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Everything posted by MatS14

  1. Question -- Why are you using Evernote in Chrome incognito mode, and does it work if you put it in regular Chrome?
  2. What does it freeze on? Is it when you open an EN? Or just while your taking notes?
  3. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜‚ And I agree to this.
  4. Hey @mimosa, When you do a quote, you don't have to put all the text even that your writing in it, just do the quote of what someone says, then write below it.
  5. I didn't even know the Gmail Add on for Evernote even existed. I have no Ideas, but I'll think 'Bout it for you.
  6. Do you have a Gmail E-mail Account? I saw in the screenshot that said "Sign in with Google", you can try that if you have Gmail E-mail Account. Also, did you have good WiFi? Sometimes it takes awhile to log in if there is not very much WiFi
  7. Hi CalS, can you change your Visibility on this forum as online or Idle, or online but look like your offline?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CalS


      Don't know if you logged out last time?ย  No dots.



    3. MatS14


      It isn't on the pat where you hover over the name:


      It's where you are on their profile:


    4. CalS


      And I was not active then.

  8. lol, I just saw that you wrote that in there. ๐Ÿ˜‘
  9. I've seen a couple of these problems, here is a link for one of them:
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