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Everything posted by ehrt74

  1. mm, ok. well appimage files should work fine on fedora, to the best of my knowledge. Can you confirm? @Allan C
  2. yes, that is an example of a side-load. It is exceedingly rare. Also, google play services scans all apps on the device and disables or removes harmful apps, no matter how they are installed.
  3. The update status is here irrelevant. AFAIK evernote v.10 uses the web-view component. This is updated over the play store and every Android device using Android 5 upwards gets the newest version within minutes of it being released. Also: almost nobody sideloads apps.
  4. I'm afraid my request to join the linux beta still hasn#t been approved 😢 i presume Evernote is providing a *.deb for Ubuntu/Debian? In that case you can convert it to a *.rpm by using a command called `alien`. A google search provided me with this: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/11/alien-command-examples/
  5. It would surprise me if this is related to the Android version of the manufacturer. In order to use the Google apps, Android phones have to pass a rigorous test suite. This ensures binary compatibility with Android apps. Unless the programmer is breaking out of the vm and writing C or C++ code, the device (and versions of the operating system after the version the developer chooses to support) have little effect. Two android phones are much more similar for a programmer than two windows computers, for example, or two different generations of macbook. This is how Google stops companies from forking Android and creating incompatible copies. My intuition is that this depends on the number of notes stored or the size of notebooks or attachments in files or something like that.
  6. I used to use a Samsung S20 plus and Evernote v10 worked quickly on it. It might have something to do with the number of notes or number of notebooks or largest number of notes in a notebook or some such. For example, i have "only" 1400 notes and most are relatively short.
  7. I imagine they test on a number of Android devices. If they tested on mine, for example, they would see no performance problems. Whatever the problem is, finding it is proving difficult. Have you tried contacting support?
  8. I quite like some of the improvements that have come with v.10. for example: tag hierarchies and table editors on the mobile clients. the web client is also much improved.
  9. Hi! this is a user forum. There is also a forum section for Android and the new Android app. Many people have said that the new app runs slow on their devices. It is a problem i personally have never had: the app runs snappily on my phone. Up till now we haven't found a reason why some people experience a slow app and others don't.
  10. yeah, i'm struggling to think of a use for this behaviour. How would you need to use tags so that this behaviour would be useful?
  11. Hi! if you go to the tags view and click on a parent tag you can select "filter with subtags". Unfortunately on the web client this filters with AND and not with OR 😕
  12. getting up from the beds and turned towards breakfast ... i never realised how funny it sounds in english
  13. Evernote in its course is not stopped by oxen or donkey?
  14. Many report that performance has improved markedly since the first release of v10. Not that i've noticed, v10 has always been quick and snappy for me.
  15. evernote just logged me out. when i logged back in it was on 10.24.3 now to see when the android client updates to 10.20 ...
  16. Still on 10.22.3. I'm now taking bets as to whether i'll be moved directly to 10.24 or will first go to 10.23
  17. You could try deleting the app cache as well. maybe some old information is hanging around there.
  18. thanks for the link. I've applied numerous times in the last year but still no invite 😢
  19. Can you ask them if I can take part?
  20. it's difficult to cut out all permission bundling. there is a certain balance to be had between broad permissions, fine-grained permissions or maybe even introducing a domain-specific language to manage permissions. OS developers don't want to add too many permissions because that just slows development and testing down. Customers don't want permissions to be fine-grained until they suddenly do. App developers don't want permissions to ever change because that means existing working software may break. in the classical windows and old mac desktop world every app could do everything with every other app and its data. Unix etc always had the concepts of users and groups and every file has individual permissions, but access to services had to be governed individually by each running service. Linux has had SELinux for 10 years now. This controls who can use what service (i imagine other Unixen and maybe even Windows has something similar), but configuration is a pain. permission lists tend to grow over time. for example, the current list of android permissions can be found here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission. Some probably mean very little to the average person (ACCESS_BLOBS_ACROSS_USERS anyone?)
  21. oh, did Evernote take over a company called Icon? i haven't heard about that.
  22. I imagine they're doing filtering by ip-address or something to stage the roll-out 😕 still on 10.22.3, which i'm happy with. the slowness of the roll-out just makes me more curious. i somehow doubt i'll notice the difference when it does arrive ...
  23. still no 10.23. hopefully it will come soon!
  24. Strange 😕 I haven't had this problem on my Android 11 phone. Did you try emptying Evernote's cache?
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