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Everything posted by Alxa

  1. I rolled back to Evernote for Windows 10.20.4 and this version does not yet seem to be affected by the disk burning bug. Interestingly this version says, it is the latest available version 🙂 (Meanwhile EN even stopped rolling out the last update(s) because of some bugs (file type related officially).
  2. With Pro you can even connect up to 5 different Google accounts. So the setup of @Swaveshould work if on the correct subscription. For connecting multiple calenders of one Google account the Personal subscription is sufficient. Tested both plans some weeks ago with that although not using Google calendar 😉
  3. @matej1990Did you raise a ticket for this to get this issue in the queue?
  4. This bug was introduced to me with the new EN 10.19 too on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A ... had no probs with closing notes with prior versions of EN10. Although I though it could not...the app is now even getting worse.
  5. @lynnorWhen I got 10.19 on my two Android devices the first startup lasted around 1 minute (splash screen with Evernote logo if I remember correctly but saying nothing). I also thought it was hanging. No idea, what was going on there, maybe some database work... but without any notification: bad UX again! I made some coffee 😉 and after a while the home screen fired up. After that, every other app start with 10.19 was "normal" (that is waiting the well known 5-10 seconds to fire up when cold started). Same experience on both (different) Androids. Did you give 10.19 a couple of minutes to fire up?
  6. With 10.19 again a bit better than with 10.18. But in comparison to every other app on Android the performance of the Evernote app still feels like a big sluggish mistake of a demotivated freelance programmer. If speed does not increase dramatically by programming design you have to wait for future devices with a multiple of cpu speeds I guess. After over 10 months it is as sad as that on Android.
  7. If it crashes your work you could revert to EN8.13.3 via apk sideload at the moment. It is lightning fast and reliable. EN10 struggles even with accounts only containing 1000 or less notes. Virtually disabling tag filtering and search and so on on these accounts... I do not want to imagine if I had 30K+ notes using EN on Android. By the way official limit is 100.000 notes. Sadly they seem to have built an Android client for the average free plan recipe user with a handful of notes only... 😔
  8. Hi there, I just checked on my windows installation with new EN10.23.7. It also gives me a constant SSD accessing of app. 200 kb/s in total without any interaction with app (running in background). High art of programming! We have to wait for the next update I think. I will quit using EN for windows to prevent it from burning my SSD.
  9. I experience exactly the same - every each step - crippled sharing to Evernote experience as Tim Kowal on all my different Android devices (Samsung topsellers). I once tried to issue this with support but they said they could not reproduce. I think they really do not put much effort on the Android platform. Since EN10 quality and performance was iOS first (and only) from the very beginning. Not being able to get standard functions like "sharing to" right in 10 months says everything about Evernote's priorities.
  10. Absolutely agree. Although quicknote widget is already existing on Android, having a dedicated scratchpad as a widget on the OS homescreen would be a real productivity improvement. Could be the first things to impress me with EN10 😉
  11. Hi, EN10 for Android still has some OS widgets. You can still add Evernote "action widget" on Android homescreen (OS level), you can choose what ever action you want the button to have (add simple note, camera and so on) beside that there is only the "action bar" you can chose which you already mentioned. You can even place a shortcut widget of any note in your EN on your Android homescreen via the three-dot-menu/"place note on home screen". The Android app itself told me (when first using one of the remaining OS widgets), that EN staff is working on bringing back the list widget so maybe there is a glimmer of hope. 🙂 The old app 8.13.3 should work at least up to Android 11 (it did for me). For Android 12 we will see...
  12. Just checked it on my Android. The link is only working via https. https://evernote.s3.amazonaws.com/android/google-play/com.evernote.google-play. Still working 👍🏻
  13. I voted this up since this little feature we had in EN legacy and lost with EN 10 was very handy. It really annoys me to constantly switch sorting when switching notebooks. The saved search is a workaroud. But since the sorting of the saved searches is unfortunately not "remembered" on mobile (Android) it has its limits. Would be nice to have the sorting saved which each notebook as with EN legacy in the past.
  14. Within the app you go to preferences - support - submit a support-request (translated from german gui, so maybe not perfectly matching)
  15. Sorry to hear that. If you do not need access to the new features of EN 10 (home, tasks) you could roll back to 8.13.3 manually via side loading the apk-file from a website like apk mirror: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/ Before installing 8.13.3 make sure everything on EN 10 is synced, then deinstall, restart device. Make also sure to disable automatic playstore updates now (That is the down side). Now you can install the apk.
  16. EN 10.18 compared to 10.17 is indeed a slight bit faster - or better to say a bit less slower - on my devices, too. It is still very very far away from the ability to work fluently as needed with a note taking app and to "accomplish everything" If Evernote would ask me to explain my UX in one word, it would be: "WAITING" 🙄
  17. I would really like to see these options. Sync interval we already had with 8.13.3 not slick, but it did the job you could rely on. Nowadays push sync is supported by all os. Otherwise nobody could get any instant messages on their phones. If iOS is the breaking factor one could still consider to program a background service for Android for only updating basic database stuff (let's say sync reminders and scratchpad data on homescreen to prevent data loss) in the background while not touching the core app itself. Since EN have announced bringing back the last notes widget (which would not make any sense when having to start the app to get synced data for the widget) I am still hoping someone is already coding the sync background service 🙂 Again: please all vote for this idea if you need it.
  18. I did some testing on 10.18. The good news: the reminders created outside of EN Android that have been successfully synced to mobile seem now to fire up consistently. But: if you do not manually start (which is mandatory) EN Android to let it sync the new reminders from server (that is open the app, painful waiting for the initial sync from Server as the app is dead when closed - 20-60 seconds) you will not get any of these new reminders on your mobile. That is a big flaw by design nobody would expect on a cloud service in 2021. I raised a feature request about that. By the way: EN 8.13.3 could handle this scenario easily already back in the years through allowing automatic background syncs within selectable intervals. 😉
  19. Do you have background syncing with the new EN app on iOS? I mean, if you open up the app after remote changes, do you instantly see your synced scratch pads, reminders and last notes on "home" or do you also have to wait 30-60 seconds to let this download as we - (feeling) lost users - have on Android?
  20. You are not alone. All problems you tell about I can confirm. I had a ticket about reminders not firing up although synced and support told me about, that they were working on an urgent quick fix. Still checking if 10.18 solved this... You are right, upon starting the app is not actual since there is NO background sync service anymore. I started a feature request on this. Please vote for it. Thanks.
  21. Unfortunately tags offer no offline options so I understand the usage of notebooks to get sorted out, what is downloaded. Workaround: Could you just open the notebook (from notebook section) you want to get offline and mark this to be available offline via the three dot menu? It is a lot of work to do this for each but maybe working in the end.
  22. I have to always exactly wait for 7 days, no kidding. With every release...
  23. Just checked it with brand new 10.18 on Android which I could get from apkmirror website. Thanks a lot to "HoldTheDoor" for always instant uploads on this site. Sorting now works as it should. In case you do not want to wait 1-2 weeks until Evernote dares to stage it to the last user: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-10-18-release/
  24. I had this too once. Please try to simply restart the device after installation. If this does not help. Deinstall, restart, install, restart, sign-in...
  25. I've used it a lot because of Evernote...sadly. No problems with apkmirror. Since the apps are signed and this is checked by the os they are not tempered.
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