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Everything posted by WilliamL

  1. I just got at a response too from Nimbus - pointing me to this thread on Evernote to say the problem is solved. It’s reassuring that they are listening and acting, an unusual response though.
  2. Did you read all the above discussions about nimbus privacy policy? I hope to goodness there is nothing in anyway sensitive or work related you have just handed over to them - if so you probably best let your tech folks at work know you have committed a tech breach. I wouldn’t put my shopping list in their servers with that privacy policy.
  3. Thank you! I’ll have a listen to this just now. Found the one posted a few days back both reassuring and really informative.
  4. I just had a glance through Evernote’s one and it’s really reassuring actually. It makes clear the data is ours, they won’t access it without our consent and it is never resold. I know there was a bad mistake a few years back when they added in employees could read data but they seem to have learned well from this.
  5. I just got one asking why I’m not using it, replied asking about this policy and told him with that in it I wouldn’t store a shopping list there! Be interesting to see what they say, I store a lot in my notes and it’s absolutely not intended for a company to use in any way they deem fit. It’s an absurd clause in my view and casts massive questions over the ethics of that company and its ceo.
  6. Perhaps they can, much like Apple can read my messages, goggle my emails and Microsoft any OneDrive stuff. The issue is nimbus seems to say they own that data, my data and can use it in ways they deem appropriate. That’s not ok, not ever, that’s a no go for me.
  7. I still don’t have 10.1.4! These new roll out updates are....interesting.
  8. Oft that’s not good regarding Nimbus. Some of what is in my Evernote is not for public use, it’s work related, I won’t go near that now. Thanks for highlighting that!
  9. I have it on my iPad - I have em all lol, I really like trying notes apps out. I am not keen on the iPad app to be honest, its layout isnt as good as Evernote 10 in my view and the tags are hidden in the settings. I wasn’t aware there are custom templates though on nimbus, I’ll have a wee look. Honestly though, Evernote’s ease of use for the features I mentioned mean I’m not one of those in a hurry to leave, I’ll give it the 7 months, I just wish iOS sync was a bit more reliable, thats my main concern now.
  10. Hi I read the release notes for 10.1 for windows but when I check my evernote on my PC for an update it says 10.0.10 is the most recent update and I am up to date. Anyone have any idea why Evernote cant find the update?
  11. I listened to the interview and found it really encouraging, I would encourage people to do that over reading the above, because oral habits have been transcribed into written word (um etc) it’s really hard to read. I like the idea of remember and accomplish within the app and I am keen to see how that develops.
  12. I checked my ram usage for EN10 as I was working today, it sat between 98 and 150mb chrome was about 500mb. I have never been able to create these big usages, granted my notes are mainly text and template based.
  13. Honestly, I really like the new windows app, I like the fact that I could start it up and know where everything is. Like another poster above the new formatting options are great for me and knowing how they interact across my devices is a big thing for me. I also trust the windows app way more! It syncs more consistently than ios and I have no fear of loss of data when I am using it (i do watch carefully for this with ios because it is not as consistent). I am not a power user though and get that for others this is frustrating. I have looked at others to see what options are around, partly cause i love notes apps, I love messing with them. I downloaded Nimbus earlier but its iPad app is really nasty, clunky layout, tabs hidden, formatting hidden, no email note or export options, so that was a definite no from me lol. Personally I will persevere and hope specifically for massive improvements in the ios app both in stability and speed. If i can get that and some decent export options - ie send in mail as pdf, I will be a happy camper.
  14. That worked, I was able to hold the link and open in background and could see it and after a few attempts save it. Though it comes up now as my own copy not your shared file, is that expected? I wondered if it was a shared file any changes you make would be pushed to our version too?
  15. I have a premium account, I’m logged into the web app too. When I click it tries to open the Evernote app on the iPad and then gives me an error. Ironic that a note tracking issues can’t open due to a bug.
  16. This isn’t working for me (ironic lol!) says don’t have permission to view or note has been moved.
  17. I’m not sure there is an adequate replacement for me. Key things for me are multi platform sync - at least ios and windows. Universal tags are essential, as is now, custom templates. I tried notion but its so confusing i spent way more time trying to work out how to do something than actually doing it.
  18. Erm, unless i am missing iPad functionality (which I don’t rule out) they are not entirely the same. For instance you can have multiple notes on the desktop, it has merge options etc. I find myself using the desktop for major work and the iPad for minor stuff. I would be happy if my iPad can open multiple notes or if i could merge my journals from ios but I don’t think i can yet.
  19. No, I’m not thinking about switching currently. Evernote’s custom templates, note merge, multi platform access and tags system are exceptional and there is no near level equivalent. I tried notion but it is so complex and tags appear to be specific to an area and not universal, even if there is a way to do that - a slight example of the complexity of basic tasks there. My Evernote subscription runs for 7 more months, I’ll see where things are at nearer that point. The launch of the new apps sure hasn’t been smooth and the silence of Ian and the team is a concern, I do hope they can turn this around though as it is a generally excellent product.
  20. I created a post about the very same issue today, except in my case it was content that was lost but in the exact same way as with your formatting. The solution to me is simple - that tick button doesn’t seem to do....anything! It should be when we press tick we are saying we are done and the note should sync immediately at that point, autosave is nice and all and good to have but the final sync should be with us pressing the tick button. That’s clearly not happening as things are being lost. I hope they fix this really quickly as this needs sorted before android rolls out. it’s odd because the windows app is so much more stable with sync, it clearly tells you in the bottom right that sync has happened and all content has been saved, iOS, tells you nothing and doesn’t do it properly in the end.
  21. Hi the autosave function is, sadly, abysmal on iOS. I’m finding it increasingly frustrating how inconsistent it is and it is resulting in data loss which isn’t acceptable. Good example - I have a weekly journal that I put events notes and ideas into. So I open this on my phone in the car and add a note, click the tick and leave the app. I open the same note once home to add something else on my iPad, the info I entered in the car isn’t there. I open it on my phone to try and get it to sync, nothing, I refresh both notes and then it removes the content from the phone. This isn’t ok, we need a sync option because autosave is not up standard and isn’t reliable currently.
  22. Hey just go to Evernote.com and sign in. Because iPads now use full web pages instead of mobile pages you should have the full web app available, I’m not too sure how great an experience it is but I have been able to navigate it without too many issues.
  23. If the iPad app is playing up, remember we can use the web app on iPads now so that might be a very temporary solution? I know that folks are saying speed is improving with updates so hopefully this will be fixed quite soon.
  24. This isn’t resolved yet, it seems to be an issue when Evernote is in the background for a while and then is brought to foreground when we add data. At that moment it seems fine but it isn’t, it isn’t syncing for some reason. A few solutions, close the app completely before using again, or, once you have added content, go to settings and sync, if it can’t sync you know it’s frozen up again, you should be able to get back and copy your data to save it. I get that is frustrating but I have found this works. Hopefully they will resolve this soon.
  25. I have had this occur too, seems sometimes when the app is brought from background to foreground it no longer syncs. For me it seems to happen when the app has been in background for a long time - ie overnight but seems to hold up ok during the day.
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