote, then they'll probably have access to the google play store anyway). Therefore i'm changing the title to "offer an android app which works without google services. I know, this is a big ask ...
  17. the verification here may well be taking place between evernote servers and apple (or google if using google sign-in). if this is the case, being logged in to a google account on a android phone or an iphone won't help here. it is however, as @PinkElephantstates, another dependency. If you use a username/password then evernote doesn't need to verify your credentials against another service. --barely on-topic rant follows-- Identity providers are one of my main bugbears. There are so many silos here (google+, apple id, facebook id, github ...) with zero interoperability between them. The main problem they solve is that you don't have to manage any passwords any more. I'm quite happy to pay a coffee a month for 1password (or another similar service) to manage my passwords in a platform independent manner. It's honest work and i think that people who use these services should expect to pay a monthly fee for them. Instead we live in a world where we expect web services to be free. The result is rich companies offering expensive products for free which customers are then locked in to (sometimes this is the explicit strategy of the rich company). No small company can afford to offer a competing product for free. Advertising seems to be a good way around this - either you pay us to provide you this service or we get the money we need by showing you ads. However the experience for the end user is not as good (have you seen doodle recently?!?).
  18. PDF can contain images and text. If you scan a page and the scanner outputs a PDF this will just be a container for an image file. It won't contain text. The only advantage of having a PDF is that it can contain multiple pages (each of which would be a photo of the page). To read the text in an image Evernote (and Google notes for example, but I imagine lots of others do this too) use a technology called OCR (optical character recognition). Nowadays this can be done accurately and quickly by training a convolutional neural network. Just look at pretty much any tutorial about neural networks to find out more (it's a sort of "hello world" exercise in this field). I've never tried to see if Evernote also runs an OCR over images stored in PDF files. @PinkElephant's answer would suggest that this isn't the case, which is a pity 😕 (Btw. Adobe often does some things resembling magic on images, so it's quite possible that they're very good at extracting text from scans and creating a PDF with text in it. However I'm not sure they'd also generate a font for every image)
  19. Evernote has an open API, so if you can code and can jump through the hoops Apple imposes you could write your own widget.
  20. If you open the developer tools (right-click and "Inspect" or whatever it is in English), then you can go to the tab marked Application. There you can delete Local Storage, Session Storage, IndexedDB and Cookies for the site.
  21. This is odd 😕 I don't think i've ever had problems with Evernote Web on chrome. Have you tried deleting all site information on chrome? (not just cookies but the indexedDB tables, session storage and local storage?
  22. On Android 12 Evernote 10.24. Sharing works pretty much OK for me. Sometimes when starting Evernote it will start with the dialog that i've shared content to it, although i already saved the content a while back. Back in the past i had to open Evernote before sharing stuff with it. That bug appears to have been fixed.
  23. @Sean12122 Hi! this is a user forum. If you would like somebody from Evernote to look into the issue you're having, you can contact support directly.
  24. It's likely there isn't one simple fix for performance issues. I imagine performance will gradually improve as quicker algorithms for things like synchronizing are implemented.
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