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Everything posted by kkarney

  1. Dare we ask how you went about doing that? The support situation is beyond horrible, and something needs to be done about it. If there's another avenue available (other than relying on fellow posters here or creating tickets that will be ignored for weeks), it'd be great to know about it. Maybe if the product manager gets enough "feedback," someone at BS might realize their support is pure BS.
  2. He's a real sweetheart, isn't he? But watch, he'll turn it around to show that WE'RE the ones who are "toxic."
  3. OP is not a new user. They are a user who was dependent on Legacy and is now having a rough time of it, in spite of those who insist everything is fine. I am commiserating, something you seem incapable of doing...
  4. I am merely describing the Emperor's new clothes as they really are. And they are pretty disgusting, you're right.
  5. Welcome to the Evernote forums! Unfortunately, Legacy is never coming back. In spite of the fact that so many of us hate v10. Some folks will tell you we're a tiny minority. We're not. But it makes no difference. You just have to get used to the app being much slower and more buggy. And as for those features that were dropped for v10, forget about it. Right now, I'm just waiting to see if support will step up to the plate and start actually supporting. If they don't, they're just gonna continue to lose customers (I'm certainly dissuading any potential new users I come across).
  6. Definitely not behaving that way for me. Re-ran the search, restarted EN, nothing. It eventually fixed itself after 15 minutes or so. Which is 15 minutes later than I needed it to. I'm on MacOS -- not sure if that might be the difference...? I didn't try the web version, as I really want to use the Mac client. But maybe I will next time this happens (i.e. Monday morning), just to see if it behaves differently (I'm guessing it will). Thanks!
  7. At this point I'm just keeping a record for myself, as I guess nobody else has this issue. Will also open a ticket, fwiw. Today I deleted a note, yet it remains in my saved search (it's been over 10 minutes now). Closed and reopened EN to no avail. I had just merged this note with another. The merged note should show up in my saved search, but it doesn't. Only the deleted pre-merge note appears in the saved search (although the preview doesn't show because it was deleted). This is seriously eating up time in my day now.
  8. First Rule of Business IT - never update on a Friday.
  9. It's a lot slower and more buggy now -- does that count? But, many users here will tell you it's lightning quick and rock solid. Must be some alternative universe type deal -- wish I could live in the universe where that is true...
  10. This morning I merged two notes and the same thing happened (or didn't happen , to be accurate). The "original" note showed the merged note, but the merged note remained as its own note. Reload didn't work. This seems to be getting worse, as I'm pretty sure I've never seen this lag with merged notes. Really annoying. Would it be so horrible to let us sync on demand? Especially when we're paying top dollar for this wonderful new version [sarcasm].
  11. I have been relying on tag filtering to do what I've been doing for years now. I keep open tasks/notes (yes I know they are two different things nowadays, but this is how I work) in a notebook called "Tasks Pending" (name of my company redacted to protect the innocent). When a task is completed, I move it to the "Completed tasks" notebook. I then have a saved search that shows me all notes in the "Tasks Pending" notebook with a pair of tags (priority 1 and urgency 1). In the example below, I moved the second note "MSP - On-call..." to "Completed Tasks," but the note remained in my saved search for AT LEAST 5 minutes (it finally disappeared as I was typing this). I tried going to another saved search and back to this one, I tried Reload and Force Reload (the app actually crashed while I was doing this, and a complete restart didn't change anything). In Legacy, it would automatically update within a few seconds, and if that was too slow for me, I'd just do a manual sync. I keep reading about how fast the new UI is. I'm not seeing it, and in this case it is PAINFULLY slower... Would love to know if there's a "workaround" for this problem...
  12. Perhaps loading and syncing are faster than in previous versions of v10, but Legacy was MUCH faster. And you could sync whenever you pleased. But yes, it's a dead horse at this point. I've seen some recent improvements in support, which is the #1 problem right now. Hoping it's the direction of the future.
  13. Worst support ever. However, I entered a ticket last week about a bug and not only did an actual human eventually respond, they also fixed the issue. So maybe they're getting better...?
  14. That doesn't seem to happen to me... (On Mac desktop v10.78.2)
  15. I actually not only got two actual human replies to a support ticket this week, they actually fixed the issue! (Outlook add-in wasn't working.) I'm hoping against hope that this is a sign that they may actually be starting to look at support tickets. The quick reaction time to my latest one would indicate that this "backed up" excuse is a load of hooey. They've just been flat out ignoring us. Until now. Hopefully.
  16. But they built it again from the ground up, and now it's so much better! Haven't you been following the fanboys? Seriously, why they would choose to leave out features from Legacy (which many of us obviously used constantly) in the new version is beyond my ability to comprehend. On MacOS, the note merge feature is better in v10. That's the only positive thing I can say about it.
  17. Real sympathetic there, Pink. Perhaps the OP didn't realize there an unsync maximum. I sure wouldn't have assumed as much.
  18. I'm on the MacOS Outlook client for MS365, so maybe they are two different things...? All i know is it stopped working some time over the weekend, and they fixed it before the week ended. Fairly flabbergasting, given the general response time of support nowadays (i.e. none at all).
  19. They just fixed the Outlook add-in, if that's what you're referring to. I can't believe it, but they did.
  20. Yes, it's been bugging me ever since I switched to v10 a couple months ago. Slowing down the app itself wasn't enough, apparently, so they added this time consuming annoyance. Just another small bump in the path that used to be smooth in Legacy. Unfortunately, those bumps are just getting bigger and more annoying, imho.
  21. I got my first reply from a human in 3 months yesterday. In my reply back, I mentioned your open tickets. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, or if they're actually starting to ramp up some real support... At any rate, things are looking up!
  22. Holy *****! I got a real response from a human! They have passed this issue on to the developers. Now I have to go wrap myself in a blanket, as I'm in shock.
  23. I got a response from support (boilerplate, of course). Note that this is the EXACT SAME boilerplate I got just now for my latest ticket, which was just me asking if there was any chance on god's green earth that they might actually answer a support request this century. They want me to make sure I have good internet connection 🙄, reboot my device, update my browser, clear my cache, update EN (which is of course what got us into this bind to begin with), sign out and sign back in. If that doesn't work, they want activity logs. I'm thinking that since there are at least 10 other users I know of (between this post and Reddit) with the same issue, that maybe it's a bug in the update. Crazy talk, I know. Hopefully one of their developers will stumble on the bug and get it fixed in the next release. Cuz I doubt they're gonna pay any attention to us lowly users.
  24. Yes, it's technically the user's fault. That doesn't make this situation any less heinous. Support not reacting is the issue here, regardless of whether or not there's "more amiss." A little human compassion wouldn't go amiss here. From Bending Spoons, I mean. Just curious -- when you say "reaction time," do you mean the time it took to get a canned response, or did you actually hear from a real human? Because it has been literally 3 months since I have received anything other than a boilerplate telling me to come here and bug you level 5s with my issues. Would think you might be getting a little sick of this by now...
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