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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Also, the space warning is new to V10. Legacy did not have it.
  2. Best to contact support then. Having accidentally created a new account without realizing it is the usual cause for this problem.
  3. That unfortunately seems to be common with free trials that I’ve experienced. If you click to upgrade for free it is on you to remember to downgrade before the renewal hits if you don’t want it to continue. I usually set a task for a few days before the due date to remind me whether I need to cancel the free trial or let it continue. if you still have the free trial offer on the 24th, give it a go then.
  4. Position your cursor on the notebook named, for example, notebook 2 in the left hand panel and then right mouse button and you will see the export notebook option which does not limit you to 100 notes.
  5. Collapsible sections are automatic in the editor. It is not something that you add. If your note has lists or headings then it has collapsible sections.
  6. Is this happening only on long notes that have many lists or bullets? If yes, then it is a known problem with the recently introduced collapsible sections feature.
  7. I haven’t. I’ve noticed the opposite issue. It will report that it updated more notes than I think it should, but I haven’t made the time to look into this. Do a test and let us know what you find.
  8. This doesn’t help with your issue, but your post was the second time I’ve noticed the (UK?) slang “pants” used. I couldn’t even wager a guess on that one so I finally looked it up. Since I’ve learned something new today, I’m taking the rest of the day off. Thank you for that 🙂.
  9. Thank you for letting us know. I appreciate the time you put into that response.
  10. Spend some time reading through the forums. There are plenty of opinions already expressed. No one has the same use case or opinions. It is best if you give it a try and then decide how it works out for you and if it is worth the increase. No one is happy about the increase but some have stayed and others have left. Your decision.
  11. If you don't mind sharing, what brought you back? I'm honestly curious since most of the discussion here tends to be in the opposite direction.
  12. It's free. That's the one. After you uninstall, reinstall using the download from the Evernote site, and not from the Apple Store. Also give it a few days to get your database downloaded, and hopefully this will take care of most of the problems you were seeing.
  13. I’ll leave it to @ferol or @fuchsfr to set that up and post a link here when ready.
  14. I see, thanks. I never used it on mobile.
  15. What problems have you run into? I use Evernote all the time for that and it has been fine.
  16. There was a downside to ignoring the in app red banner warnings that Legacy had for a while. Some are still running Legacy using a firewall rule to prevent it from trying to access the server. Search here for more details. For content you don't want on the server, some save as pdf and then password protect that and let it go to the cloud. Or store locally as HTML and access it using other tools instead of Evernote.
  17. Unfortunately, this was something that should have been done before Legacy was shutdown last week.
  18. Are all of your notes in the HTML content boxes, or only web clips? It has been a while since I moved over but I don't recall all of them being converted.
  19. V10 is server based only. It only knows about what has been synced with the server. It does not know about any notes that you may have had unsync'd. If you still have legacy installed then you can export the notes that weren't synced and then reimport them into v10/
  20. Have you tried the uninstall with Appcleaner approach? It sounds like an issue with your local installation. Most uninstallers won't clean out everything but Appcleaner specifically for the Mac, or Revo for Windows is the recommended uninstaller. Many find this works, so give it a go if you haven't already, and give it a few days for the local database to download and settle in.
  21. I recently started to use the web clipper on gmails. Never did before until I saw a posting by another user. It worked surprisingly well. I wonder if they plan on letting the gmail specific integration sunset and instead have users use this. Just speculating. It doesn't make sense to me to have the ability in two separate integrations. That is a bit on the rude side. Anyone can post here, but you can choose not to read it, or ignore it. Also, knowing that it may work for others can sometimes help point out that the problem may be specific to a user's situation, and not a global problem affecting everyone.
  22. Click on the HTML box and you should see this. Clicking on the simplify and make editable icon (left one) will open this for editing.
  23. If you haven't already, please submit a bug report.
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