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Everything posted by ehrt74

  1. I'm wondering if notes on the evernote back end need(ed) to be migrated for the evernote 10 client. I had a problem with notebooks being listed multiple times and this got solved by support modifying "something" (i have no idea what). there's certainly no inherent reason why a samsung S20 should run evernote any slower than any other android phone. the google android compatibility suite means that software written for one phone will run within very narrow tolerances the same as on any other android phone (unless the app programmer deliberately decides to break out of the android runtime - something evernote doesn't do). the high-end processor in the s20 is also one of the fastest mobile processors available. i used to have an s20 plus (i have since moved to a pixel 6). I don't remember having any problems with speed on evernote. so do contact support!
  2. oh strange. i wonder what iOS does differently with a screenshot than with other sources for image files. And more importantly: why? The only thing i can think of is a "shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted" approach to security: screenshots from banking apps for example can be filtered out if apps know that it's a screenshot and have some meta information about which app has been screenshotted.
  3. On Android you can just click on the PDF and it will open inside the evernote app. However it's worth mentioning that PDF is not always equal to PDF. there are many, many different formats which are all called PDF (rather like word documents in this respect). It's quite possible that the evernote app only supports some of these formats and not all.
  4. I had the problem a while back that my notebooks were being listed multiple times on the android app. I got in touch with support and they fixed it: "I understand you are seeing duplicate notebooks when viewing your notebooks on Android. I apologize for the trouble as this is not expected behavior. I'e made a few backend changes that I believe will help resolve the issue you are seeing. In order for these changes to take effect on your account, you will need to reinstall the application one more time on your device." Since then this problem hasn't occurred again.
  5. the google play store allows developers to stagger role outs. i'd have thought the apple store has something similar. the question is, why does evernote use the staggered release for android and the web but not for iOS?
  6. I'm not sure about the architectural approach being that bad. Evernote was unable to write stable native apps for all the platforms because they just don't have the resources to write 5 apps with vastly different code bases. having code running in a virtual machine on the client (be it a web rendering engine or the JVM or whatever) makes it much easier to optimise the app for all the clients. as time goes by we might well see the advantages of this. buggy non-performant code can be written in native apps as well. for something as lightweight as note-taking the technology involved is not that important from a performance standpoint---evernote is not a 3d game. personally, being able to share my notes with others is more important to me than having a native app limited by being tied to one particular type of computer.
  7. i tend to look at it the other way round. because android is open source anybody can take it and do their own thing (see Huawei or Amazon). Google uses access to the play store as a way to combat fragmentation. If you want to sell a device with access to the play store, then your device needs to pass this list of some 80 000 tests to ensure compatibility.
  8. Just as a matter of interest, which password manager are you using? I use 1password and i just cut and paste the password to log in. it works ok.
  9. if you have google play services installed there are a number of sites which offer the current apk for download. If they are safe or not is another question 😕 The more interesting thing the way I see it is that the current android app (and probably the legacy app as well?) both require google play services. I imagine they use this to push information about changes in documents or chat messages. As long as nobody spends the requisite billions making a replacement for google play services there's not likely to be another implementation. The only way around this that I am aware of is to code different paths depending on if google play services are installed or not. This will probably require changes in the back-end as well (though that should be easy enough: changes are pushed directly to the mac and windows clients and to all the other 3rd party services). long story short: if you've installed google play services you can already install the latest evernote android apk, provided you're happy about going hunting for it and downloading it from another appstore. If you haven't installed google play services, getting the evernote android apk running will require a lot of work by evernote.
  10. Hi! Yep, i already have done. I'm just trying to increase the visibility of this Also there are a number of sites where you can download the current android apk as well. Although it's something i've never done, others seem to have no difficulty extracting an apk from an android device.
  11. It's a bit annoying the way the computer architecture wars have played out. in the 80s there were so many interesting architectures. things like Sparc, MIPS, ARM, PowerPC, PA-Risc and of course Intel x86. The least capable of all these architectures was Intel x86, but it was also the cheapest. A while back i got a sun 5120 server with an UltraSPARC T2. That was made in 2007 and could run 64 threads. It was faster than my i7 on certain parallelizable tasks in 2018. Other architectures were similarly powerful. Now ARM is gradually entering the PC space. It's been used in servers for a while now, and i suppose it's better than Intel if you're looking at processing power / watt. However workloads are so specialised nowadays, so specialised hardware is often used (see for example the custom chips google uses for encoding youtube videos). So all that is left today is Intel 86 (with 64 bit extensions), ARM (in various versions) and the interesting stuff (IBM Z Series?). But there's one more architecture that is advancing very quickly: RiscV. Open-source hardware and just as capable as the closed-source stuff. It's what SUN tried to do with the opensparc architecture. And all of this is possible because of free and open-source software. As soon as the Linux kernel and gcc support the chip architecture pretty much all software you need can run on it. -- edit -- i think it's also worth mentioning that the view we have of computer hardware is a very biased one. we think of computing as being that which webservers, pcs or mobile phones do. In fact it is estimated 80% of the computing that happens on the planet is carried out in COBOL programs on IBM mainframes running 24 hours a day for years without downtime (you can replace CPUs or RAM in a mainframe without switching it off). IBM is a huge company with more employees than Apple, Microsoft and Google combined and it dominates the market for "computing stuff which actually needs to be done correctly and reliably otherwise bad things will happen".
  12. Hi! I too have been trying to contact postach.io for a couple of weeks now. No luck yet ...
  13. Hi! i had a look at the note you attached and the image data in it is valid base64 jpeg image data. I embedded it in an html img tag and it opened fine in chrome, so i presume it will work in other browsers. Just in case: which browser(s) do you use? As far as I know, jpeg is jpeg is jpeg, but i'm not an expert on image formats. evernote web is probably trying to pull the image from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s3/res/4059aed0-7f52-961f-4b8a-9a4da16dcadc. If you open the developer tools in chrome (or probably other browsers) to the network tab and reload the page, you'll see an entry starting with 4059aed0... When you right click this entry, you'll see possibilities for Copy. Depending on your operating system you can select "copy as power shell" or "copy as curl" and then paste the text in a terminal window on your computer. This will try to download the file from the server. Hope this helps
  14. To be a little bit picky, the technology is actually thrift, which is nice because you can generate clients from the service definition (okay, there are projects like openapi for rest service definitions, but i've only ever had problems with them). You can find out more here: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/
  15. Google doesn't determine what html/css/javascript should be. they are open standards. Apple has spent a lot of time and money trying to pervert the open standards to add proprietary Apple technologies. Google, however,has constantly fought for open free standards. For example, Google even spent 500 million on a video codec and open-sourced it so that everybody could create and view videos without risking being sued (Apple has a number of patents on h265 for example and has used these aggressively). I find it odd that somebody interested in privacy uses Apple products. Apple knows everything about you: what apps you use and when, who you contact, what you take photos of and when and where. The iPhone phones home regularly to tell Apple your position for example, and there's no way to disable this. Google doesn't do this. When it comes to total big-brotherness Apple is way ahead of Google. Users of iProducts have no privacy, literally none. Another unsavoury Apple tactic is buying companies with the sole purpose of shutting them down, so as to stop them making products for competitors. Also, did you know that Apple threatens app developers with delisting if they create Android versions of apps?
  16. i'd like to use work chat more, but nobody i know uses it Also the legacy Android version had a formatting bug which cut off part of the messages you received .. not good. v10 is better here. maybe we could start an evernote chat group!
  17. Have a look at browser scores here: https://caniuse.com/
  18. Google developed a new http protocol, a new method of transferring data type-safe and spent hundreds of millions on infrastructure to get this working efficiently for Google Docs. Of course, now that Google has done that, Evernote could leverage these new technologies, just like a large number of other companies have done so.
  19. Hi! JSON is just not enough information for Evernote to know what the file means. JSON just means a sort of tree structure with a certain syntax, it doesn't define any values for keys. To the best of my knowledge there is no standardised format for notes. It would be difficult to do, because the structure of the note depends a lot on how the software uses meta information. For example, Evernote has notebooks and tags. Another note taking software may use different concepts for organising. Your best bet would be to have a look at the evernote sdk and write your own software to import the json files.
  20. For web developers safari is regarded as the new IE. It lags way behind in standards compliance and is buggy. Just this week another story broke about a security hole in safari that apple has known about for months and haven't bothered to fix Apple doesn't profit from safari working well. Apple wants to lock people into the apple ecosystem. Open standards would allow way too much interoperability.
  21. This could be a tricky issue to fix. Does Evernote work in safari on a PC? If not, it could be that apple has just let safari rot too much and the basic libraries Evernote is built on require a more standards-compatible browser.
  22. Are you sure it's a jpg? Can you download the image to a computer and check its mime type?
  23. I just logged in to my filterize page (i wanted to create a table of contents for a notebook containing my board games). By chance i wandered over to the Payment tab. A few months ago i cancelled my yearly renewal because filterize was shutting down. now i see there isn't a yearly option, but the monthly option will be charged at 10 (unit missing) per month! I hope this is just some temporary place holder value, because 10 of any currency i'm in contact with daily per month is a bit more than i'd be willing to pay 😕
  24. At some stage i'd probably break open the IDE, download the Java development kit for Evernote and write a small program to do this automatically 😕
  25. Does Firefox install its own rendering engine on iOS devices? If so, you could try that.
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